“How many times have you seen this before?”

“Ever since I can remember. Just now and then it'll come on me. Most times I just think about other things and it stays back.”


“Back. Out of sight.” Alvin knelt down and then sat down, exhausted. Sat right in the damp grass with his Sunday pants, but he didn't hardly notice. “When you talked about words spreading and spreading, it made me see it again.”

“A dream that comes again and again is trying to tell you the truth,” said Taleswapper.

The old man was so plainly eager about the whole thing that Alvin wondered if he really understood how frightening it was. “This ain't one of your stories, Taleswapper.”

“It will be,” said Taleswapper, “as soon as I understand it.”

Taleswapper sat beside him and thought in silence for the longest time. Alvin just sat there, twisting grass in his fingers. After a while he got impatient. “Maybe you can't understand everything,” he said. “Maybe it's just a craziness in me. Maybe I get lunatic spells.”

“Here,” said Taleswapper, taking no notice that Alvin had even spoke. “I've thought of a meaning. Let me say it, and see if we believe it.”

Alvin didn't like being ignored. “Or maybe you get lunatic spells, you ever think of that, Taleswapper?”

Taleswapper brushed aside Alvin's doubt. “All the universe is just a dream in God's mind, and as long as he's asleep, he believes in it, and things stay real. What you see is God waking up, gradually waking up, and his wakefulness sweeps through the dream, undoes the universe, until finally he sits up, rubs his eyes, and says, 'My, what a dream, I wish I could remember what it was,' and in that moment we'll all be gone.” He looked eagerly at Alvin. “How was that?”

“If you believe that, Taleswapper, then you're a blamed fool, just like Armor-of-God says.”

“Oh, he says that, does he?” Taleswapper suddenly snaked out his hand and took Alvin by the wrist. Alvin was so surprised he dropped what he was holding. “No! Pick it up! Look what you were doing!”

“I was just fiddling, for pete's sake.”

Taleswapper reached down and picked up what Alvin had dropped. It was a tiny basket, not an inch across, made from autumn grasses. “You made this, just now.”

“I reckon so,” said Alvin.

“Why did you make it?”

“Just made it.”

“You weren't even thinking about it?”

“It ain't much of a basket, you know. I used to make them for Cally. He called them bug baskets when he was little. They just fall apart pretty soon.”

"You saw a vision of nothing, and then you had to make something. "

Alvin looked at the basket. “Reckon so.”

“Do you always do that?”

Alvin thought back to other times he'd seen the shivering air. “I'm always making things,” he said. “Don't mean much.”

“But you don't feel right again until you've made something. After you see the vision of nothing, you aren't at peace until you put something together.”

“Maybe I've just got to work it off.”

“Not just work, though, is it, lad? Chopping wood doesn't do the job for you. Gathering eggs, toting water, cutting hay, that doesn't ease you.”

Now Alvin began to see the pattern Taleswapper had found. It was true, near as he could remember. He'd wake up after such a dream at night, and couldn't stop fidgeting until he'd done some weaving or built a haystack or done up a doll out of corn shucks for one of the nieces. Same thing when the vision came on him in the day– he wasn't no good at whatever chore he was doing, until he built something that hadn't been there before, even if it was nothing more than a pile of rocks or part of a stone wall.

“It's true, isn't it? You do that every time, don't you?”


“Then let me tell you the name of the nothing. It's the Unmaker.”

“Never heard of it,” said Alvin.

“Neither did I, till now. That's because it likes to keep itself secret. It's the enemy of everything that exists. All it wants is to break everything into pieces, and break those pieces into pieces, until there's nothing left at all.”

“If you break something into pieces, and break the pieces into pieces, you don't get nothing,” said Alvin. “You just get lots of little pieces.”

“Shut up and listen to the story,” said Taleswapper.

Alvin was used to him saying that. Taleswapper said it to Alvin Junior more often than to anybody else, even the nephews.

“I'm not talking about good and evil,” said Taleswapper. “Even the devil himself can't afford to break everything down, can he, or he'd cease to be, just like everything else. The most evil creatures don't desire the destruction of everything– they only desire to exploit it for themselves.”

Alvin had never heard the word exploit before, but it sounded nasty.

“So in the great war between the Unmaker and everything else, God and the devil should be on the same side. But the devil, he doesn't know it, and so he serves the Unmaker as often as not.”

“You mean the devil's out to beat himself?”

“My story isn't about the devil,” said Taleswapper. He was steady as rain when a story was coming out of him. “In the great war against the Unmaker of your vision, all the men and women of the world should be allies. But the great enemy remains invisible, so that no one guesses that they unwittingly serve him. They don't realize that war is the Unmaker's ally, because it tears down everything it touches. They don't understand that fire, murder, crime, cupidity, and concupiscence break apart the fragile bonds that make human beings into nations, cities, families, friends, and souls.”

“You must be a prophet right enough,” said Alvin Junior, “cause I can't understand a thing you said.”

“A prophet,” murmured Taleswapper, “but it was your eyes that saw. Now I know the agony of Aaron: to speak the words of truth, yet never have the vision for himself.”

“You're making a big lot out of my nightmares.”

Taleswapper was silent, sitting on the ground, his elbows on his knees, his chin propped all dismal on his palms. Alvin tried to figure out what the man was talking about. It was a sure thing that what he saw in his bad dreams wasn't a thing of any kind, so it must be poetical to talk about the Unmaker like a person. Maybe it was true, though, maybe the Unmaker wasn't just something he imagined up in his brain, maybe it was real, and Al Junior was the only person who could see it. Maybe the whole world was in terrible danger, and it was Alvin's job to fight it off, to beat it back, to keep the thing at bay. it was sure enough that when the dream was on him, Alvin couldn't bear it, wanted to drive it away. But he never could figure out how.

“Sposing I believe you,” said Alvin. “Sposing there's such a thing as the Unmaker. There ain't a blame thing I can do.”

A slow smile crept over Thleswapper's face. He tipped himself to one side, to free up his hand, which slowly reached down to the ground and picked up the little bug basket where it lay in the grass. “Does that look like a blamed thing?”

“That's just a bunch of grass.”

“It was a bunch of grass,” said Taleswapper. “And if you tore it up it'd be a bunch of grass again. But now, right now, it's something more than that.”

“A little bug basket is all.”

“Something that you made.”

“Well, it's a sure thing grass don't grow that way.”

“And when you made it, you beat back the Unmaker.”

“Not by much,” said Alvin.

“No,” said Taleswapper. “But by the making of one bug basket. By that much, you beat him back.”

It came together in Alvin's mind. The whole story that the Taleswapper was trying to tell. Alvin knew all kinds of opposites in the world: good and evil, light and dark, free and slave, love and hate. But deeper than all those opposites was making and unmaking. So deep that hardly anybody noticed that it was the most important opposite of all. But he noticed, and so that made the Unmaker his enemy. That's why the Unmaker came after him in his sleep. After all, Alvin had his knack. His knack for setting things in order, putting things in the shape they ought to be in.

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