They waited for two hours. Between them, they raised the alarm five times, only to be proved wrong on each occasion. 'So many citizens look so disreputable, Kanseen declared after a couple of adolescents ran down the street after their third hands snatched up oranges from a grocery shop display. 'And act it.

'We're all paranoid today, that's all, Macsen longtalked back. 'We see the bad in everyone.

'Is that a song title? Dinlay asked.

Edeard smiled at the banter. There was a lot to be said for being squad leader. He was sitting in a comfortable arm chair, drinking tea which the wife of the shop owner kept bringing up for him. She brought a rather nice plate of biscuits each time, too. His good humour faded as the young hooligans turned a corner out of sight. Foreboding rose into his mind, strong enough to make his skin tingle. He knew that awful sensation from before. 'Oh shit, he whimpered.

'Edeard? Kanseen queried,

'It's happening.

'What is? Macsen asked.

'They're here. It's about to start.

'Where are they? Boyd asked. 'Which ones?

'I don't know, Edeard said. 'Look, just trust me, please be careful. I know we have to be. He could sense the uncertainty in their minds, they weren't used to him saying such things. It was difficult to get to his feet, his body was reacting so badly. When he did press up against the balcony window he found it hard to concentrate on the street below.

'I think I see them, Boyd said.

Two youngish men were walking up the steps into the shop, while a third stood outside. Through Boyd's eyes, Edeard and the rest of the squad watched them swagger into the shop. Isoix straightened up from behind the counter. 'I told you before, he said. 'I don't have that kind of money.

'Yes, you do, the first man said. His gaze kept darting nervously to Boyd who was standing at the other end of the counter from Isoix.

Wrong, Edeard knew. Why would a gang member be worried about a shop assistant?

'Boyd, he knows what you are, Edeard sent in the most direct longtalk he could manage, praying the gang members wouldn't pick it out of the general background of Makkathran's telepathic babble.

'Huh? Boyd grunted.

The gang member glanced at him again, then turned back to Isoix. 'Give me twenty pounds, or we'll torch this place, he said loudly.

'No, Edeard said. The hairs on his neck were standing proud. 'No no no. Wrong!

'You, Boyd said. He pulled his apron aside to reveal a constable's badge pinned on his waistcoat. The two gang members turned to face him.

'I am a city constable, and I am placing you under arrest for threatening behaviour with intent to extort.

'How do you like that, you bastards? a gloating Isoix shouted.

'Everyone, close in, Edeard ordered. He pushed through the narrow door on to the balcony. The gang member left on the street glanced up. And smiled.

'Oh shit, Edeard growled.

'It's him, the gang member declared in a powerful longtalk. Then he started running.

Inside the bakery, the first gang member pulled out a small knife. He flung it at Boyd, who swayed backwards. His third hand just managed to push the blade aside. Isoix snatched up a much larger knife, and threw it at the gang members as they fled through the doorway. It whirled out into the street, narrowly missing a woman who was walking by. She screamed.

Edeard vaulted over the balcony rail and dropped to the street below. Landed badly, rolling as his ankle gave way. His shoulder smacked into one of the steps leading up to the clothing shop door. He yelled at the bright pulse of pain, tears squeezing out of his eyes.

His farsight caught Boyd leaping over the bakery counter. Kanseen was sprinting up Macoun Street, her cloak abandoned on the ground by the stalls. Macsen and Dinlay were moving out of their shop, confident and eager. Their shields combined as they stood in the middle of the street, blocking the way. All three gang members were racing towards them.

'Let them go, Edeard ordered.

Macsen's face registered bewilderment that came close to anger. 'What?

Edeard had regained his feet, he started to totter down the street. 'Leave them.

'You can't be serious. The three gang members were barely twenty yards from Macsen and Dinlay.

'It's a set-up. They knew we were here.

'Crap, Dinlay sent. 'I can scan them completely, they've got a couple of small blades between them. That's all.

'There'll be more, somewhere, waiting for us. Please, just let them go, I'll track them with the ge-eagle.

Macsen hesitated. He took a step towards the side of the street.

'No! Dinlay hissed fiercely. He opened his arms wide as the three gang members charged towards them.

'Dinlay, stop it, Edeard yelled. He was running now, ignoring the pain in his ankle. Kanseen wasn't far behind, charging along like a warhorse, her teeth gritted in determination. Boyd came skidding down the steps from the bakery, and took off after them.

'Stop, Dinlay proclaimed loudly, holding out a hand as if that alone would bring the whole city to a halt. 'You are under arrest.

'Oh crap, Macsen growled under his breath, and instinctively started to move back towards Dinlay. They came together as the three gang members ran into them. Fists swung, legs kicked out. Third hands scrabbled and pushed. Macsen went down with one of the gang members sprawling on top of him, his head cracked against the pavement. Dinlay was shoved hard against the wall of a hat shop, flailing wildly to regain balance. Then the gang member on top of Macsen was scrabbling to his feet, and fled with his companions. Dinlay started to chase after them.

'Come back! Edeard howled in frustration. He reached Mac-sen who was struggling upright, hand clamped on the back of his head. A trickle of blood was running down his fingers.

'What do we do? Macsen demanded, wincing against the pain.

Edeard's farsight could follow Dinlay easily enough as he ran towards the northern end of Macoun Street. The three gang members were ten yards ahead of him. 'Save him, he growled out, furious with Dinlay. He sent a single clear thought to his ge-eagle, who immediately took flight.

Kanseen was slowing as she approached Edeard and Macsen.

Her face red. Boyd was charging up behind. 'Come on, Edeard said, and took off again. Kanseen flashed a look of exasperation, and hurried along.

'You okay? Boyd shouted as he ran past Macsen.

'Yeah. Macsen took a breath, and started running.

The ge-eagle streaked along Macoun Street, swiftly overtaking Edeard and Kanseen. It shot forward, rising high above the roofs, looking down to see Dinlay racing on, his glasses askew. The three gang members had almost reached the end of the street. It came out just below Birmingham Pool, where a silver-blue bridge connected Jeavons with the lower point of Golden Park. As always, Birmingham Pool was thick with gondolas. A half-dozen moorings lined the edge beside the junction with the Outer Circle Canal all host to several waiting gondolas. The ge-eagle dipped down to the moorings as Edeard tried to work out which of the glossy black craft belonged to the gang. If this was a trap, they'd have their escape well planned.

Just before it happened, the ge-eagle was aware of two other birds, close and closing. It pivoted on a wing, looking up in time to see its attacker plummeting down towards it. Another ge-eagle, bigger, with talons clad in sharpened iron spikes. The impact punched it savagely. Gold and emerald feathers burst out of the collision point. Spikes sank into its front wing shoulder, slicing through skin and muscle, severing veins. Then the bigger ge-eagle twisted to try and snap the central wing bone. Edeard's ge-eagle fought back, writhing round to clamp its jaw on its attacker's rear wing. The two of them tumbled, falling fast. Then the second attacker hit, iron-blade talons ripping into flesh. Edeard and his ge-eagle screamed as one as its wing broke. Edeard saw talons rake towards his face, and ducked. His ge-eagle's mind abruptly vanished from perception, all that was left was a falling mass. The other two ge-eagles hurtled away over Birmingham pool. Edeard was sure he heard the splash as his bird's body hit the water.

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