"Don't worry," Obi-Wan said, patting his tunic. "That's why we brought a backup." His mind was already moving to the next step, as Qui-Gon had taught him. Do not reflect on mishaps unless they have lessons to give.

"Now we have another problem," he said. "Do you know any place nearby where we could get a fast transport?"

Andra paled. "No. We'd have to hike for hours. We don't have time. Katharsis is to start in an hour. We'll never make it!"

"Let's contact Qui-Gon and see if Den was able to rig the lottery," Obi-Wan suggested. He activated the comlink. Qui-Gon answered it immediately.

"I'm glad to hear from you, Obi-Wan," he said, relief in his voice. "Did you get the evidence?"

"Not as much as we'd hoped," Obi-Wan said. "The park is definitely being developed for mining, but we have no proof that Offworld is responsible."

Qui-Gon's sigh came through the comlink. "It will have to do. I don't want to put you and Andra in any more danger." "Was Den able to rig the lottery?"

"Yes," Qui-Gon answered. "He'll be one of the three citizens allowed to bet on the final game. He's tapped into the system and knows who the winner will be. Xanatos is delivering the grand prize."

There was a short pause. Obi-Wan felt disappointment thud through him. If only they could connect what they'd found to Offworld! They could expose Xanatos in front of the citizens he had hoodwinked.

Qui-Gon picked up on his thoughts. "Obi-Wan, you did your best. It's time to come back.

At least the global parks of Telos will be saved. Head back now."

Obi-Wan hesitated. If he told Qui-Gon that they had no transport, there was nothing Qui-Gon could do. He wouldn't have time to head out to get them and return in time for Katharsis. Telling him what had happened would only add needless worry.

"Soon," he answered instead. "We have one last thing to take care of."

"All right," Qui-Gon answered. "I'll see you at the dome. And be careful, both of you."

Andra winced. Obi-Wan signed off.

"What are you thinking?" she asked. "How can we get back to Thani?"

"We have one option," Obi-Wan said grimly. "We probably have a few minutes until they miss the droids. We have to sneak back inside and steal a transport."

Andra looked nervous, but she nodded. "It's our only chance. Let's go."

They followed the route back through the cavern. They hovered inside in the shadows of the opening, carefully waiting until a surveillance team walked through. As soon as they were gone, they slipped outside and dodged the steaming pools. They crouched behind a mole miner near the malab pile.

"What now?" Andra asked.

"I have an idea," Obi-Wan told her. "When | was plowing through those memos back at UniFy, many of them dealt with Tech Dome D. They were building a landing pad there. But I don't see one, do you? It has to be concealed inside, so it wouldn't be visible to anyone in the air. Considering the size of this operation, I'd say they were planning to bring in maintenance haulers."

Andra nodded. "Good guess." "That means Offworld," Obi-Wan said. "They have a fleet of haulers. And they need other air transport for smaller jobs. If we can get into Tech Dome D, we can find evidence of Offworld and escape at the same time."

"So all we have to do is find Tech Dome D, then figure out how to get inside, record evidence, steal transport, and make it back to Than! before Katharsis is over," Andra said. "As Den would say, kill me now."

Obi-Wan grinned. "We can do it."

Keeping to the shadow of the malab hill and ducking out of sight when surveillance teams marched into view, Obi-Wan and Andra made their way to where they had glimpsed tech domes in the distance. Obi-Wan focused his macrobinoculars on each dome until he found Tech Dome D. He focused on its bay doors. Workers busily walked in and out, some piloting gravsleds, some carrying durasteel bins.

When you want to leave someplace unobserved, pick the busiest spot.

"That's where we'll find transport," he told Andra.

"But the place is crawling with workers. And surveillance has been stepped up," Andra murmured. "The droids are everywhere."

"They're looking for intruders," Obi-Wan said. "Not workers."

Obi-Wan pointed to a worker exiting a small shed near them. He was fastening up his gray unisuit.

"Wait here," Obi-Wan instructed Andra.

He hugged the side of the hill of malab stone. There were only a few meters between him and the shed. He would have to chance it.

Quickly, he began to walk across the space. He gained the shelter of the door and slipped inside. A weary worker sat on a bench in front of a row of lockers. He looked up, surprised.

Obi-Wan nodded a hello. "I came for my unisuit. I'm new. Late for my shift," he added, trying to forestall any conversation.

The worker looked at him suspiciously. "The shift doesn't start for ten minutes. And you look awfully young."

Obi-Wan summoned up the Force. He directed his glance at the worker.

"But you wouldn't mind getting me a couple of suits," he said.

"Why don't I get you a couple of suits?" the worker said.

Obi-Wan took two suits from the pile the worker offered and held them up. The smaller one would fit Andra.

"See you around," he said.

"See you," the worker repeated.

Obi-Wan quickly donned the suit before exiting. He tucked the other under his arm and walked back to where Andra stood in the shadows. He handed her the unisuit and she slipped into it.

They headed for Tech Dome D. Once they got closer, Obi-Wan saw that it was three times the size of the other domes, extending back for hundreds of meters. He and Andra headed for the big double doors and strolled inside. They walked purposefully down a long aisle stacked with supply bins.

"Here, pick this up," he directed to Andra, pointing at a durasteel bin.

"Now what?" she muttered.

"Look busy." Obi-Wan scanned the area. There were several skyhoppers parked near the spaceport door. The hangar itself was big enough to park a good-sized hauler. Offworld had to be involved here.

Obi-Wan scanned the supply bins. Apparently they stored the explosive devices here. He saw a case of thermal detonators.

"Wait a second." Obi-Wan bent down to read the side of the box. Burned into the durasteel case was a broken circle.

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