"We're quits, then." said Samlor, his voice a tiger's growl like the muted thunderclap in the background. "You helped me to what I was looking for too… and as for getting out alive, I don't know that either of us had a great deal to do with that."

"I-" Khamwas began.

"Besides," Samlor continued deliberately. "I don't count myself safe until we're back in Cirdon. Which is where I'm headed now with Star."

"When you have delivered your niece to a place of safety," said Khamwas, "I wish to hire you as my

companion for the journey I have next to make. You are experienced as a traveller and-" he met and held Samlor's eyes. Blue lightning fingered across them in token of the coming thunder. "And there may be danger, physical dangers, of the sort you proved tonight that you are experienced with also. I will pay you well."

"Give one loaf to your laborer" said Tjainufi with a sardonic smile. "Receive two from the work of his hands."

"I don't claim to be a charity, Master Samlor." Khamwas retorted sharply, as if the caravan master and not the manikin had spoken. "I need a man like you; and, having seen you in operation, I cannot imagine that anyone else would be more than a pale echo."

There was a deafening crash, and for a moment light sizzled and cracked from all the bolt-heads projecting downward from the roof trusses. Animals stabled in the adjacent courtyard blatted or whinnied.

"Do you think flattery will help you?" Samlor demanded. But of course it would, and the statement was no more than the truth. That wouldn't have been enough by itself to cause Samlor to change his plans, but-

But the stranger from Napata had proved he was willing to sacrifice himself to permit Samlor and Star to escape. How could Samlor refuse to help a man as honorable as that? As honorable as himself.

"Star'll be back in Cirdon," said Samlor loudly, muting his voice as the child stirred restively on his lap. "Back with my parents. With the servants, at least, who know who they'll answer to if anything harms the child while I'm away. There'll be no magic if you hire me, only a man who knows camels and donkeys."

"And the end of a knife that cuts," murmured Khamwas. "Yes, I understand that. Master Samlor."

He paused for long enough that Samlor hoped he was rethinking, preparing to change his mind. Instead Khamwas said, "I wouldn't permit Star to come with us now. Her powers are-" he shrugged " – I can't even guess how great. I'm only a scholar, and she…"

He shrugged again. "But for all that, she's a child the age of my own daughter-at least if she's still alive, my

daughter Serpot and Pemu her brother. And this will not be work for children."

Samlor gave Star a hug, controlled against his fierce desire to squeeze the child until their two forms merged. She could be safe then because he would always be there to guard her. . Detaching himself carefully, Samlor left Star curled on the couch while he strolled to the barred windows overlooking the interior of the caravansary.

Travellers ioo poor to hire strongrooms huddled on the floor in informal groups about cooking fires. A few sang or played stringed instruments-despite the thunder, or because of it.

"If you're expecting real trouble," said Samlor with his face to the bars, "There's others you could hire. Soldiers, men with proper armor, swords. Nobody hires me to fight. I just run caravans the easiest way I can."

Tjainufi said, "The hissing of the snake is more effective than the braying of the donkey." The thunderclap that began a moment behind him did not drown out his voice.

"Master Samlor," said Khamwas, meeting Samlor with quiet eyes when the caravan master turned from the window. "There may be bandits on our path. Surely there will be cases where the presence of a man of your-strength and demeanor-will prevent trouble that might otherwise arise."

The copper bowls of the lamps rattled against the chains by which they hung, counterpointing the violence of a nearby stroke.

"But the real risks," Khamwas continued as though there had been no interruption, "are of a different nature, and I must face them myself."

He waved a hand. "Yes, of course I could hire wizards as easily as I could hire soldiers. . and perhaps no less reliable ones. But the business is a family one, in this- era-and in past time as well. If it's to be accomplished, I must do so myself.

"I would be…" Khamwas went on. His eyes and voice dropped in sudden diffidence before he said; "I'd just like to have a friend at hand, Samlor. Not so much for what you'd do, but for the sake of a trustworthy presence."

Samlor utterly refused to acknowledge the admission- and offer-the other man had just made. "You say you'll pay," he said in grumbling harshness. "How much then? And for what?"

"A daily sum," Khamwas responded, emotionless again now that his emotions had been spurned, "equal to your hire for managing a forty-camel caravan. Two Rankan goldpieces."

Samlor nodded. It was interesting to learn that Khamwas, though-"scattered" was a far better description than "unworldly" – had at his fingertips a datum of Samlor's own trade.

"We will be travelling the Napata," Khamwas went on, "but not-initially, at least-to the capital. We will investigate a temple and tomb, I hope a tomb, near a village named Qui. It's some distance south of Napata City, on the river but upstream. I estimate that it will take us two months, but you will know better than I."

"Longer," Samlor said. "We'll be leaving from Cirdon, remember." He sat down on the couch. Star burrowed toward him in her sleep. "If we."

"After that," said Khamwas with a nod of agreement, "I will examine the tomb and remove from it the object which I. .»

His voice and expression lost their coolness, and he choked momentarily before he continued. "There's a book in the tomb, if I'm right. I've been searching for it as long as… as long as I have conscious memory."

The storm had almost played itself out with the last shattering discharges, but a series of muted rumbles now gave Khamwas an opportunity to clear his throat and both men to break eye contact. At last Khamwas said, "There may be danger when I remove the book. Certainly for me, perhaps also for you. I can't claim that any pay would adequately compensate you, Master Samlor, if the risk is yours as well. But-"

The Napatan's mouth broadened in a cool, knowing grin. "If I succeed," he continued, "I will become King of Napata. And that is the very least of what the book will make available to me. You will be well compensated, I assure you. You'll have your heart's desire."

Samlor's mouth quirked in a smile which was either wistful or mocking, depending on how the shadows fell across the harsh planes of his face. "Before you offer me that," he said softly, "you'll have to tell me what it is."

The three of them waited unmoving while the storm rumbled its way toward silence. Star was asleep, and Khamwas looked toward the barred window, wise enough to know not to push his companion-patient enough to follow the path of wisdom.

Samlor mused, dark thoughts sometimes rolling volcan-ically brighter with moments of rage and frustration. He had every confidence in himself, absolute certainty that he could get what he wanted.

But he didn't know what that was. His words to Khamwas had not been any sort of joke.

Moving slowly enough that it was not a threat, Samlor drew the coffin-hilted dagger from his belt. He held it point high, an edge toward him and one of the flats of scribbled metal facing the Napatan scholar.

"Master Khamwas," Samlor said, "how do you like this dagger? The pattern in the iron?"

Khamwas shrugged. "Very pretty," he said. Innate good manners saved him, barely, from snapping at the frivolity.

"What d'ye suppose it'd tell me I should do if I looked at it now?"

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