'Absolutely, Macsen said. 'Perfectly valid question. In fact, there's a whole other Makkathran up there.

Edeard ignored them, and simply looked straight ahead in a dignified manner. He resolved to never ever tell his friends of his dreams, and what they showed him.

The block of probationary constables settled down. Edeard started to concentrate on what he was seeing. They were facing the grand curving staircase that dominated one side of the Hall. Owain, the Mayor of Makkathran, had appeared at the top, followed by the Guild Masters and District Masters who made up the Upper Council. They were all wearing their full ceremonial robes, producing a splendid blaze of colour as they filed down to the floor of the Hall.

'Oh Lady, Dinlay groaned.

Edeard caught a sensation of queasiness emanating from his friend. 'Ten seconds maximum, he told Dinlay using a tiny directed longtalk voice. 'Then it's all over. Just hold it together for ten seconds. You can do that.

Dinlay nodded, whilst appearing completely unconvinced.

Edeard resisted looking round at the much bigger block of seating behind him, where the families and friends of the probationary constables were gathered to watch them receive their bronze epaulettes. Probably an exaggeration, but half of them were Dinlay's family, and all of them were in uniform.

'I bet there's a crime wave going on in every district, Macsen had muttered while they were all taking their seats earlier. 'There aren't any constables left out there to patrol.

Owain reached the platform that had been set up at the bottom of the stairs. He smiled round at the attentive audience. 'It is always an honour and a privilege for me to perform this ceremony, he said. 'In my position I hear so many people complain about the state which not just the city is in, but of the chaos which supposedly reigns in the lands outside our crystal walls. I wish they were standing here now, to see so many young people coming forward to serve their city. I am heartened by the sense of duty you are displaying in taking this commitment to serve your fellow citizens. You give me confidence for the future.

Now that's a real politician, Edeard thought uncharitably. The Mayor of all people must have known how inadequate the number of constables was. That the eighty of them here today wasn't enough; that at least an equal number of constables had left in the last few months to become private bodyguards or for a better paid and respected job as a sheriff in some provincial town. Why doesn't he do something about it?

The Mayor finished his inspirational speech. The probationary constables stood up as one, then the first row trooped up to the platform to be greeted by the Mayor. The Chief Constable read the probationer's name out to the Hall, while an assistant handed a pair of epaulettes to the Mayor to be presented with a handshake and a smile.

Edeard's row started to move forward. He'd thought this would be boring at the least, that it was stupid, an irritation he could have done without. Especially as the only person in the audience clapping for him was Salrana, who'd been given the day off her duties. But now he was here, now he was walking up to the Mayor of the entire city, he actually began to feel a sense of occasion. Behind him, the audience was radiant with pride. They believed in the constables. In front, the Upper Council was registering their approval. None of the councillors had to be here, it was a ceremony repeated three times a year, every year. They'd been to dozens, and would have to come to dozens more. If they'd wanted to cry off, they could have done. But no, it was important enough for them to turn out every time.

And here he was himself, coming forward to make a public pledge to the citizens of Makkathran that he would do his best to protect them and implement the rule of law. This was why Rah and those who followed him into office had created this ceremony and others like it, to recognize and honour the commitment the constables made to their city and lives. It was neither silly nor a waste of time, it was a show of respect.

Edeard stood in front of the Mayor, who smiled politely, and shook his hand as the Chief Constable read out his name. A pair of bronze epaulettes were pressed into his hand. 'Thank you, sir, Edeard said. There was a lump in his throat. 'I won't let you down. Ashwell will never happen here.

If the Mayor was surprised, he didn't show it. Edeard caught sight of Finitan standing on the grand staircase. The Master of the Eggshaper Guild looked rather splendid in a gold and purple gown, with elaborate scarlet symbols embroidered down the front; his silver-tipped hood was arranged over the left shoulder. He caught Edeard's eye and winked. 'Well done, lad, his longtalk whispered.

Edeard stepped off the platform. There was a burst of applause. He nearly laughed, it was as if the audience was rejoicing he was out of the way. In fact it was Dinlay's considerable family clapping loudly as their relative received his epaulettes. Dinlay managed to not trip, or throw up, or collapse from fright. He followed Edeard back to their seats with a glowing face, grinning back at his kin.

Afterwards there was a formal reception party, with the Mayor and the Upper Council mixing with the new constables and their families, while ge-monkeys circled the Malfit Hall with trays of drinks. It was scheduled to last an hour. Edeard might have warmed to the graduation ceremony itself, but he planned to be out of the party in under ten minutes.

'No you don't, Salrana decreed. 'Just look at who's here.

Edeard frowned round at the people babbling away; the families in their finery, the resplendent Upper Council members. 'Who?

She gave him a withering look. 'The Pythia for a start. And she noticed me. I felt her farsight on me during the ceremony.

Edeard took another look round. 'Fair enough, you're the only novice here. She probably thinks you ducked out of your assignments to pick up the free booze.

Salrana drew herself up. It shifted the fabric of her white and blue robe in a way Edeard couldn't help but notice. If he kept doing that, and kept thinking those accompanying thoughts about how she was growing up, the Lady really would blast him out of existence one day.

'Edeard you can still be disappointingly childish at times. We are both citizens of Makkathran now; you especially today. Try and act in an appropriate fashion.

Edeard's mouth dropped open.

'Now we are going over to thank Grand Master Finitan for sponsoring you, as is the right expression of gratitude, which you do feel; and see if we can be introduced to others in the Upper Council as well. If you're to become Chief Constable, you need to start paying attention to the city's political dynamics.

'Uh. Yes, Edeard admitted. 'Chief Constable?

'That's your route onto the Upper Council now you've chosen the constables over a Guild.

'I've been graduated eight minutes.

'Those that hesitate, lose. The Lady's book, fifth chapter.

His lips twitched. 'I knew that.

'Did you now? Salrana raised an eyebrow. 'I might have to test you later.

'I've had quite enough of exams these last few weeks, thank you.

'Poor, Edeard. Come on. She pulled at his hand, all girlish again.

Grand Master Finitan was talking to a pair of fellow Upper Council members as Edeard and Salrana approached him. He smiled and turned to them. 'Congratulations, my boy. A proud day for you.

'Yes sir. Thank you again for sponsoring me.

'Well, it seems to have put me in credit with the Chief Constable. You graduated third in your class. That's an astonishing result for someone unfamiliar with our city.

'Thank you, sir.

'Allow me to introduce Masters Graley of the Geography Guild and Imilan of the Chemistry Guild. This is Constable Edeard from the Rulan province; a friend of my old Master.

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