"No." Sophy shook her head and sat down near Julian. "God forgive me, but I am glad it is over, even if it means another death. He would not go to America?"

"I do not believe he was rational enough to think clearly on the subject. I told him I would hound him, make his life a torment, until he left England and then I told him the young village girl he had seduced was your sister. Then I walked out the door. He found the pistol and used it on himself just as I was mounting my horse. I went back to see if he had managed to properly finish the business." Julian took another sip of wine. "He had."

"How terrible for you."

He looked at her. "No, Sophy. The terrible part was walking into that hellish little chamber and seeing the rope he had tied around your ankle and the pallet where he intended to rape you."

She shivered and hugged herself tightly. "Please, do not remind me."

"Like you, I am glad it's over. Even if today's events had not occurred, I would have had to stop Waycott eventually. The bastard was getting worse, not better in his obsession with the past."

Sophy frowned thoughtfully. "Perhaps his condition took a turn for the worse because you decided to marry again. Some part of him could not bear to believe you could find any woman worthy of putting in Elizabeth's place. He wanted you to be as true to her memory as he was."

"Bloody hell. The man was mad."

"Yes." Sophy was silent for a moment. "What will happen now?"

"His body will be found in a day or two and it will be obvious that Lord Waycott took his own life. The matter will end there."

"As it should." Sophy touched his arm and smiled tentatively. "Thank you, Julian."

"For what? Not protecting you with sufficient care to ensure that this day's events never happened? You managed your own escape, if you will recall. The last thing I deserve from you is your thanks, madam."

"I will not have you blame yourself, my lord," she said fiercely. "What happened today could not have been predicted by any of us. The important thing is that it is over. I am thanking you because I appreciate how hard it must have been for you to resist calling out Lord Waycott. I know you, Julian. Your sense of honor would have demanded a duel. It must have been very difficult for you to abide by your vow to me."

Julian shifted slightly in the chair. "Sophy, I think it would be best if we changed the subject."

"But I want you to know how grateful I am that you kept your promise to me. I hope you realize I could not allow you to take such a risk, Julian. I love you too much to let you do it."


"And I could not bear for our babe not to know his father."

Julian put down his wineglass and reached over to capture Sophy's hand in his. "I, too, am very curious to meet our son or daughter. I meant what I said when I walked out the door earlier tonight. I love you, Sophy. And I would have you remember that no matter what happens, no matter how often I fail to live up to your ideal of a perfect husband, I will always love you."

She smiled quietly and squeezed his large hand. "I know."

Julian's brows rose with a familiar arrogance but there was a gleam of loving amusement in his eyes. "You do? How so?"

"Well, let us say that I have had some time to think while I waited for you to return tonight. It occurred to me, rather belatedly, that any man who believed my outlandish tale of what had really happened this afternoon, the kidnapping and the drugged tea and all the rest, must be a man who was at least a little bit in love."

"Not a little bit in love." Julian raised her palm to his lips and kissed it. His eyes were emerald green when they met hers. "A great deal in love. Head over heels, overwhelmingly and completely in love. I only regret that it took me so long to realize it."

"You always were inclined to be stubborn and thickheaded."

Julian grinned briefly and tugged her down across his thighs. "And you, my sweet wife, have the same tendencies. Luckily we understand each other." He kissed her deeply and then raised his head to search her eyes. "I am sorry about some things, Sophy. I have not always treated you as well as I ought to have done. I have ridden roughshod over most of our wedding agreements because I was convinced I knew what was best for you and for our marriage. And there will undoubtedly be times in the future when I will act as I believe best, even when that does not accord with what you believe to be best."

She laced her fingers through the dark depths of his hair. "As I said, stubborn and thickheaded."

"About the babe, sweetheart."

"The babe is fine, my lord." The memory of Waycott's accusations returned. "You must know I did not go to Old Bess for a potion to get rid of your child."

"I realize that; you would not do such a thing. But the fact remains that I had no right to get you with child so quickly. I could have prevented it."

"Someday, my lord," Sophy said with a teasing smile, "you must tell me exactly how one does prevent such an occurrence. Anne Silverthorne told me about a certain type of pouch made of sheep gut that is tied on the male member with little red strings. Do you know of such things?"

Julian groaned in despair. "How the hell would Anne Silverthorne know of such matters? Good lord, Sophy, you have been keeping very bad company in London. It is fortunate I got you away from the city before you were corrupted further by my aunt's acquaintances."

"Quite true, my lord. And as it happens, I am content to learn all I need to know about corruption at your hands." Sophy touched Julian's big hands with loving fingers and then bent her head to kiss his wrist. When she looked up, she saw his love for her in his eyes.

"I have said all along," Julian remarked softly, "that you and I would deal very well together."

"You were apparently right yet again, my lord."

He got to his feet and pulled her up to stand in front of him. "I am almost always right," he said as he brushed his mouth against hers. "And on those occasions when I am not, I shall have you to put me right. Now I find that it is almost dawn, my love and I have need of your softness and your heat. You are a tonic for me. I have discovered that when I am in your arms, I can forget everything else but you. Let us go to bed."

"I would like that very much, Julian."

He undressed her slowly, with infinite care, his muscular hands gliding over every inch of her soft, fair skin. He bent his head to kiss the budding peaks of her breasts and his fingers found the flowing warmth between her legs.

And when he was very certain she was on fire for him, Julian carried her over to the bed, laid her down upon it, and made love to her until they both could put the memory of the day's events far behind them.

A long time later Julian rolled reluctantly to one side, cradling Sophy in one arm. He yawned mightily and said, "The emeralds."

"What about them?" Sophy snuggled close. "You found them in the basket, I presume?"

"I found them. And you will wear them on the next occasion that warrants such finery. I cannot wait to see you in them."

Sophy stilled. "I do not think I want to wear them Julian. I do not like them. They won't become me."

"Don't be a goose, Sophy. You will look magnificent in them."

"They should be worn by a taller woman. A blond perhaps. In any event, knowing me, the clasp will probably come undone and I shall lose them. Things are always coming undone on my person, my lord. You know that."

Julian grinned in the darkness. "It is one of your charms. But have no fear, I shall always be nearby to retrieve any lost items, including the emeralds."

"Julian, I truly do not want to wear the emeralds," Sophy said insistently.


She was silent for a long moment. "I cannot explain."

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