"I'm afraid I'll have to insist," said Snelz.

Heller shrugged. He picked up the dice. He blew on them quite a long time. Then he sang: Don't reimburse the purse, Of the loser we won't nurse.

Fly a winning number And win the universe.

His shake had been extremely hard. The roll was expert with a back spin. "Forty! Try and beat it. Ten credits to three hundred and seventy-five says you won't." Snelz put the dice very carefully in his palm, blew on them, pretended to shake them. He sang: Dicies balm and calm, Don't cramp the champ.

Better up the forty And put money in my camp!

He threw. "Thirty-five!" Heller raked in the money.

Good. Snelz was following the strategy. Any moment now, he would turn the game around and start to win. And that would be the end of Officer Heller's ability to buy favors, and off to Earth we'd go.

There was a knock on the door. A guard tiptoed in and whispered to me: "Doctor Crobe just sent up word that if you didn't see him at once, you'd be real sorry." Well, I should have expected it. I was supposed to take Heller back to him, and what was it now, seven days? and we hadn't gone near him. I didn't want to leave this game. But Snelz would bring it off. How could he lose with those dice? I left.

But the second I started to go down the tube, I also started to get sick at my stomach. A bad feeling of pain with a bit of nausea.

I found Crobe in his foul office. He left off scraping some cells from a severed foot. He raised his head and levelled his scummy eyes down his beak nose.

"You," he said, "are up to something. You have not brought that special agent back here for bugging." I felt very ill. "I've been busy."

"I have a direct order from Lombar Hisst to fix up this special agent. You have not brought him back. You are up to something." I had to sit down. I really was feeling ill. Maybe it was that severed foot. It looked green in the green glowplates. It was putrefying.

"Officer Gris," said Crobe, "do you know of any way to prevent me from reporting this to Lombar Hisst?" My stomach gave a new turn. I could hardly lift my head. But in my field of view, there lay his filthy hand, palm up. It was unmistakable.

Feebly I reached into my tunic and got out my wallet. I only had about thirty-five credits in it. I pulled out a ten.

Crobe took the ten, then reached over and took the rest of the money out of the wallet. "Thirty-five credits." he counted. "Won't do." He threw them aside.

It was a lot of money. For the dungeons of Spiteos. They never had any money down here. But I realized that I would shortly have thousands. "Make it a hundred. I'll pay the rest later." Crobe picked up his gummy scraping knife and pointed it at me. "You're really up to something, Officer Gris. Do you realize the danger to me personally if I don't follow out Lombar Hisst's orders?" I was too sick to think straight. The pains were like dagger stabs!

"Two hundred," said Crobe.

Oh, no! But I was about to be rich. I hurt. I wanted out. I nodded numbly.

Crobe picked up the thirty-five credits and counted them again. "Then you'll owe me a hundred and sixty-five and you'll pay me tomorrow or up to Hisst I go!" I managed to say, "All right," and then I got out of there. When I got into the tube and started going up I suddenly felt completely well! Mysterious. What was this odd illness?

Reasoning that my recovery was probably an anticipation of Snelz's winnings, I got back into the room.

Heller was just finishing a song. He threw the dice expertly. "Sixty-five!" And he scooped up the bet money.

It took me a moment to register the scene. Snelz was sitting there tense. Beads of sweat were standing out on his forehead. The pile of money in front of Heller was huge!

I glared at Snelz. He was carrying this losing streak too far! He had better turn this tide around and quick!

Snelz said, "I bet a thousand!" Heller put the dice in his palm, cupped his hands, blew into them long and hard. He sang: Conserve your nerve, You made the parade, Roll a high number And complete the ambuscade!

He was shaking those dice so hard I couldn't really find any shape in his hands. He knocked his knuckles on the table. "Seventy!" Snelz looked stunned. He stammered, "I decline to make a second bet."

"Wise boy," said Heller.

Snelz picked up the dice for his throw. Who could beat 70? He looked at each die very carefully. He was looking for the spots.

"You don't think I switched dice on you, do you?" said Heller.

"No," said Snelz in a little tiny voice. "These are the same dice." Heller laughed. He said, "I'm so glad. Duels can get so final and as an ex-marine, you're probably a good shot." Snelz looked like somebody in torment. The joke Heller had made was far too near home for him. He probably couldn't win a duel with Heller if he had the odds of a blastcannon. Snelz placed the dice very carefully in his palm. I knew what he was doing. He was taking an awful chance but he was covertly arranging the dice to shoot a 72!All 12s! With a shock, I saw that his money was very low. His money? Mymoney. Snelz sang: Don't bust through the crust, Put a flag on the crag, Please, please, a high number!

And bring home the swag!

He threw. The dice stopped. He looked at them like he was seeing a zitab snake. "Sixteen," he whispered.

Heller raked in the credits. "I shouldn't tell you to stop playing as I'm the winner. But you ought to think about it. I had no intention of trying to clean you out." Snelz was in a total spin. From the looks of him, he couldn't figure what had gone wrong. He was in desperation. "I've got just twelve hundred credits left," he said. "I'm going to bet all of it."

"Oh, no," groaned Heller.

"Oh, yes!" cried Snelz. And he pushed out the last of my money, the last of five thousand credits!

He put the dice in his palm with great care. He blew on them prayerfully. He began to shake them lightly. He sang: Don't bruise with bad news, I'll cry if I die, Give me a HIGH number, A total in the SKY!

He tossed them ever so gently, hoping not to disturb the lead pellets in them. They came to a stop. He didn't even call the number. It was 8!Almost anything could beat it.

Heller said, "No second bet possible, as you're out of money. So I'll just roll." He hardly bothered to shake them. He didn't even sing. He just tossed them on the table. "I'm awfully sorry," he said. "Forty-nine." He picked up the money, cleaning the board. "I really shouldn't take your money. I could be accused of laundering a beginner." I anxiously awaited Snelz's "I'll take it back." But he didn't. Factually, by the codes, he couldn't. Heller was just being very polite. "I started the game," said Snelz, trying not to look at me.

"There's an awful lot of money here," said Heller, mounding it up. And indeed there was: you could have bought every officer in Spiteos with it and a hunting preserve as well! He didn't count it. He wadded up all five thousand and held it out to Snelz. "You better take it back." I silently screamed, take it, take it, you idiot!

Snelz was collapsed into himself. Then he put the expected bright face on it. "Fast gotten, fast gone," he said. He collected the dice. He picked up his cap. He said the polite thing, "Thank you for a nice game, Officer Heller." He got out of there.

Heller shrugged. He dropped the money into his kit bag. There was too much of it and he had to stuff it in. He yawned and picked up some of the papers from the console. Perfectly relaxed, he began to read.

Maybe it was the yawn. It meant so little to him. And the horror of this evening's misadventure hit me.

I was in debt almost a year's pay. No! With Crobe's hundred and sixty-five it topped a year's pay. You can't draw more than a year's pay in advance. I was not only broke. I was in debt! I couldn't even buy a chank-pop!

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