"That is too much!" she protested. "The family is already in a tenuous position without championing a rogue elf."

"I hold to my price." Danilo fell silent as he gathered the will to continue. It was not easy to know that his family controlled much of Waterdeep's illegal trade. It was harder still to contribute to it, but as Cassandra had pointed out, they were unlikely to survive any other way. This was one more reason why he had to leave the city—he could not betray them, nor could he be a part of their dealings. This once, and never again.

"I will give you this: There will be less risk than first reckoning indicates. Elaith will surrender some of his business interests to Thann control. He will remain the silent partner and collect a share of the gains."

Cassandra was silent for several moments. "Given our recent losses, this might be a timely arrangement. I will have to work through the particulars, but I agree in principle."

It was an odd and ironic choice of words. Dan decided not to comment—at least, not directly.

"Then the matter is settled, but for this small remembrance."

He took his mother's hand, and slid onto her finger a wondrous ring set with a single perfect ruby.

"This is—or was—an elven kiira. I ask that you wear it always," he said softly, "as a reminder that not even the most formidable power can last forever."

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