Walking down the stony path toward the thatched farm buildings, Rani nodded sadly. That was the one murder that had touched her own heart.

“Smith and Jones, those men, we can’t get at them?” She wanted them badly. The way she saw it. they were the ones who had killed her family.

“No way of knowing their whereabouts. They might be acting as fixers right now, and we wouldn’t, couldn’t, know where. Not much we can do about them, curse it. I’ve got my investigators checking them out, but its unlikely we’ll get anything soon. When we do, Rani, you’ll be the first to know. I promise you that.” Geraint knew what it meant to her.

The people behind it all. That company, Transys?” She wasn’t sure, even now, if she remembered the name right.

“Oh yes. We know that they hired Serrin for something pointless, we know they were behind hiring you, we know they hired Francesca. Whether those things are connected, we don’t know. And the problem is that we can’t find out in time. Their computer system won’t let us back in.”

He didn’t bother trying to explain all the details of the midnight run he and Francesca bad attempted late last night; the alerts were constant, the IC impossible to deal with, and the corp had installed an algorithmic node rerouting system that they’d utterly failed to decrypt. They’d gotten out of the system very, very quickly. No more fun and games for a bard and a priestess in Edinburgh now.

“We also think that, for some reason, they’re using brainchipping technology to re-create the Ripper. We’ve got no proof, though. We only know they were once associated with another corp that tried something similar a few years back. We found a file on the subject, but we couldn’t get at the information in it.

“We don’t have much that’s concrete, but it’s still plenty to go on, especially after Francesca was attacked by that Ripper construct in the Matrix. Transys has to be playing around with this. There isn’t any clear link between the Ripper and what Transys has been doing with us, though,” he concluded. That was the sore point for Geraint. He ached to find some connection, some link that would tie it all together, but for the moment nothing presented itself.

“It surprised me that the American knew something about the Squeeze,” Rani said as they reached the bottom of the hill. Geraint knew that disparaging references to “The American” had to mean Francesca; it was as plain as the points of Serrin’s ears that Rani resented the other woman’s beauty and condescending attitude.

“Yes, me too,” Geraini agreed. “But she did some work for British Industrial a while back; you know, the people in Angel Towers?” The corporate arcology adjoining the notorious, strife-torn South London districts known as the Squeeze was an all-too-familiar London landmark. Peter the Panda, the ghastly, fifty-foot-tall purple neon corporate logo, shone far and wide.

“Seems she has a contact in British Industrial she can use. He knows folks in the Squeeze. British Industrial gets their labor there.”

“Don’t I know it.” Rani thought of the busloads of hopeless, underpaid slave laborers, desperate to earn even a subsistence, that the corporation brought in every day. She’d seen their desperate faces behind armored plexiglass. The hell of the Squeeze, its mutated and wretched people, caged in the armored buses, selling themselves for peanuts. She could relate to that.

“You want to see Transys Neuronet?” He was suddenly emboldened. They’re not far away, or at least their weirdest place isn’t. The land belongs to the Earl of Cardiff, but I can easily get permission for a quick sightseeing tour. While Francesca and Serrin deal with the computer downloads, we’ll take a copter and show you something really off the wall. Can’t risk flying directly over their heads, but we’ll get close enough for a good look. What do you say?”

* * *

As they sat down to high tea Geraint continued talking about this and that, but Rani wasn’t really listening. Her head was full of the amazements of Caerleon. Nothing he could have said had prepared her for the sights of the place.

Caerleon, once a Roman town, was more than two thousand years old. The muddy, glistening banks of the River Usk bisected the old from the new town, and from the copter she could see the incredible amphitheater and Roman bullring, with its concentric stone circles ringing the field of battle. Clustered around it were a complex of shiny, flat-roofed buildings, the Transys corporate complex, wrapped up delicately within a web of triple security fences and a whole army of private security.

It was the Knights of Rage that had really amazed her. Resplendent in their black, brown, green, and gold apparel, the dreadlocked blacks stood in knots around the perimeter of the fencing. They raised their crooked staves as one to greet their copter, and the almost simultaneous gesture affected her somehow, bringing tears to her eyes. She had no idea what kept them here, no idea of what this bizarre juxtaposition of high technology and primal instinct meant, at least no conscious idea. Something simpler than that had tugged at her emotions.

Geraint had given her a little time, sensitive to her emotions, before adding, “The dragon… we won’t see him, of course. Virtually no one ever has.”

“A dragon?” Her voice was approaching a squeal. She knew of them only as mythic beasts. She had heard that they existed after the Awakening, hut she had never seen one, and she’d never heard anyone else claim to have had.

Celedyr. One of the three Welsh great dragons. This is the land of the dragon, Rani. It’s our national symbol. it’s on our flag. Celedyr is here, somewhere below the surface of the earth. You know, some people say they can see the ground itself form into waves when it moves.”

“So there’s a dragon, and this corporation, and these Knights of Rage from the Squeeze, altogether? What brings them together?”

“Ah, Rani, if I knew that I’d be a wise man, indeed. The Earl just collects the hefty rent and doesn’t ask awkward questions. That’s all I can tell you.” With that they’d turned around in a gentle arc and flown back to the keep. On the trip back, Rani contemplated all that she had seen and heard, her mind almost approaching information overload.

* * *

Almost as soon as they returned to the castle, Geraint called the group together for a final briefing. “Let’s go over what we’ve got,” he said. “On the Ripper front, we believe there’s going to be a fifth and final murder on Saturday night or Sunday morning, probably in the early hours. It is a horrific assumption, but it follows the logic of all the previous murders.”

“The information we’ve been getting on Mary Kelly is down to fifteen remaining possibles. Between now and the weekend, more data will keep coming in, and we’ll reduce that number further. In the end, we’ll have to contact the likeliest possible candidate and have my security people cover the others. I’ve fed data on the fifteen into the upgraded program Francesca’s written, using all the leads on the original Ripper we could get, from every A to Z in the libraries. We have to keep plugging away on that.”

“And we all agree to put our own personal beefs with Transys on the back burner for the moment.” Serrin put in.

The nobleman nodded, looking around at each one in turn. “That is for one very simple reason. We’ll have time to pursue revenge or justice with Transys later, but we have good reason to think the final Ripper murder may be only thirty-six hours away. That’s the priority for now. Let’s not get distracted.”

Geraint turned at a signal from the console. “Rani, the copter’s here. You have enough money?”

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