He acted, not thinking what he would do, but doing it. He walked to the tree, plucked the fruit, carried it back to Alvin where he lay on the ground, a child so small. Taleswapper passed it under Alvin's nose, so the odor of it might be like smelling salts, and revive him. Alvin's breathing suddenly became great deep gasps. His eyes opened, his lips parted, and from gritted teeth came a whine almost exactly like Ta-Kumsaw's keening; almost exactly like a kicked dog.

“Take a bite,” said Taleswapper.

Ta-Kumsaw reached out, snatched Alvin's lower jaw in one hand and upper jaw in the other, his fingers interlaced at Alvin's teeth, and with great effort prised Alvin's jaws apart. Taleswapper thrust the fruit between Alvin's teeth; Ta-Kumsaw forced the jaws closed again. The fruit broke open, spilling clear fluid into Alvin's mouth and dribbling down his cheek into the grass. Slowly, with great effort, Alvin began to chew. Tears flowed from his eyes. He swallowed. Suddenly he reached out his hands, caught Taleswapper by the neck and Ta-Kumsaw by the hair, and pulled himself up to a sitting position. Clinging to them both, drawing their faces so close to his that they all breathed each other's breath, Alvin wept until their faces all were wet, and because Ta-Kumsaw and Taleswapper were also weeping, none could be sure whose tears cast a glaze across the skin of each man's face.

Alvin said little, but enough. He told them all that happened at Tippy-Canoe Creek that day, of blood in the river, a thousand survivors crossing on the water made smooth and hard; blood on White men's hands, and on one man's hands in particular.

“Not enough,” said Ta-Kumsaw.

Taleswapper offered no argument. It was not for a White man to tell Ta-Kumsaw that the killers of his people had received a punishment exactly proportioned to their sin. Besides, Taleswapper wasn't sure he believed it himself.

Alvin told them how he had spent the evening and the night before, restoring Measure from the edge of death; and how he spent the morning, taking away the immeasurable agony as nine thousand innocent deaths shouted in the Prophet's mind– nine thousand times that one black shout that years before had maddened him. Which was harder– healing Measure or healing Lolla-Wossiky? “It was like you said,” Alvin whispered to Taleswapper. “I just can't build that brick wall faster than it breaks down.” Then, exhausted but at peace now, Alvin slept.

Taleswapper and Ta-Kumsaw faced each other, Alvin curled between them, his breathing soft and slow.

“I know his wound now,” Ta-Kumsaw said. “His grief is for his own people, with their bloody hands.”

“His grief was for the dead and the living too,” said Taleswapper. “If I know Alvin, his deepest wound was thinking that he failed, that if he'd just tried harder, he might have got Measure there in time to stop it before the first shot was fired.”

“White men grieve for White men,” Ta-Kumsaw said.

“Lie to yourself if you like,” said Taleswapper, “but lies don't fool me.”

“But Red men don't grieve at all,” said Ta-Kumsaw. “Red men will put White blood into the ground for the blood spilled today.”

“I thought you served the land,” said Taleswapper. “Don't you realize what happened today? Don't you remember where we are? You've seen a part of Eight-Face Mound you never knew existed, and why? Because the land let us into this place together, because–”

Ta-Kumsaw held up one hand. “To save this boy.”

"Because Red and White can share this land if we–'

Ta-Kumsaw reached out his hand and touched his fingers to Taleswapper's lips.

“I'm not a farmer who wants to hear stories of faraway places,” Ta-Kumsaw said. “Go tell your tales to someone who wants to hear them.”

Taleswapper slapped Ta-Kumsaw's hand away. He had meant merely to push the Red man's arm, but instead he struck with too much force, throwing Ta-Kumsaw off balance. Ta-Kumsaw immediately leapt to his feet. Taleswapper did the same.

“Here is where it starts!” shouted Ta-Kumsaw.

Between them at their feet, Alvin stirred.

“A Red man angered you, and you struck him, just like a White man, no patience–”

“You told me to be silent, you said my tales were–”

“Words, that's what I gave you, words and a soft touch, and you answered me with a blow.” Ta-Kumsaw smiled. It was a terrifying smile, like a tiger's teeth out of the darkness of the jungle, his eyes glowing, his skin bright as flame.

“I'm sorry, I didn't mean–”

“White man never means anything, just couldn't help himself, it was all a mistake. That's what you think, isn't it, White Liar! Alvin's people killed my people because of a mistake, because they thought two White boys were dead. For the sake of two White boys they lashed out, just like you did, and they killed nine thousand of my people, babies and mothers, old men and stripling boys, their cannon–”

“I heard what Alvin said.”

“Don't you like my story? Don't you want to hear it? You are White, Taleswapper. You are like all White men, quick to ask forgiveness, slow to give it; always expecting patience, but flaring up like a spark when the wind rises you burn down a forest because you tripped on a root!” Ta-Kumsaw turned and began to walk quickly back the way they came.

“How can you leave without me!” cried Taleswapper after him. “We have to leave here together!”

Ta-Kumsaw stopped, turned around, tipped back his head, and laughed without mirth. “I don't need a path to get down, White Liar!” Then he was off again, running.

Alvin was awake, of course.

“I'm sorry, Alvin,” said Taleswapper. “I didn't mean–”

“No,” said Alvin. “Let me guess what he did. He touched you like this.” Alvin touched Taleswapper's lips, just as Ta-Kumsaw had.


“That's what a Shaw-Nee mama does to shut up a little baby who's making too much noise. But I'll bet if one Red man did that to another– he was provoking you.”

“I shouldn't have hit him.”

“Then he would've done something else till you did.”

Taleswapper had nothing to answer to that. Seemed to him the boy was probably right. Certainly right. The one thing Ta-Kumsaw could not bear today was being a White man's companion in peace.

Alvin slept again. Taleswapper explored, but found nothing strange. Just stillness and peace. He couldn't even tell now which tree it was the fruit came from. They all looked silvery green to him now, and no matter how far he walked in any direction, he ended up no farther from Alvin than a few minutes' walk. A strange place, not a place a man could map in his mind, not a place that a man could master. Here the land gives you what it wants to give, and no more.

It was near sunset when Alvin roused again, and Taleswapper helped him to his feet.

“I'm walking like a newborn colt,” said Alvin. “I feel so weak.”

“You only did half the labors of Hercules in the last twenty-four hours,” said Taleswapper.

“Her what?”

“Hercules. A Greek.”

“I got to find Ta-Kumsaw,” said Alvin. “I shouldn't have let him go, but I was so tired.”

“You're White, too,” said Taleswapper. “Think he'll want you with him?”

“Tenskwa-Tawa prophesied,” said Alvin. “As long as I'm with him, Ta-Kumsaw won't die.”

Taleswapper supported Alvin as they walked to the one place that let them approach; they climbed the gentle grassy rise between Mounds and crested the hill. They stopped and looked down. Taleswapper saw no path– just thorns, vines, bushes, brambles. "I can't get down through that. "

Alvin looked up at him, puzzled. “There's a path as plain as day.”

“For you, maybe,” said Taleswapper. “Not for me.”

“You got in here,” said Alvin.

“With Ta-Kumsaw,” said Taleswapper.

“He got out.”

“I'm no Red man.”

“I'll lead.”

Alvin started out with a 4ew bold steps, as easy as if he was on a Sunday jaunt on the commons. But to Taleswapper it looked like the briars opened wide for him and closed up tight right after. “Alvin!” he called. “Stay with me!”

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