Chapter Sixteen

One of the first things Vere did when he came of age was to break entail on the marquessate’s country seat. He had caused a minor scandal when he’d put the manor up for sale. But the world was changing. A grand house in the country, with land more and more ineffectual as a generator of wealth, had become an albatross around the necks of too many.

It was not the life he wanted, his destiny and choices chained to a pile of stones, however glorious and historical. Nor was it the life he wanted for Freddie and Freddie’s heirs, since there was a good chance Vere would remain unwed and the title someday pass to Freddie.

But he did have a house in the country. Most of his long walks had been along the coast of the Bristol Channel. In the spring of ’ninety-four, however, he had hiked for two weeks around Lyme Bay. On the last day of his excursion, coming back from an inland jaunt to visit the ruins of the Berry Pomeroy Castle, he had stumbled upon the modest house and its immodestly gorgeous rose garden.

PIERCE HOUSE, the plaque on the low gate had said. He had gazed at it with a covetousness he did not know he could feel for a mere piece of property: the house, with its white walls and red trim; the garden, as fragrant and lovely as a long-lost memory. When he returned to London, he had instructed his solicitors to find out whether the house was for sale. It had been and he’d bought it.

On the day he brought his wife to Pierce House, she stood a long time before it, before the garden that still bloomed indefatigably, even though the peak months for roses had already come and gone.

“It’s a wonderful place,” she said. “So peaceful and…”

“And what?” he asked.

“Ordinary.” She glanced up at him. “And I mean it as the highest compliment.”

He understood her; of course he did. It was why the house and the garden had so enraptured him, why his heart always ached as he gazed upon it: the embodiment of all the sweet normalcy of which he had been robbed.

But he didn’t want to understand her. He didn’t want to find common ground.

He knew how to manage the life he had chosen. He had the perfect companion: one who would never hurt, anger, or disappoint him. He did not know how to cope with the pitfalls—or the possibilities—of a different life.

“Well, enjoy it,” he said. “It’s your home.”

For now.

* * *

Elissande found Devonshire beautiful, its climate warmer and sunnier than anything she’d ever known. And the sea, which had always fascinated her in her landlocked imprisonment, enchanted her utterly, even though she did not gaze upon it from the high, rocky cliffs of Capri, but only from the hills surrounding that stretch of coast known as the English Riviera.

But she would have found a barren rock in the middle of a desert beautiful, for it was freedom itself that truly intoxicated. Sometimes she had herself driven to the nearest village for no reason at all, simply because she could. Sometimes she rose early and walked until she reached the coast, and brought back a shell or a piece of driftwood for Aunt Rachel. Sometimes she took thirty books to her room, knowing that no one would take them away from her.

After the brief stutter of fear the day of Edmund Douglas’s arrest, Aunt Rachel flourished too. Her consumption of laudanum had decreased by a quarter. Her appetite, still birdlike, was nevertheless ferocious for her. And when Elissande surprised her with a drive to Dartmouth, she had taken in everything with childlike amazement, as if discovering a world she never knew existed.

In short, they were as happy as they had ever been in Elissande’s life.

If only she could be sure her husband shared their contentment.

He appeared much as he always had: cheerful, long-winded, and dense. She’d come to marvel at his ability to furnish lecture-length dissertations that were fantastically, almost deliciously misinformed, which he did every night at dinner, with just the two of them at the table. She tried it herself a few times and found that such speechifying required a surprisingly deep and wide knowledge of what was right and a remarkable nimbleness of mind to turn most everything on its head, with just enough content that was not wrong to drive a listener batty.

On her third attempt, she chose for her subject the art and science of jam making, on which she’d read extensively just that afternoon as it was the season for bottling the produce of the garden—and Pierce House had a walled garden with fruit trees espaliered all along the interior. She must have done rather well in mimicking his intricately unenlightening monologues, because at the end of her discourse, she caught him turning his face aside to hide a smile.

Her heart had lurched wildly.

But beyond that one instance, he never deviated from his role. And except for dinner, he was rarely to be found. Every time she would ask a servant for his whereabouts, the answer was invariably, “His lordship is out walking.”

It seemed to be the norm. According to Mrs. Dilwyn, it was not unusual for his lordship to walk fifteen, twenty miles a day in the country.

Twenty miles of solitude.

For some reason, all Elissande could think of was the loneliness in his eyes when they’d last made love.

* * *

She did not expect to run into him on her walk.

Her walks were much shorter than his. From the house, she went two miles northwest, to the ridge of the Dart Valley, where she usually needed a good long rest before trudging back.

She’d once thought nothing of a seven-mile trek. But her stamina had diminished during her years of near house arrest, and it would take months of regular exercise before she’d be strong enough to walk with him in the decidedly undulating countryside surrounding Pierce House.

That was what she wanted: to walk with him. They didn’t need to speak much, but she would enjoy the pleasure of his nearness. And perhaps given time, he too might find something to like in her company.

She reached the top of the valley, breathing hard from her climb. And then her heart was racing from more than just the exercise. Halfway down the green slope toward the River Dart, he stood with one hand in his pocket, the other holding his hat, his height and breadth unmistakable.

As if she were stalking a wild Arabian that might bolt any moment, she stepped quietly and carefully. Still he turned around and saw her much too soon, when she was a good sixty feet away. She stopped. He gazed at her a moment, looked away briefly toward the hills, glanced at her again, and then turned back to the river.

No acknowledgment. But then again, no pretenses either.

She went to him, her heart full of a strange tenderness.

“Long walk?” she asked, when she stood next to him.

“Hmm,” he said.

The sun went behind a cloud. The air stirred. A breeze ruffled his hair, the tips of which had become a great deal blonder from his long hours outdoors.

“You don’t become fatigued?”

“I’m used to it.”

“You always walk alone.”

His response was a half grimace. She suddenly realized how tired he looked—not a purely physical exhaustion, but a weariness for which a good night’s sleep would do nothing.

“Do you…do you ever wish for some company?”

“No,” he said.

“No, of course,” she mumbled, chastised.

They were silent for some time, he seemingly absorbed by the panorama of the gentle, verdant river valley, she wholly engrossed in the leather patches at the elbows of his brown country tweeds. She had a rather strong desire to touch those patches, to rest her hand where she could feel both the coarse warmth of the wool and the smooth coolness of the leather.

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