She gritted her teeth against stupid sentiment and went out into the vestibule as the lift brought her new clients up from the lobby. Danal and Mareble were dressed strangely. Her in a long skirt of wide-weave ginger cotton, topped by a suede waistcoat with brass buttons that was worn over a plain white blouse. Sturdy brown boots were just visible below her swirling hem. Her thick raven hair was brushed back, its waves bound in simple elastic cloth bands. He wore leather trousers and boots similar to hers. A yellow jacket was almost hidden beneath a brown overcoat made of some oiled fabric.

Despite their historical appearance, Araminta couldn't help but smile as the lift doors opened. There was something irrepres-sibly enthusiastic about them. Youthful grins and the eager way they glanced around, the way they held hands the whole time.

'Welcome, she said. The golden-wood door to the showcase apartment swung open.

She'd dressed the apartment with a simple two-tone colour scheme in each room, and kept the furniture minimalist. The floor of the open-plan living room was an expensive ebony-wood parquet. Artfully positioned tables and chairs and settee were all reproduction Herfal style, with sharp curves and metal-moire legs — a popular fad three centuries ago. The balcony was open, and it was a warm clear day outside, showing the park off to great effect.

Mareble drew a breath as they walked in. 'It's fabulous, she exclaimed. 'Just what we're looking for.

Danal chortled. 'Forgive my wife, she obviously doesn't believe in showing our hand before negotiations.

'I did the same thing with the original vendor, Araminta confessed. 'It's easy to become devoted to these apartments very quickly. I'm actually thinking about keeping one for myself.

Mareble stood in front of the balcony door. 'Would the one we're considering have the same view?

'Apartment three is on the corner, Araminta gestured along the balcony. 'You get one aspect facing the park, as well as a view westward across the city. The suspension bridge is visible that way.

'How lovely.

'Can we see it? Danal asked.

'Not just yet. City health and safety codes won't let me take people into an accredited construction site. And it's a complete shambles, which might put you off.

'Construction site? Are there structural problems?

'Absolutely not. The structure is perfectly sound. An independent deep scan survey file is registered at City Hall if you'd like to verify it. I'm just refurbishing and remodelling. Unfortunately, the City chooses to class that as construction because I'm replacing the electrics and utility feeds. It's just more filework for me, that's all.

Danal gave a sympathetic sigh. 'That sounds just like Ellezelin. Dear Lady, the Waterwalker never had to put in requests to the Orchard Palace if he wanted to get things done. Try telling that to our government.

'Now darling, Mareble squeezed his hand tighter. 'He has a thing about bureaucrats, she explained.

'We all do, Araminta assured them.

'Thank you, Danal said.

'So are you moving here from Ellezelin? Araminta asked.

'Oh yes, they chorused happily.

'I'm a confluence nest technician, Danal said. 'There's a lot of work going on upgrading the whole gaiafield right now. It's especially important on Viotia.

'Why is that? Araminta asked.

'The Second Dreamer is here, Mareble said. 'We're sure of it. The last few dreams were so much more vivid than those first fragments. Don't you think?

'I don't have gaiamotes, Araminta said, keeping it light, as if it was some minor fault with an appliance she was going to get corrected, praying it wouldn't make any difference to the deal. She needed their deposit on apartment three; they hadn't been as easy to sell as she'd envisaged and her suppliers were submitting payment demands.

Mareble and Danal both wore the same compassionate expression, as if they felt sorry for her. A concord which instantly reminded her of Mr Bovey.

'The gaiafield is not something I could live without, Mareble said quietly. 'I can always sense Danal no matter where we are, even when we're planets apart; that kind of permanent emotional connection is so satisfying and reassuring.

'And of course we know Inigo's Dreams. Intimately, Danal said. He smiled with the placid bliss only the truly devout could ever achieve.

Araminta tried to replicate that mien of joy. 'I didn't know you could tell where a dream came from, she said, hoping that would divert them from her tragic defect. There was nothing the devout of any sect or ideology enjoyed more than making the benefits of their belief obvious to outsiders.

'That's the thing with the gaiafield, Mareble explained earnestly. 'It's not all clear and precise like the Unisphere. Human thoughts are not digital, they're emotion. I had the feeling with the last few dreams of the Skylord; they were close to me. Now the nests remember them they've lost that aspect, not that they aren't still wonderful. We're all hoping that we'll experience the Skylord flying to Makkathran to collect the Waterwalker's soul. After everything he's done for the people of Querencia, and us, he deserves to rest within Odin's Sea.

Something about Mareble's evocation made Araminta pause, as if it connected with some old recollection. Which was stupid. 'I see, Araminta said. Her knowledge of the whole Waterwalker epic was sketchy at best, she certainly didn't know any details. 'That's why you want to live here?

Mareble nodded eagerly. 'I'm convinced the Second Dreamer is here. One day soon he'll reveal himself and the Pilgrimage can begin.

'Will you join it?

They smiled at each other, and clasped hands again. 'We hope so.

'Well at the risk of being crass, you won't find anywhere better to wait than here.

'I think we can consider putting in an offer, Danal said. 'An uncomfortable number of our fellow followers are looking for property on Viotia. Living in a hotel is pleasant, but we'll be happy to move into a real home.

'That I can fully appreciate.

'We're prepared to offer you the full asking price, but we would need a guarantee that the apartment will be completed on time.

'I can put my certificate on that file, yes.

'And the virtual model we accessed, it was nice, but…

'I want to make some changes, Mareble said quickly. 'The technology needs to be de-emphasized, and the decor should be more naturalistic'


'Less manufactured products, more wood. As it is on Querencia. We're not against technology, we use it all the time, but it shouldn't be featured. For instance, can you install a proper cooker in the kitchen? One with an oven and hob?

'I'll check City regulations and get back to you on that one.

* * * * *

'So can you supply me with a proper cooker? she asked Mr Bovey that night over dinner. She was at his house, sitting at a small table on the balcony which overlooked the lawn. The River Cairns ran along the bottom edge where the mown grass gave way to shaggy reeds and a lengthy clump of coran twister trees that dangled chrome-blue fronds into the water. Bright lights in the buildings along the opposite bank glinted off the smooth black surface. It was a lovely relaxing ambience, with a delicious meal several of hims had cooked, and three of hims sitting with her. A pleasant end to an exasperating day.

'Actually, yes, the handsome blond one said.

'You say that with such confidence.

'Because I've already supplied three in the last ten days, the shorter one with a dark complexion told her. 'Living Dream fanatics do like their primitive comforts. They prefer water baths to spore showers, too.

'Dear Ozzie, my cousin was right, they are taking over. I ought to raise the price on the last two apartments.

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