“There,” she announced, “the terrain of the Marquez de la Rosa.” “Where?” I asked, gazing out at the horizon-to-horizon expanse of copse and field, hill and forest.

“Everywhere. It’s all his. Hundreds of thousands of hectares. The nobility are feudal lords on Paraiso-Aqui, the main reason why Zapilote succeeded in his democratic revolution. While many of hereditary aristocracy are immensely cruel to the peasantry, the marquez is one of the few exceptions. Which is why it is so important to enlist him on our side,” “Consider that done,” I told her. “I’m the last of the big-time recruiting sergeants. Bolivar, kindly stop here, before we reach the entrance.” Impressive stone tiers stood before us on both sides of the road, the pair of them surmounted with an ornate arch deeply graven with a noble coat of arms. The shield was full of quarterings, an interesting bar sinister which hinted at lusty ancestry, plus plenty of griffins, lions and other heraldic beasts. I dug deep into the refrigerator and took out the ice bucket. It had a false bottom with even more ice concealed beneath.

“For you, my jewel,” I said to Angelina, slipping a 400-carat diamond ring onto her finger. She made appreciative gasping noises which accelerated when I passed over the matching necklace. “A few items I have been saving for the right occasion.” “They’re gorgeous!” “Like to like. And a bauble or two for myself to impress our host. “ Such as a ring with a ruby the size of a bird’s egg, with matching ruby-studded band for my hat. The twins clapped appreciatively and Flavia could only stare in shocked silence. I hoped the marquez would be as impressed as well.

“Onward to meet our destiny!” I ordered, and we rolled elegantly through the gates.

The smooth road wound up through green meadows, which gradually gave way to a series of ornate gardens. A last swoop through flower-hung trees opened out into a vista of parkland set with fountains, before a last bend of the road that ended before the house. Or mansioncastle whatever. Most ininrassive, if a little gaudy. Turrets, pillars, mullions, towers, acres of windows and rows of crenellation. An ornately dressed figure appeared through the open front doors, and stood awaiting our arrival with great dignity. “The marqu6z?” I asked, greatly impressed.

“His butler,” Flavia said. “Give him your name, and titleif you have one. “ Do I have one! A dozen, or more, as many as my fertile imagination can invent. I thought swiftly as James opened the car door, then stalked forth to meet the butler who had descended the stairs to meet me.

“I presume this is the residence of his excellency Gonzales de Torres the MarquBz de la’RosaP” “It is—..” “Good. I was concerned that I had the address right. One castle looks so much like another. Kindly convey to your master the good tidings that the Duke of diGriz is here with his retinue.” “Thank you, thank you. Follow me if you please.” As he ushered us inside he whispered to another flunky who hurried away. We paced through cool corridors, sinking deep into the pile of priceless carpets, to a pair of great wooden doors, which he threw open with a grand gesture while announcing me in a stentorian voice. Head high I swept by.

The marquez came forward, hand extended. A handsome man with just a touch of gray at his noble temples, lithe and strong with an athlete’s walk. I took the preferred hand and bowed slightly.

“Welcome, Duke, welcome,” he said with some sincerity. “Jim, if you please, on my world we are most informal.” “Of course, most intelligent. Then you are not of this planet? May I congratulate you on your perfect command of our language. I thought your title was an unfamiliar one.” “Yours however is known across the civilized galaxy. I would not have burst in on you like this had I not been encouraged by one of your relatives who gave me this letter of introduction. “ I passed over the note from Jorge, which put the final stamp of approval on our visit. Introductions were made all around, including to the marqueza, who made her appearance, her jewelry not half as impressive as Angelina’s I was happy to note. When the others cleared out de Torres, as he insisted I call him, and I settled down with a great flask of excellent wine. I got right to the point.

“I assume that you know that your third cousin four times removed is part of the resistance movement?” “I didn’t know it but it gives me great pleasure to hear that Jorge is working against that monster Zapilote, that degenerate piece of offal that...” He waxed on enthusiastically in this vein for some time and I made mental notes of some of the more fascinating insults.

“I gather from that that you don’t exactly see eye to eye with the General-President.” I sipped at the wine until he ran down a second time. I knew that we had a valuable recruit as I nodded unhappy agreement to his words and made my pitch.

“What you say must be true, for tales of this monster’s crimes have even reached my home world of Solysombra, many light-years away. What we find most disturbing is that these crimes are committed in the name of democracy, a system we have come to appreciate. I know, sip some wine, that’s it, must think about the blood pressure, the two words are the same. Like you, people of our class had certain suspicions when the ballot box replaced hereditary rule. But in the long run it worked out all to the good. Particularly when those of noble blood and decent education ran for office themselves. And were elected.” The marquez lifted one aristocratic eyebrow but was too well-bred to doubt my word aloud.

“It is true, de Torres, if you will think about it. The fact that the aristocracy rules before there are elections does not necessarily mean that it must stop ruling after elections. What it does mean is that the people of character and intelligence have a better chance of being elected than those of no character and pointed heads. I don’t know how it is here, but we have some so-called noble gentlemen on my world who aren’t fit to clean my pigsty.” He nodded agreement. “We have this problem as well. There are well connected people here whom not only wouldn’t I admit to my house, I won’t profane the air in this room by speaking their names aloud.” “Then we are of a single mindi” I raised my glass as did he and we downed their contents, and I watched with pleasure as they were refilled. “Therefore I volunteer my experience in politics to aid you and your people. There will be two candidates in the next presidential election-and I shall use my considerable professional knowledge to see that there will be a fair election and that the better man will win.” “Can you do that?” “Guaranteed.” “Then you are the savior of Paraiso-Aqui.” “Not me. Salvation will be the new president’s job.” “And who will that man be?” “It is obvious. None other than your noble self.” He was stunned by the words and sat for long moments with his head lowered. When he finally raised his eyes to mine they were filled with sorrow.

“That cannot be,” he said~’lt must be another. I regret that I cannot be president.”

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