“Come for me,” he whispered gruffly, shuddering as the creamy heat tightened around his fingers.

She sobbed aloud and he circled the tight little bud of her clit with his thumb and repeated, “Come for me. Come on, Darci, let me feel it.”

Her entire body bucked under the touch of his hand, pearly white teeth sinking into the full lower curve of her lip. The scent of her arousal was heavy in the air and he couldn’t breathe without it flooding his head, couldn’t close his eyes without her image flashing behind his lids. She climaxed into his hand with a rush, the hot cream wetting his palm.

Catching her hips, he dragged her to the edge of the table, sinking to his knees before her and pushing her thighs wide. As he pressed his mouth against her, she screamed and he plunged his tongue inside her folds, using his thumbs to spread the lips of her pussy wide. Her sheath was still convulsing and he groaned against her, his entire body hardening, clamoring with the urge to fuck her hard, fast, deep.

She tried to draw her knees up, but he shifted his grip, keeping her thighs pressed flat against the table as he fucked his tongue in and out of her pussy, drinking down the hot, musky cream, nuzzling his nose against her clit. Darci screamed out his name and at the sound of it, his control started to snap. Slowly, he rose, staring down at her hungrily. He reached up, removing his jacket and shoulder holster, tossing it on the floor, and laying the holster and gun on the table.

Her eyes locked on his hands as he unbuttoned his shirt. A hot, hungry look entered her eyes as he shrugged the shirt off. Pride rippled through him as she stared at his torso and arms with an almost drugged fascination. He unbuckled his belt and freed the buttons at his fly as he kicked off his shoes.

His cock sprang out as he shoved his jeans and shorts down to just past his hips. Her eyes dropped to linger on his sex and Kellan shuddered as her tongue appeared, slicking across her swollen lips.

Her heart slammed against her ribs as she stared at his cock, the ruddy head jerking under her gaze. It curved up thick and straight, nestled in a bed of dark, springy curls. Her mouth watered but before she could shift position and slide off the table, he bent over her. She pouted, poking her lip out as she reached down and trailed her fingers across the iron-hard length of his cock. A pearly bead of fluid dampened her fingers and she lifted them to her lips, sucking the pre-come with a satisfied smile.

“Witch,” he growled, nudging her thighs wider and stepping between them.

Darci chuckled huskily but the sound died away as he pumped his hips, dragging his cock across her wet folds, burrowing against her. Her clit throbbed as he rubbed against it. Bringing her knees up, she gripped his hips and arched into him.

The blunt head nudged against her entrance. Digging her nails into his arms, she shifted the angle of her hips, groaning as he slipped just the merest fraction of his cock inside her. Hunger pulsed in her belly. Tipping her hips higher, she tried to draw more of his length inside her.

His hands, hot and hard, cupped her hips, stilling the frantic movement easily as he slowly pushed deeper.

“Slowly,” he teased her.

“Damn it, Kellan,” she cried out, clenching her muscles around him. A smile spread across her face as he stiffened over her, dark flags of color appearing high on his cheekbones, his lids drooping low over his eyes.

She did it again, clenching and then releasing the muscles in her pussy until he growled and plunged deep, burying his cock completely inside of her. She screamed out his name, staring blindly up at the sky as he pulled out and pushed back inside with one long, hard plunge. Her womb throbbed. Her clit burned.

His weight crushed against her, pressing her into the table as he moved higher on her body, one hand cupping her ass and lifting her. Now each stroke of his cock had his pelvis rasping across her clit. Desire, need, and hunger built inside her with every thrust of his cock into her pussy.

“Look at me,” he growled.

She met his gaze, staring into his eyes, the stark burning hunger in his face adding to the hot, burning hunger in her gut. He moved lower down on her body, so that his mouth was only a breath away from hers. Caught in the hot, hungry depths of his hazel gaze, she sobbed out his name as he started to shaft her slowly, with short, powerful digs of his hips.

“I love you, Darci,” he rasped just before his mouth caught hers. The words I love you were trapped in her throat, smothered by his mouth as he plunged his tongue into her mouth, mimicking the rhythm of his hips.

The driving hunger in her body finally exploded and she shuddered as the muscles in her pussy seized around his cock, clenching at his flesh as he pulled out and worked his cock back inside. She screamed into his mouth as he started to pound harder against her, his cock swelling within her pussy. A roar rumbled out of his chest, the sound of it mingling with the short, staccato sounds of her cries as she worked her hips against him. Her skin felt too hot, too tight to contain everything that was exploding inside of her.

Bright pinwheels of light exploded in front of her eyes, and her breath felt trapped in her lungs. The hot splash of his seed spurted within her pussy and she whimpered as the convulsions in her sheath finally started to slow. Her body went limp under his and her hands smacked into the table as her muscles went lax.

His body collapsed against her, his weight crushing her into the table. Kellan’s chest rose and fell like a bellows, his breath moving the hair just behind her ear. Stroking one hand up his side, she whispered, “I love you, Kellan.”

His head lifted and he stared sleepily down at her face, a slow, hesitant smile creeping across his face. “You do, huh?”

She grinned at him. “Well, why else would I be nervous? If I was just using you for sex, this would be easy. I can handle easy. Don’t handle more complicated stuff very well.”

A cold chill raced across her flesh as he pushed himself up, straightening over her body and tugging his jeans back up. He stroked his finger down her cheek, his eyes soft and gentle. “I guess we’re going to have to fumble our way through it together, then.”

Chapter Nine


One brow cocked up over his hazel eyes as he said, “You know that’s the fifth time you’ve said her name.” They lay in her bed, her hand pressed against his heart, his cupped over hers.

“I can hardly believe it. She’s so…well, Peggy. She fades into the background. Okay artist, but nothing spectacular. That’s just her…she just-blends.”

“I guess she was tired of blending,” he murmured. She shivered as he lifted her hand to his mouth and pressed a kiss to her palm.

“Why?” Darci asked, staring out the window.

“She wanted to be famous. And she never stood out. In any way. This was her way of making sure she stood out from the rest,” Kellan said, lifting one shoulder in a shrug.

“Umm…maybe she should have dyed her hair purple or something. This was kind of extreme.”

Kellan turned his head and brushed his lips across her forehead. “That’s the sanity in you speaking. Her and sanity had a breakup a while ago.”


In the silence of the cell, Peggy’s hand raced over her sketchbook. A giggle escaped her as she added the finishing touches to the sketch, Kellan and Darci, wrapped around each other, his back arched as he drove inside her, Darci’s eyes wide, her mouth open in a silent scream.

And a knife, long and wicked, pierced his flesh, entered through his mid-back, exiting through his belly and impaling Darci. Though the sketch was in pencil, she could see the gleam of sweat on their bodies, the bright emerald of Darci’s eyes, the copper and red strands of Kellan’s hair.

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