The two brother nodded and smiled at the Jedi. A transfer register was a method of recording transactions in the galaxy. An electro-optical device recorded the prints of the buyers and sellers.

"Paxxi's device can duplicate any print in a security or registration system," Guerra told them.

Obi-Wan understood at once. Paxxi's anti-register device could be valuable beyond measure. It would allow the user to seize property and goods and break into any print-reliant security system throughout the galaxy.

"That device is very dangerous," Qui-Gon said quietly.

"Dangerous?" Guerra asked. "Not so, Jedi-Gon! It will help us!"

"But if the Syndicat knew you had it? if anyone knew, it would put you in great danger."

Paxxi waved a hand. "we are not afraid. Not so! I lie, of course we are. But that makes us careful. We can steal the treasury, leave the planet if we have to, even sell the device on the black market?"

"Can you imagine how much it's worth?" Guerra chortled. "Twelve fortunes!"

Qui-Gon looked stern.

"Not that this is important," Guerra hurriedly said. "First, we break the Syndicat, yes?"

"Which brings us back to our problem, my brother," Paxxi said. "Our stolen goods were here. Now they're not. So," he said to Qui-Gon, "we can't break in."

"Yet," Guerra added. "But so, we will."

"As soon as we find the device," Paxxi added helpfully.

"We had better return," Guerra said. "Lockdown will be soon. Duenna will be waiting."

With an exasperated sigh, Qui-Gon followed them from the room. They located the device that moved the wall, and it slid smoothly back into place. Then they took the floaters back to the pen behind the staircase. Quickly, they headed up to the main level.

"You're late," Duenna whispered worriedly when they appeared. Her bright orange eyes swept the corridor behind her. Then her tense face softened when she looked at Paxxi and Guerra. "But I am glad to see you. They ordered a random routine sweep of the lower floors. I could not warn you."

"We took care of the guards," Paxxi assured her. "But downstairs is empty now. No goods are stored."

"So sorry to tell you now," Duenna said, walking quickly down the corridor with them. "I just found out after I left you. The supplies were moved to the warehouse by the spaceport. Most of them will be loaded onto Prince Beju's transport to be taken back to Gala." She paused near the door. Now you must go. Quickly! Terra and Baftu have returned. Lockdown is in only a few minutes."

"Duenna!" The voice was sharp, commanding. Footsteps clicked in the corridor off to the right. "Duenna!"

Duenna's face went pale. "It is Terra!" she whispered.

Chapter 10

The corridor was wide and empty. There was nowhere to hide. Duenna put a finger to her lips. Then she scurried around the corner into the adjacent corridor.

Qui-Gon commanded them all with his sharp blue gaze to be still. He pondered their situation. Terra was only meters away. Obi-Wan's hand drifted to the hilt of his lightsaber, prepared for anything.

"No need to run me down, old woman." Terra's voice cracked like a whip. "Where have you been?"

"In the kitchens," Duenna said. Her voice was a murmur.

"In the kitchens. Eating again? Or avoiding me?" Look at me."

There was a pause. Guerra and Paxxi suddenly reached out and gripped each other's shoulders.

Terra's voice slowed to a purr. "What are you hiding from me, Duenna? Have you seen Paxxi and Guerra?"

Paxxi and Guerra squeezed each other hard.

"Not so. I have not," Duenna replied. Her voice was steady.

"Yet you are not surprised to hear they are on Phindar," Terra said.

"I am surprised," Duenna said. "I choose not to show it."

"Insolent!" Terra's voice now shimmered with anger. "Perhaps I should warn you, old woman. If you see Paxxi or Guerra, if you even talk to those traitors, I will personally see to it that you are renewed!"

Paxxi and Guerra looked at each other with stricken expressions.

"But not before you see the brothers die before your eyes," Terra hissed.

"No!" Duenna cried. "I beg you?"

"Beg if you wish," Terra said. "Obviously, there isn't a level you won't sink to. You do my bidding, clean my clothes, pick up my trash, why should you not beg me?"

"I would beg, if you would only hear me," Duenna said in a shaky voice. "If only you would hear what you were, what you could be again?"

"Enough! Hear me, Duenna. Any contact with them, they die. And your memory is gone forever, old woman. But don't worry? I will choose the most terrible planet I can to drop you on! Now come with me. I need my bath drawn."

Terra's forceful footsteps headed off. They heard Duenna's softer tread behind hers.

"Come," Guerra whispered. "We must go."

They slipped into the silver armor coats and mirrored visors. It was easy to mingle with the rest of the Syndicat guards as they left the building.

As soon as they reached the dark street, Guerra led them down a narrow alley. There, they removed the coats and visors. Guerra put them in a satchel her carried.

"Why does Terra suspect that Duenna will contact you?" Obi-Wan asked the Derida brothers. "Does she know that Duenna is a rebel sympathizer? Isn't it dangerous to use her?"

"No so," Guerra said softly. "Terra knows nothing for sure. She is afraid Duenna will contact us because she knows Duenna is our mother."

Obi-Wan shot a surprised look at Qui-Gon. "But why is she working for the Syndicat?"

Qui-Gon wanted to hear what the Phindian brothers had to say.

Guerra and Paxxi exchanged a rueful look. Paxxi nodded at Guerra. "The Jedi should know," he said.

"Yes, so," Guerra said sadly. "Duenna works for Terra because Terra is her daughter.'

"So Terra is?"

"Our sister," Paxxi said.

"She is not the sister we had," Guerra explained. "Not the one we knew. She was renewed when she was only eleven years old. The Syndicat raised her. She had no memory of the girl she used to be. She grew up here, in this place, with cruelty and power."

"With no love," Paxxi said gently.

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