'Yes, but right now they only have one policy, to acquire better technology, especially weapons technology. A sizeable percentage of the Emperor's expansion budget is diverted to building long-range exploration ships in the hope they'll come across a world whose inhabitants have gone post-physical, and they can help themselves to whatever's left behind.

'Let's hope they never encounter a Prime immotile.

'They've made seventeen attempts to reach the Dyson Pair, Kazimir told her. 'And they currently have forty-two ships searching for an immotile civilization beyond the region of space we Firewalled.

'I didn't know that. Is there any danger they'll find a rogue Prime planet?

'If we can't find one, they certainly won't be able to.

Justine led their little party into the McLeod room, and sat at the head of the large oak table running down the middle. Kazimir took the chair at his mother's side, while the Ambassador hovered at the other end. Its eye stalks bent round slowly, as if it was having trouble with what it saw as it scanned the walls. The room's decor was Scottish themed, which surrounded the alien with tartan drapes, ancient Celtic ceremonial swords, and solemn marble mannequins dressed in clan kilts. Several sets of bagpipes were displayed in glass cases. A fabulous pair of stag antlers hung above the stone mantelplace that had been imported from a highland castle.

'Ambassador, Justine said formally, 'I represent the human government of Earth. I am physical, as you asked, and I am empowered to negotiate on the government's behalf with the Ocisen Empire. What do you wish to discuss?

Three of the Ambassador's eyes curved round to stare at her. 'Although we disapprove of living creatures placing themselves subordinate to the mechanical, we consider your planetary computer is the true ruler of the Commonwealth. That is why I required this direct meeting, rather than with the Senate as usual.

Justine wasn't about to start arguing about political structures with an alien who saw everything in terms of black and white. 'ANA has considerable influence beyond this planet. That is so.

'Then you must work with the Empire to avert a very real danger.

'What danger is that, Ambassador? As if none of us know.

'A human organization is threatening to send ships into the Void.

'Yes, our Living Dream movement wants to send its followers on a Pilgrimage there.

'I am familiar with human emotional states after being exposed to your kind for so long, so I am curious why you do not react to this event with any sense of distress or concern. It is through humans that we know of the Void, therefore you know what effect your Living Dream is proposing to trigger.

'They do not propose anything, they simply wish to live the life of their idol'

'You are deliberately denying the implication. Their entry to the Void will provoke a massive devourment phase. The galaxy will be ruined. Our Empire will be consumed. You will kill us and countless others.

'That will not happen, Justine said.

'We are reassured that you intend to stop the Living Dream.

'That's not what I said. It is not our belief that their Pilgrimage will cause a devourment phase of any size. They simply do not possess the ability to pass through the event horizon which guards the Void. Even the Raiel have trouble doing that, and Living Dream does not have access to a Raiel ship.

'Then why are they launching this Pilgrimage?

'It is a simple political gesture, nothing more. The Ocisen Empire, nor any other species in the galaxy, has anything to worry about.

'Do you guarantee that your Living Dream group cannot get through the event horizon? Other humans have crossed over into the Void. They are the cause of this desire to Pilgrimage, are they not?

'Nothing is certain, Ambassador, you know that. But the likelihood—

'If you cannot guarantee it, then you must prevent the ships from flying.

'The Greater Commonwealth is a democratic institution, complicated in this case by Living Dream being both trans-stellar and the legitimate government of Ellezelin. The Commonwealth constitution is specifically designed to protect every member's right to self-determination on an individual and governmental level. In other words we don't actually have the legal right to prevent them from embarking on their Pilgrimage.

'I am familiar with human lawyers; everything can be undone, nothing is final. You play with words, not reality. The Empire recognizes only power and ability. Your computer government has the physical power to prevent this Pilgrimage, am I not correct?

'Ability does not automatically imply intent, Justine said. 'ANA: Governance has the ability to do many things. We do not do them because of the laws which govern us, both legal and moral.

'It is not part of your morality to destroy this galaxy. You can prevent this.

'We can argue strongly against it, she said, wishing she didn't agree quite so much with the Ocisen.

'The Empire requires a tangible commitment. The Pilgrimage ships must be neutralized.

'Out of the question, Justine said. 'We cannot interfere with the lawful activities of another sovereign state, it goes against everything we are.

'If you do not prevent the launch of this atrocity, then the Empire will. Even your lawyers will agree we have the right to species self-preservation.

'Is that a threat, Ambassador? Kazimir asked quietly.

'It is the course of action you have forced upon us. Why do you not see this? Are you afraid of your primitive cousins? What can they threaten you with?

'They do not threaten us, we respect each other. Can you make the leap to understand that?

Justine tried to read the Ambassador's reaction to the jibe, but it seemed unperturbed. Spittle continued to dribble from its vocalizer gill, while its arms flopped round like landed fish inside their cybernetic casings. 'Your laws and their hypocrisy will always elude us, the Ambassador said. 'The Empire knows you always include extraordinary powers within your constitutions to impose solutions in times of crisis. We require you to invoke them now.

'ANA: Governance will be happy to introduce a motion in the Senate, Justine said. 'We will ask that Living Dream desists from reckless action.

'Will you back this by force if they refuse?

'Unlikely, Kazimir said. 'Our Navy exists to protect us from external enemies.

'What is the Void devourment, if not an enemy? Ultimately it is everyone's enemy. The Raiel acknowledge this.

'We do understand your unease, Ambassador, Justine said. 'I would like to reassure you we will work wholly to prevent any catastrophe from engulfing the galaxy.

'The Raiel could not prevent devourment. Are you greater than the Raiel?

'Probably not, she muttered. Did it understand sarcasm?

'Then we will prevent your ships from flying.

'Ambassador, I have to advise the Ocisen Empire against such a course of action, Kazimir said. 'The Navy will not permit you to attack humans.

'Do not think you can intimidate us, Admiral Kazimir. We are not the helpless species you attacked at Fandola. We have allies now. I represent many powerful species who will not allow the Void to begin its final devourment phase. We do not stand alone. Do you think your Navy can defeat the whole galaxy?

Kazimir seemed unperturbed. 'The Navy acts only in defence. I urge you to allow the Commonwealth to solve an internal problem in our own way. Humans will not trigger a large-scale devourment.

'We will watch you, the Ambassador boomed. 'If you do not prevent these Pilgrimage ships from being built and launched, then we and our new, powerful, allies will act in self-defence.

'I do understand your concern, Justine said. 'But I would ask you to trust us.

'You have never given us a reason to, the Ambassador said. 'I thank you for your time. I will return to my ship, I find your environment unpleasant.

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