I was shocked at the magnitude of the lie, angered. But I struggled hard and followed my own advice and kept my mouth shut. But Morton didn’t.

“But, sir, the Interplanetary League is a peaceful union of peaceful planets. War has been abolished . , .”

“How do you know that?” he snapped.

“Common knowledge,” I said breaking in, hoping that Morton would shut up now. “But you know that is the’ truth, don’t you, sir?”

“I know nothing of the sort and I wonder just who has been feeding you lies like that. After our orientation ses-

sion I want to talk to you, soldier. You and that recruit next to you. This free country is fighting the interplanetary forces that wish to destroy us. No sacrifice is too great to defend that freedom which is why I know that you will all do your duty, happily. And become good soldiers in a good team. Look to the good Sergeant Klutz as you would to your own father, for he is here to be your mentor and guide to your military life. Do what he says and you will grow strong and prosper and become first-class soldiers in the service of your country. But I know that you will at times find things confusing, even worrying, for this military experience is a new experience for all of you. That is when you must think of me. I am your counselor and guide. You can call upon me for advice and help at any time. I would like to be your friend, your very best friend. Now I am going to pass out these orientation pamphlets and you have ten minutes to read them. We will then have a question and answer session to help acquaint you with the details. While you are doing that I am going to have a nice friendly chat with these recruits who appear to be badly misinformed about the political realities of our land.” The finger was pointing at me, then at Morton. “That’s right, you two. We will step outside, get a bit of sun, have some good old jaw-jaw.”

We rose with great reluctance—but had no choice at all. All eyes were upon us when we went to the door that Gow was holding open. I could feel the heat from Sergeant Klutz’s burning glare as I passed him. Corporal Gow closed the door behind us and turned to face us. His smile as insincere as ever.

“Kind of warm now since the sun came out.”

“Sure is. Feels nice.”

“Where did you get that subversive cagal you were spouting in there? You first.” He pointed at me, “I sort of, well, sort of heard it somewhere.” He smiled happily and stabbed a stubby finger at Morton.

“I knew it. You have been listening to the illegal radio, haven’t you? Both of you. That is the only possible place vnii oniild havf heard such outrageous lies.”

8S tiflrry lttRrisoiI “Not really,” Morton said. “Facts are facts and I happen to be right.”

He was digging his own grave with his jaw. I broke in; this radio dodge sounded like a possible out. If there were such a thing we might just wriggle from under this creepo’s thumb. I lowered my eyes and twisted my toe in the dirt.

“Gee, corporal, I don’t know how to say this. I was going to lie or something—but you’re too smart for me. It was, you’re right, the radio…”

“I knew it! They pump that poison down from their .satellite, too many frequencies to jam, too defended to shoot down. Lies!”

“I just did it that once. I knew I shouldn’t have, but it was a dare. And it sounded so .true—that’s why I spoke out like that.”

“I’m glad you did, recruit. And I imagine that you did the same?” Morton did not rise to the bait but the corporal took silence for assent. “I think that you did. But at least it shows the poison didn’t take, that you two wanted to talk about it. The devil always has the best tunes. But you must turn away from the siren song of such slimy untruths and listen to the authorities who know far better than you do.” He smiled warmly upon us and I grinned with wide insincerity.

“Oh I will, sir,” I said quickly before Morton could open his mouth again. “I will. Now that you have told me this, and didn’t punish us or anything…”

“Did I say that?” The warm grin suddenly had a cold and nasty edge to it. “You’ll get your punishment. If you were civilians you would each get a year at hard labor. But you are in the army now—so the punishment should be worse. It has been nice talking to you, recruits. Now get back inside for the rest of this orientation session. That will give you plenty of time to contemplate your crimes and their inevitable punishment. In the future, if you have a future, you will not contradict me or any other officer.” He waved us inside ahead of him: we went like sheep to the slaughter. I whispered to Morton. “Is it true what he said about the radio broadcasts.”

“Of course. Haven’t you ever listened? Pretty boring stuff for the most part. Heavy on propaganda and low on content. But it doesn’t matter that you admitted listening. He was out to get us no matter what he said. Military justice!”

“Do we just stay here and wait?!”

“Where’s to run,” he said, with utmost gloom. Where indeed? There was no place to flee to.

Sergeant Klutz glared his best glare at us and we shut up. I sank to the floor with a sigh. Wondering just what possible punishment the military could dream up that could be worse than recruit training. I had the sinking feeling that I would find out soon enough.

Chapter 10

A distant buzzer sounded like a stifled eructation and Sergeant Klutz’s eyes came back into focus and the expression of dull vacuity vanished to be replaced by his normal sneer of anger.

“On your feet you cagal-kopfs! You had a whole hour of cagaling off and you will now pay for it. Double time! The next session will be small arm instruction and short arm inspection. Move it!”

“I’m holding onto these two,” Gow said, separating us out from the others. “I’m putting them on report for spreading sedition.”

Klutz nodded happily and slashed a line through our names on his roster sheet. “Suits me, Gow. As long as I got the roll call right you can eat them for breakfast for all I care.”

The door closed and Gow and I stood there eyeball to eyeball. Morton slumped to one side, drooping with apathy. I was beginning to get angry. Corporal Gow took out his notebook and pencil and pointed at me. “What is your name soldier?”


“That is your military name, Scroo, and not a complete one at that. I would like your entire name.”

“I’m from Pensildelphia, corporal, and we were taught never to give our names to strangers.”

His eyes narrowed with hatred. “Are you trying to make fan of me soldier?”

“That would be impossible, sir. You are a walking joke as it is. Selling lies to the peasantry. You know as well as I do that the only threat to this country is the military that control it. This is a military state kept in operation only for the benefit of the military.”

Morton gasped and tried to wave me to silence. I was too angry for that now. This cagaling corporal had gotten under my skin. He smiled coldly and reached for the telephone.

“If you won’t tell me your name the Military Police will find it out quickly enough. And you are wrong about only the military benefiting from a military state. You are forgetting the industrial corporations that profit from the military contracts. One cannot exist without the other. They are mutually interdependent.”

He said this calmly, smiling, and shocked me into silence. “But…” I finally mumbled as he dialed the phone. “If you know that—why are you selling that line of old cagal to the troops?”

“For the– simple reason that I am the scion of one of those industrial families and quite happy with the situation as it is. I fulfill my military obligations by selling this line of old cagal, as you so quaintly put it, and in a few months will return to the life of luxury which I greatly enjoy. The number is engaged. I’ve enjoyed our talk as well, and in return for the pleasure I derived from the novelty of our conversation I wish to give you a gift.”

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