After the expulsion of Lucifer " into the background to its originator – Brama, in the Silence of Silence (the deprivation of the right to vote), Jehovah came under the control Brama he can't go out of your way. Brama is the one, who appeared from the navel of Vishnu! The enemy in ambush is in the Fiery World (Brama schemes against the Father), sits next to Vishnu, the Father of the Universe. In this case, the relevant words of Taras Bulba, said to the son of the traitor: "I gave birth to you, I you and killer».
From Brama in India built the temple in which the priest is preaching the Truth
mounted a three-meter stone penis. The bas-relief of the temple (several tiers) inside and outside offers sculptures bestiality (horse, pig) and various forms of sexual perversion. This temple is a disgrace to India. This method of decomposition of humanity has chosen the Bramah to seize power in the Universe. Demons (demigod Brama and devil Jehovah) rush to the autocracy on the Planet, using the method of sexual degradation. The preponderance of darkness are fans of lust, the underworld and spiritually ignorant.
*Film: Brama wife and son are Jehovah's replaced the cat with a dog. George Morgan (Jehovah) is lying on the bed, pulled the penis from his penis and moves his hand on and near the cat is carefully watching. Then a paw started to touch the penis. The back of the cat near the bed is a dog waiting his turn. Jehovah is preparing a new kind of perversions for men – bestiality (one of the options of recruitment on Saturn). Citizens, remove Pets from their apartments and houses animal.
Everything that makes Brama with the devil, used by Jehovah upon the people.
The main for Brama that is in the heart of the devil and people are not born affection for the man (love); only anger and cruelty.
*Movie: Is sad Jehovah on the bed in his bedroom, hand under head planted in the upper black clothes... "Almighty” Satania is alone, and not around the cat with the dog, all left it... Force not is pretty!
*Film: Crying George Morgan (Jehovah), the tear flows from the left eye... the tears of those mothers, whose children he did to perverts, drug addicts, schizophrenics. The tears of those grandparents whose grandchildren he has ranked in the dregs of men, the tears of wives whose husbands he killed and dismembered, tears of husbands, whose wives he had stolen, the tears of those whom he had determined to Solovki and other Gulags, .. I Bow down before the Cosmic Law of Retribution – Karma! And mentor the devil, Bramah will be his for lies and humiliation of people. It is a pity that in Space there is no Gulag, "the Solovki", where they place merit.
The wife of the devil his departure marked the beginning of the collapse of the Evil Empire. Let her be the example for the Jews, sectarians, perverts, criminals and Christians. The devil wants to go to Saturn to the Apocalypse, to avoid volcanic eruptions and not to be burned alive.
*Film: Billionaire George Morgan (the devil Jehovah) did not drop a tear and snot smeared under his nose; he quickly consoled. Found a replacement to his son, sheltered homeless children: washed, dressed, combed, fed and put to bed for sexual pleasures. Previously created the impression of tender love for the son, it turned out that he's just a PEDERAST. He is an orphan kisses, embraces and applies the same methods of violence. Jehovah is controlled Bramah bugger. Violence against the Rabbis Jehovah commits; the Rabbis also adopt orphans and rape under the influence of the devil hypnosis. Adoption by gays of children is one of the types of replenishment troops the devil.
*Film: Is billionaire George Morgan (the devil Jehovah) on the bed in the upper black clothes and masturbation. Jehovah "quietly to himself carrying on a conversation"; at his is callosities on hand s.
*Film: Pervert billionaire George Morgan (Jehovah) is currently alternates between servicing their sexual needs boy with passion, the blonde serves as his cover. The blonde lies on the bed in street clothes on the right side, and George Morgan (Jehovah) is also in street clothes lying across her body, with his back to her. Blonde left hand tormented his penis.
*Movie: the Devil (the billionaire George Morgan) had replaced the blonde courageous brunette. At the blonde's hands fell ill. Now he has a new "family": an orphan boy (the passive homosexual and blowjob) and the masseuse-blowjob. Here's a "father" of the underworld, perverts, Jews and sectarians.
*Movie: brunette lies in bed, and before her stands a naked George Morgan (the devil Jehovah), he gave her to mentally command your mouth wide open. The devil peed in her throat; the reign of homosexual marked the humiliation of women.
* Film: Is naked George Morgan (the devil Jehovah), and before him stands a boy and makes him a blowjob.
Movie: George Morgan (Jehovah) alone; sitting on a chair in the upper black clothes, spreading wide-leg, between the legs sits a cat; Jehovah pulled the penis and moves on hand, but the cat does not respond. The Owner of the Land having fun; in his mind there have been violations - Brama "was brought to the handle". Patron of Jehovah Brama is masochist, mocking Jehovah. ("And this The Jackal claims on the Post Father The universe...?" - this thought belongs to the astral from Jehovah). The Supreme Deity the Absolute, Rid men and gods of our Solar System from the influence of this MONSTER.
Film: lying George Morgan (Jehovah), lying next to another beautiful brunette (brunette previous left). In headboard bugger next a boy of five, oversees the process. The devil invites women with boys. He the woman will be euthanized, and the child uses for other purposes; children are easily susceptible to hypnosis. (Unsuccessfully made bugger nose job; both nostrils severe scarring).
Film: gone pretty brunette with a boy, left George Morgan (the devil) is one. Lying on the couch and "quietly to himself, carrying on a conversation", as long as hands are not tired; Jehovah rejected with disgust by all…
*Film: Already all of New-York knows the inclinations of George Morgan. It service women (doing Masturbation and blowjob), boys (doing blowjob) and dogs (...).
Each day change women and boys is one of the options of recruitment on Saturn. Even if once crossed the threshold of "perverted lust", the victim enlisted in the army of the devil. Only WORSHIP of God can outrun Karma. Karma is a group of gods. A program is for the creation of everything (planets, stars, Universes, Galaxies) that is in the Infinity, and for the execution of Karma (as in computer). Taken from space movie of a man lay in the space program and gives the result: Reward or Retribution. The next is incarnation of the gods of the injected fluids into the consciousness of the merits of the previous life. Hence is the result: the looks, the talent the parents.
*On this page are part of the movies I've seen; some of them are not worth talking about. All kinds of perversions which are depicted in the temple of Brama in India, Jehovah is with animals and loved ones; then apply the widescreen. Travel Agency T. A. encourages tourists to visit this temple, thus works on darkness (those who do service to the devil, will leave with him) In U.S. is the gay clubs, in which people are obsessed with hypnosis, flow into low-lying state flow into low-lying state like spiders in a jar, a few dozen people in the Nude, they lost human form. Jehovah has planted on our Planet the virus of perversion. On Saturn will be global club of gays. I repeat: "to Protect against this scourge can only Great Maitreya. Worship is your choice"! Parents, protect your children, depends on you health and spiritual growth of consciousness (conscience) of your child.