He opened the top of the small stone barrel in the corner opposite the fire and removed the leather shoulder bag. It was one place relatively immune from casual farsight. He checked the bag's contents hadn't been discovered by the other apprentices, and slung its strap over his arm.

'Very dapper, Akeem observed.

Edeard jumped, clutching the bag in an obviously guilty fashion. He hadn't noticed the old Master sitting in the main hall. Everyone had been trying to duplicate the way the bandits had shielded themselves, with varying degrees of success. Edeard wasn't sure how much mental effort Akeem put into the effect. He'd always had the ability to just sit quietly and blend naturally into the background.

'Thank you, Edeard replied. He self-consciously tugged at the bottom of his shirt.

'Off out, are you? Akeem asked with sly amusement, he gestured at the long table set for five. He'd made nothing of the bag.

'Er, yes. My tasks are complete. I'll start sculpting the new horses and dogs for Jibit's farm tomorrow. Three of the defaults are ovulating; the males are in their pens.

'Some things are definitely easier for other species, Akeem observed, and gave Edeard's clothes another meaningful look. 'So which of our town's fine establishments are you gracing tonight?

'Um, I can't afford the tavern. It's just me and some of the other apprentices getting together, that's all.

'How lovely. Are any of your fellow apprentices female by any chance?

Edeard clamped down hard on his thoughts, but there was nothing he could do about his burning cheeks. 'I guess Zehar will be there. Possibly Calindy. He shrugged his innocence in such matters.

For once Akeem appeared awkward, though he'd put a strong shield around his own thoughts. 'Lad… perhaps some time we should talk about such things.

'Things? Edeard muttered in alarm.

'Girls, Edeard. After all, you are sixteen now. I'm sure you notice them these days. You do know what to ask Doc Seneo for if uh… circumstances become favourable.

Edeard's expression was frozen into place as he prayed to the Lady for this horror to end. 'I… er, yes. Yes I do. Thank you. Go to Doc Seneo and ask for a phial of vinak juice? Oh dear Lady, I'd rather chop it off altogether.

Akeem sat back in his chair and let his gaze rise to the ceiling. 'Ah, I remember my own youthful amorous adventures back in Makkathran. Oh those city girls in all their finery; the ones of good family would do nothing else all day long but pamper and groom themselves for the parties and balls that were thrown at night. Edeard I so wish you could see them. There isn't one you wouldn't fall in love with at first sight. Of course, they all had the devil in them when you got their bodice off, but what a vision they were.

'I have to go or I'll be late, Edeard blurted. Someone of Akeem's age shouldn't be allowed to use words like amorous and bodice.

'Of course, the old Master seemed amused by something. 'I have been selfish keeping you here.

'I'm not that late.

'And I don't mean tonight.


'I'm not up to instructing you any more, Edeard. You have almost outgrown your Master. I think you should go to Makkathran to study at the Guild in their Blue Tower. My name may still be remembered. At the very least my title demands some prerogatives; I can write you a letter of sponsorship.

'I… No. No, I can't possibly go.

'Why not? Akeem asked mildly.

'To Makkathran? Me? It's, no. Anyway, it's… it's so far away I don't even know how far. How would I get there?

'Same way everyone does, my boy, you travel in one of the caravans. This is not impossible or remote, Edeard. You must learn to lift your eyes above the horizon, especially in this province. I would not see you stifled by Ashwell. For that is what surely will happen if you remain. I do not want your talent wasted. There is more to this world, this life, than a single village alone on the edge of the wilderness. Why, just travelling to Makkathran will show you that.

'I will hardly waste my talent by staying here. The village needs me. Look what has happened already with more genistars.

'Ah really? This village is already nervous about you, Edeard. You are strong, you are smart. They are neither. Oh don't get me wrong, this is a pleasant place for someone like me to live out my remaining days. But it is not for you. Ashwell has endured for centuries before you; it will endure for centuries yet. Trust me. A place and people this stubborn and rooted in what they are will not vanish into the black heart of Honious without you. I will write your letter this week. The Barkus caravan is due before the end of the month. 1 know Barkus of old, he owes me some favours. You can leave with them.

'This month? he whispered in astonishment. 'So soon?

'Yes. There is no benefit in delay. My mind is clear on this matter.

'The new ge-cats…

'I can manage, Edeard. Please, don't make this any more difficult for me.

Edeard walked over to the old Master. 'Thank you, sir. This is— He grinned. 'Beyond imagination.

'Ha. We'll see how much you thank me in a year's time. The Masters of the Blue Tower are not nearly as lax as I have grown. They will have a fine time beating obedience into you. Your bones will be black and blue before the first day is half-gone.

'I will endure, Edeard said. He laid a hand on the man's shoulder, for once allowing the love he felt to shine in his mind. 'I will prove you right to them. Whatever happens I will endure, for you. I will never give them cause to doubt your pupil. And I will make you proud.

Akeem gripped the hand, squeezing strongly. 'I am already proud. Now come. You are dallying while your friends carouse. Leave now, and I will have yet another fine meal with our three juvenile dunderwits, listening to their profound talk and answering their challenging questions.

Edeard laughed. 'I am a bad apprentice deserting my Master thus.

'Indeed you are. Now go, for the Lady's sake. Let me summon up what is left of my courage else I shall flee to the tavern.

Edeard turned and walked out of the hall. He almost stopped, wanting to ask what Akeem had meant by they are already nervous about you. He would enquire tomorrow.

'Edeard, Akeem called.

'Yes, Master?

'A word of caution. Stay silent that you are leaving, even to your friends. Envy is not a pretty blossom, and it has a custom of breeding resentment.

'Yes, Master.

* * * * *

The sun had dropped to the top of the rampart wall by the time Edeard hurried up a lane off the main street, heading for the granite cliff at the back of the village. Already the glowing colours of the night sky were emerging through the day's blue like trees out of morning mist. Old Buluku was directly overhead. The vulpine serpent manifesting as a violet stream that slithered through the heavens in a fashion which none of Querencia's few astronomers could ever fathom. It certainly didn't shift with the seasons, nor even orbit round the sun. As Edeard watched, a sliver of electric-blue light rippled lazily along its length, a journey which would take several minutes, too weak to cast a shadow across the dry mud of the lane. Odin's Sea was already drifting towards the northern horizon. A roughly oval patch of glowing blue and green mist that visited the summer nights. The Lady's teachings were that it formed the heart of the Void, where the souls of men and women were carried by the Skylords so they could dream away the rest of existence in quiet bliss. It was only the good and the worthy who were blessed with such a voyage, and the Skylords hadn't been seen in Querencia's skies for so long they were nothing but legend and a faith kept by the Lady's followers. Protruding from the ragged edges of Odin's Sea were the reefs, scarlet promontories upon which Skylords carrying the souls of those less worthy were wrecked and began their long fall into Honious and oblivion.

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