“Are we going into Elfiand?” Hanae eyes went wide with wonder.

Tir Tairngire encompassed the old U.S. state of Oregon and a bit more. The territory had been awarded to a powerful coalition of the Awakened in return for the help they had given the Native American Nations in their struggle to regain the land. It was not long before Tir Tairngire split off from the Sovereign Tribal Council that ruled NAN, declaring their independence. No one knew much about what went on within Tir Tairngire, for the Elves who conducted its business guarded its privacy. The only fact they broadcast was that much of the land had been returned to its natural state. Tir’s official policy encouraged all other nations to do the same, offering Elven magic to aid such efforts.

“Straight across the Tir is the shortest route to San Francisco.”

Sam cleared his throat. “It’s obvious you plan a surreptitious passage. I’ve always heard that the border is closed and well-patrolled.”

“Yuh, the suit’s right. They got Dragons and Griffins and stuff. And them fragging paladins. Nobody said we were gonna have to mix it with them paladins.” Sloan’s voice was angry, but Sam detected fear. The runner softened his tone. “I heard that if they catch you trying to run the border, they steal your mind.”

“You got no worries, Sloan. The paladins won’t be able to find yours,” Black Dog cracked as he returned.

“Sloan’s got a point,” Sam insisted, forestalling the runner’s return slur. “The Tir Tairngire border patrol is famous for its efficiency. Just about every week, there’s a story about someone getting dumped on the highway after trying to get In.”

“That’s why we have to do it quietly, off the roads, and away from the regular patrols,” Roe said. “I’m going to send Tessien ahead to do recon. When it comes back with the all-clear, we’ll move out and the Dragon will fly air cover. There should be no problems.”

“I’m sure you will get us through, Katherine,” Hanae announced.

The runners did not seem so easily convinced. Sam didn’t think the plan any too practical, either, but further discussion was cut off by the arrival of the feathered serpent.

The rush of air from the dracoform’s wings kicked the dried leaves up into the air. Chin Lee cursed as the camp stove’s flame blew out. Once on the ground, the beast lowered itself onto its hind limbs and furled its wings before coiling tightly in on itself.

While Roe strolled over to the creature and began a quiet conversation, the other runners found a sudden interest in Chin Lee’s efforts. Sam noticed that the stove happened to be about as far away from the Dragon as one could get without leaving the clearing. He and Hanae quickly joined the latter group.

A few minutes later, the feathered serpent stretched out its body and, with a leap and a beating of wings, took to the air and sped out of sight over the treetops. Roe stopped at her Caravaner to check on the passenger before joining the others.

Meanwhile Chin Lee’s stew was ready. The Ork had scrounged up some wild herbs that gave even the soyburger and reconstituted tubers some taste. After eating, they all settled down. Hanae nestled quietly within the span of Sam’s arm. Even Black Dog and Sloan were relaxed, talking about some old shadowrun rather than harassing one another. Chin Lee set a pot of water on the stove and started a card game with Kurt. In the saffron glow of the lanterns, all seemed peaceful.

Above them, the cloud cover grew steadily as the moon slipped lower. The surrounding forest hummed with the soft sounds of wildlife going on with its own business, barely disturbed by their presence. Once, Sam thought he heard a wolf howl. He couldn’t be sure, though, never having actually heard a wolf before.

Whatever it was, Hanae heard it too.

“I don’t like it out here,” she complained.

“Why don’t you try to get some sleep?” He knew how she felt. All the open space, the lack of walls, the rawness of the air. The forest just didn’t have the comforting, protective safety of the arcology.

“That’s a good idea,” Roe seconded. “it looks like Tessien won’t be back for a while yet. Once we get moving again, none of us will get any sleep.”

“I don’t want to sleep out here,” Hanae said. “It’s too open. Too strange.”

“You can sack in the van,” Kurt said, indicating the Caravaner with his head. “There’re pads and blankets in the back.”

The peace of the forest was making them all solicitous.

Some time after he and Hanae had settled down in the van, Sam came awake. A check of his watch showed that a little over an hour had passed. Hanae slept peacefully. Careful not to disturb her, he eased his way out of the Caravaner. The night was quiet except for the sounds of the camp. in the stillness, he could hear the soft talk of the runners. Sloan and Black Dog were exchanging insults again.

Movement near the other vehicle caught his attention. The tall, feminine shape he saw could only have been Roe. She slipped a rucksack onto her back, then pulled a shotgun out of a locker and slung it over her left shoulder. Without a word to the others, she walked around the Caravaner into the darkness.

Curious, Sam followed.

He spotted her again, crouched by the edge of the trees, and walked up to her side. She surprised him by grabbing his arm and pulling him down. Saying nothing, she held a finger to his lips.

Sam’s scalp prickled. He didn’t know much about the natural world, but earlier there had been so many sounds. The wind in the leaves. The buzzing and clicking that he was sure were insect noises. The soft scratchings in the undergrowth. That had all stopped now, yet he could see the leaves of the trees still moving against the clouds. They should be rustling and bringing the moist smell of the forest with them. But there was nothing.

Something was very wrong.

“Roe,” he whispered. “What is it?”

“I don’t know.”

He scanned along the treeline. Dark boles shone slightly in the light of the lanterns and the camp stove’s flame. Leaves that he knew were green glittered with an evil blackness.

A glint of light caught his attention. He squinted in that direction. After a moment, he thought he made out a figure standing several meters into the trees. It was tall and thin… like an Elf.

He tapped Roe’s shoulder and pointed. She looked in the direction be indicated and cursed softly. She began to search through her pockets.

The breeze rose suddenly, kicking up dead leaves as the Dragon had done. The soft brown detritus rustled as it skittered away.

Then that small sound was swallowed by the heavy thwopping racket of rotor blades. Sam looked up as a dark shape swept over the trees. A second and third rushed in its wake. They were followed by still more.

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