A poignantly erotic tale set in the early 1600's finds a lonely prince who awaits his days in the castle when he is able to have the girl of his dreams. He does whatever you do in that area to pass the time, but finds things all amiss. One attractive head stands above all the rest of the Burgess sisters when Antoinette, a tall, smitten and admittedly sexy girl, almost in the classic Cinderella pose comes along to assuage and take down the Prince, first with very subtle sexual moves, and then the raunchiest sex medieval times ever did see. After three times of doing sex with Antoinette in the tall grass, Prince Thomas was spied on by a jester of the royal court and tattled on. To the Prince's surprise, the King allowed the elder Burgess sister in. From there, the two continue their raunchy sex escapades and have a little boy and just keep on milking on it as their family grows.