"Grant will lay waste the state of Virginia and then move across the Carolinas until he meets with General Sherman. Between them they will burn every barn, lay waste every field, and tear up every town, destroy every mill, every mile of railroad track, and they will leave utter ruin in their wake. Those who wish to wage war in these circumstances will find themselves fleeing across a wilderness of destruction.

"So far this war has been fought with a certain degree of civility. The patience of our opponents is at an end. If we defy the truth that is before us now, we shall reap a terrible whirlwind that will scar our nation for generations to come.

"And hundreds of thousands more will die "

As he described the apocalyptic scene there was silence.

"As a man of honor and a man of military training I cannot support or condone such a future for my state.

"You gentlemen are politicians. You have every right to reach a different conclusion than a military man. However, neither I nor any member of the Army of Northern Virginia who is loyal to our good name, to our honor, and to my given word will break that word.

"Gentlemen, I beg of you, as a simple citizen, setting aside my former military position, the war is over, the cause is ended. Let us save our families, our young men, and our land from inevitable devastation. Let us end with honor that which we began with honor. I can do no less."

He paused and lowered his head.

"I urge you this day to accept and honor the terms offered by President Abraham Lincoln, terms carried back from Maryland by Secretary Judah Benjamin. At this very moment copies of those terms are being printed up and distributed not just here in Richmond but across the South."

He looked at Judah who nodded and motioned to several boys who had come in carrying bundles of paper, word-for-word reprints of the letter from Lincoln, given to Judah by Elihu Washburne.

Lee waited for several minutes as the papers were distributed.

'This is a violation of confidentiality between myself and the secretary of state."

It was President Davis, who throughout Lee's speech had remained silent.

Lee looked over at the Speaker of the House, who came to his feet.

'The chair still recognizes the general," he paused. "Mr. Robert E. Lee, Mr. President. He still has the floor."

Davis, fuming, turned and walked out of the room.

Senators and congressmen snatched up copies of the letter, some sat down, reading in silence, a few crumpled the papers up and threw them to the floor, several stormed out of the room after President Davis, one of them turning and shouting that all who remained and listened were cowards.

But the vast majority stayed, read, and looked up at Lee.

"The terms are just, fair, and liberal," Lee said as he resumed. "Rarely in the annals of history has such an offer been made to end an internal rebellion, with the victor extending his hand in a gesture of peace and reconciliation. It is an offer imbued with Christian charity, and I pray that you accept it."

He paused, again scanning the room, looking at each of the men gazing up at him. The features of many had softened, more than a few were in tears, some sat woodenly, in shock, as the reality of what they confronted was put before them.

"I believe I have said enough," Lee said. "I suggest, gentlemen, that when I yield the floor, you recognize Mr. Judah Benjamin, who sat by my side during the surrender negotiations and will discuss the details. I know what he will say, and I urge you to listen to him.

"But before I leave, I ask but this. Look out the windows of this building. Gathered outside are the men who were once the proud Army of Northern Virginia. They have fought with honor across two years and won great victories and have now suffered a final defeat. But for each one who stands there, how many are vacant from the ranks? How many of our sons, our comrades, our friends are perhaps gathered here only in spirit."

He felt as if his voice was about to break. He took a deep breath and went on.

"Jackson, who fell at Chancellorsville, so many who rest in unmarked graves, so many who will never return home. Some might now say that we must shed more blood, otherwise their sacrifice would be in vain."

Lee shook his head.

'Thus it is always said across history, and yet never have we heard the dead themselves speak, telling us what they would want. Would they want more blood poured upon their graves as atonement? I think not. I believe, instead, it would be their voices that would be the loudest, urging us not to waste the blood of one more young man for a cause that is now lost. Let the dead who fought for this cause rest in honored peace. Let the living who survived…"

And now his voice did come close to breaking.

"Let the living go home to the waiting embraces of their loved ones. Let them go home with heads high, knowing they are men of honor, whose former foes wish now to extend the hand of friendship and peace.

"My friends, across two years we have prayed to God for guidance and victory. Our opponents have done the same. There is a terrible irony in that, for both sides to pray to the same Prince of Peace for the destruction of the other. The prayers of neither side have been answered fully. Yet, is it not evident that the will of God is revealed? For whatever reason, he has judged against us. We have prayed to him with humility, as men of honor, and that honor is intact.

"I believe firmly, that to continue the struggle now is to turn against God's will, and in so doing, we shall face a terrible judgment."

He lowered his head in the silent room.

"Gentlemen, may the blessing of the Almighty be upon you and guide you this day. I shall now return to private life. Good day."

He stepped down from the podium and with head high walked out of the room. As he started to leave, Pete Longstreet came forward, followed by other officers, and without comment or fanfare, they drew their swords, laid them at the foot of the lectern, and followed their general out of the room.

As he stepped out onto the steps of the capitol his men, his gallant men, were drawn up in ranks, coming to attention, saluting.

"We're with you, General!" someone shouted, and a wild cheer, the rebel yell went up, sending a chill down his spine.

How many times, dear God, how many times did I hear that yell, their going forward, colors at the fore, that wild cheer that signaled victory.

He waited, the cheer dying down, something in his demeanor commanding silence.

Behind him the doors to the capitol were open and he could hear the speaker pounding his gavel. "The chair recognizes the Honorable Judah Benjamin."

Before him was a sea of upturned faces.

"My comrades," he began, then paused, "my friends…" No one spoke. All were silent.

"After two years of arduous service, marked by unsurpassed courage and fortitude, the armies of the Confederacy must now yield to overwhelming numbers and material. We must humbly, and yet honorably, yield as well to the will of God. The war is over. Disband and go home. May you be as good citizens of the United States of America as you have been soldiers of the Confederacy. That is my last order to you. Farewell."

Mounting Traveler, he rode past their silent ranks. One by one men reached out to touch him as he passed, some saluted, some stood silent, hats clenched in hands. As he looked into their eyes he was filled not with sadness, but with hope. He could see in the eyes of so many, not anguish, but a dreamlike realization… they were alive… they had outlived the nightmare… they were going home, home to families, home to farms not ravaged by war, home to waiting children, parents, and wives. They were going home.

The war was over.

Frederick, Maryland November 19, 1863 After the long two-hour speech by Edward Everett, formally dedicating the cemetery at Frederick, a band.was now playing a patriotic air.

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