“That doesn’t make any sense. We didn’t take anything but personal property.” Sam shook his head perplexedly. “Maybe the other guy took something.”

“Other guy?” Castillano queried.

“Sir Corp, you made no mention of another.”

“Well, there was another employee being extracted at the same time,” Sam said.

“Shadows say only you and the woman.”

“Well, there was another guy, and he must have taken something. The Elves said there was high-tech stuff in the van he was in. He’s dead now, too.”

“Elves?” Castillano’s tone clearly indicated that he expected an elaboration.

Sam explained what he had seen and heard of the border patrol. Castillano’s face remained impassive, but Dodger looked thoughtful.

“ ’Twould seem that the Dragon’s words to the Tir Tairngire authorities were taken to heart.”

“A Dragon?” Sam asked, suddenly suspicious. “What kind of Dragon?”

Dodger shrugged. “Whatever the form, they are all trouble. Do you know, Castillano?”

“Feathered serpent. Young.”

“Tessien.” Sam felt sure of it.

“You have knowledge of this beast?”

“I’m afraid so, if it’s the same one.” How many could there be? “It was supposed to be Roe’s partner.”

Dodger sat back at the mention of her name and even Castillano blinked. Sam didn’t know what to make of their reactions, but he was sure he wasn’t going to like the explanation.


“Yes. The woman who arranged the extraction. Do you knew her?”

Dodger and Castitlano exchanged glances. The fixer nodded slightly, but it was Dodger who spoke. “There is someone with a bit of reputation in the shadows. Was your Ms. Roe an Elf with platinum hair and an expensive wardrobe?”

“She would fit that description,” Sam confirmed.

“Roe, of course, is not her real name,” Dodger said. Looking worried, he leaned back in his chair. “This shadow person of whom I spoke-there are rumors that she has partnered with a Dragon in some of her most recent escapades. That dracoform is whispered to be known as Tessien. I think, Sir Corp that there cannot be two Elves partnered with dracoforms named Tessien. Very likely, you lady Elf is the notorious runner better known as Hart.”

“Don’t want any trouble with Hart. Suit, you got to go.”

“We need not be hasty, Lord C. ’Twould seem that the border guards believe your guest to be dead. Hart and her employer will have the same information. No one will come looking.”

Castillano shook his head. “Unnecessary risk.”

“Verily, you worry too much, Lord C. Your enterprise will remain undisturbed.”

“What are you doing here?” Sam asked innocently.

“Need to learn manners, Suit.”

“Sorry. I thought you were a fixer. Isn’t that a city thing?”


Dodger spoke up, his light tone an apology for the fixer’s gruff reticence. “Lord C. is engaged in a noble and charitable service, Sir Corp. He arranges for those who have an abundance of small, valuable items to dispose of their excess to those who have a dearth of such, but have difficulties dealing with certain arbitrary political boundaries.”

“You talk too much, Elf.”

“Come, come, Gracious Host. I believe that our friend here is stalwart and trustworthy. He shan’t reveal any of your secrets, for it would be most disloyal to betray his host’s trust and Sir Corp places a very high value on loyalty.”

“Too many mouths; too much talk.” Castillano rubbed at the palm of his left hand. “Don’t want extra trouble.”

“I don’t want to give it to you,” Sam assured him. “I won’t say anything. But I need your help. I need to get back to the metroplex.”

“Got a plan?”

“I guess I’ll go back to Renraku. This whole thing is so crazy. I don’t see any other way to straighten it out.”

“Got a lot to learn.”

“I’ve got to do something. From what you’ve said, someone, either Roe, I mean Hart, or whoever is behind her, deliberately set me up to be killed. That same someone let me drag an innocent woman into their plot. It’s my fault that Hanae was killed, and I’ve got to do something to set that right. They’re murderers and I’m going to see that they pay for it.”

“Very noble.”

“Scoff not at this man, Lord C. He has been wronged and his heart cries out for revenge. Surely you understand revenge?”

“I understand business” Castillano rubbed his palms together. “This is bad for it.”

“I’ll pay you,” Sam offered desperately.

“What?” Castillano asked tonelessly. “Got no credit, no money, no gold. Only a pile of old pictures and a few chips.”

“You can have the chips. The persona programs are worth something.”

“Too hot. They’re tagged.”

“Sir Corp offers all he has, Castillano. Surely that is worth something.”

“Appealing to my Human nature, Elf?”

Dodger smiled humorlessly. “Call it what you will. If you do not help, I shall. Suddenly I find more merit in his desires than in the lure of your offer.”

“Your loss, Elf.” Castillano stood. “Got some credit coming. Be in your account.”

“Your honor is intact, Lord C.”

“Just have the kid leave the clean chips before you leave.”

Castillano signed to his men and they all headed for one or the other moms. Freya gave Sam a look that he interpreted as sympathetic before heaving herself up from before the fire and padding after them. Sam thought he heard the Elf add softly, “Though your mercy lags.”

Just before vanishing into the next room, Castillano threw a parting shot over his shoulder. “Keep the Bible, kid. You’ll need it.”

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