“It’s fixed, sir! I know how! Borrow a fuse!” He stumbled away with the sergeant right behind him. I was falling into my role and beginning to enjoy myself. Though I was sure I would hate myself in the morning.

More MPs had arrived; the major reappeared and spread ,hpm arrninrl titt* tttf~QtTrfi anA in frrmf nf tnfi pntrunfv* T could see Morton begin to shiver at their presence so I hurried to take over from him.

“You can open that door now, lieutenant. No one goes in except these search teams. I want a head count going in and coming out.”

Under the verbal abuse of the sergeant the search was finished just in time. The first official cars were appearing as the techs were being loaded back into the trucks. “How did it go, sergeant?” I asked.

“Lot of beer cans, cagal like that. Swept secure, captain.”

“Good. Move the troops out of the way, but keep them around in case we need them again.”

I waved Morton after me and strolled over to the nearest truck, stood in its shadow where I could see what was happening.

“What’s happening,” Morton asked.

“Good question. Big, secret, and very sudden meeting of some kind. See that car, all officers of field rank or better.”

“We have got to get out of here!”

“Why? Can you think of a safer place to be? We are part of the security here—so no questions asked. Except by me. Look at that one getting out of the limo! Must have nine stars on his shoulders. Big stuff tonight. And that officer behind him. Never saw that uniform before. Something special. ..”

This officer turned about and I froze. A single silver skull on the shoulder of his gray-green coat. Another ~kull on the front of his cap.

And beneath the black brim of the cap a familiar face.

Captain Garth. Former captain of a Venian freighter. The man responsible for the death of my friend The Bishop.

“Stay here,” I ordered Morton, and stepped out of the darkness as soon as Garth had turned away. I walked toward him as he approached the security check at the entrance. Passed right behind him as he reached the major who threw a very snappy salute. I could hear the major’s voice clearly as I passed and went on.

“They are almost all inside. General Zennor.”

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“Report to me when the count is complete. Then seal this door tight.”

I stamped on, checked the guards, stamped back to Morton’s side.

“What was that all about?” he asked. “Forget about it. Nothing to do with you.” No longer a simple spacer captain. A general now. Probably always a general. Zennor. What was he up to? What was this entire army up to that he seemed to be ordering around? And how could I find out?

When the major called I did not even hear him. Only when Morton lacked me in the ankle did I realize that I was the Captain Drem he was talking to. “Yes, sir. You want me, sir?”

“Not falling asleep, are you, Drem?”

“No, major, I was just going over the security in my head.”

“Well go over it on your feet which will accomplish a lot more. I’ve stationed a man at every entrance to this theatre. Inspect them.”

I saluted his back enthusiastically as he turned away. This might very well be the opportunity I was waiting for. “Lieutenant,” I called out. “Inspection tour. This way.” I rubbed my hands together happily as we walked around the theatre. “Morton, there is something important going on here and I mean to find out more about it.”

“Don’t! Stay clear!”

“Normally good advice. But this time I have to know what is happening, what he is up to. Did you see the uniforms? All senior officers. And I was ratted to earlier today that an invasion was being planned. It doesn’t take a great brain to figure out that this meeting has something to do with that invasion. But how do I get inside?” We were approaching aside entrance to the theatre and the MP there snapped to attention as soon as we appeared. I shook the locked door and scowled at him. “This door locked when you got here?”

c““r * ,,

Yes, sir.

“Anyone trv to eet in?”

“No, sir!”

“What are your orders?”

“Kill anyone who goes near the door.” He had his hand on his pistol butt.

“Does that include your commanding officers?” I shouted at him, my mouth in his ear. He swayed and his hand dropped to his side. “No, captain.”

“Then you are wrong and you could be shot for disobeying orders. An inspecting officer may try the door to see if it is locked. If an inspecting officer should attempt to go through the door he is to be instantly lolled. Is that clear?”

“Very clear, sir.”

“Then wipe the smile from your face. You seem to enjoy that thought too much.”

“Yes, sir. I mean no, sir!”

I growled a bit more and continued my inspection. We had almost circumnavigated the building when we reached a door in the rear. The guard there stood at attention. I shook the locked door and looked at the metal staircase beside it. “Where does this go to?” I asked. “Emergency exit.”

“Is there a guard there?”

“Yes, sir.”

Morton followed me up the clanging stairs. I stopped halfway and bent to remove the lockpick from my shoe. Morton opened his mouth but shut it again when I put my finger to my lips. I had to find out what was happening inside.

We stamped upward and when we emerged on the balustraded corridor the guard there had his gun half out of the holster.

“Do you intend to aim that weapon at me?” I asked coldly.

“No, sir, sorry.” He put it away and snapped to attention. I put my face close to his.

“Do you know it is a court-martial offense to point a weapon at an officer?”

“I wasn’t, sir, no! I’m alone here, didn’t know who was coming…”

“I don’t believe you, soldier. There is something wrong here. Stand over there by the lieutenant.”

As he turned about I had the lockpick in the keyhole, delicately, turning it, clicking it. I stepped back away from it as he stopped and about-faced. “This door is locked?”

“Yes, sir. Of course, it has to be. I am stationed here because of the door . – .”

His voice wound down as I reached out and opened the door. Then closed it and wheeled to face him.

“You are under arrest, soldier. Lieutenant—take this man to the major. Tell him what has happened. Return with the major at once. Move itJ”

As they stamped away I inserted the lockpick yet again, twisted and pressed hard. Something snapped inside the lock. Only then did I put the lockpick away, open the door and slip inside. Closing it silently behind me.

The small entranceway was sealed with dusty curtains. Light trickled between them; I bent forward and separated them a tiny amount.

“. . . important that security be absolute until blastoff. You have your sealed orders, not to be opened until H hour. Rendezvous points are marked…”

I knew that voice well. Once Garth, now Zennor. I parted the curtains just a bit more to make sure. There he

. was, almost below me, pointing at the large chart behind him. I looked at the chart, then closed the curtains and stepped back.

I was closing the door behind me when hurried footsteps sounded on the stairs. The major appeared, face red and strained.

“What is happening?”

“I’m not sure, sir. The guard that was stationed here had his weapon drawn, acted suspiciously. I tried this door. It was unlocked. That was when I sent for you, sir.”

“It can’t be. I locked it myself.”

It opened at his touch and his face whitened with shock. He pulled it quickly closed. “You haven’t been inside?”

“Of course not, major. I have my orders. Perhaps the lock is defective.”

“Yes, perhaps!” He fumbled out his ring of keys, found the right key and turned it in the lock. Metal grated. “It won’t lock!”

“May I try it, sir?”

I took the keys from his limp fingers and, naturally, had no better luck in sealing the door. When I handed back the keys I spoke in a low voice.

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