The rest of the company had reached the hill by this time so I had the vehicle’s lights turned off. I could see better now, but the only thing I cbuld identic was the towering bulk of our transport behind us. Columns of men and machines were still pouring from it and rushing off into the rain. As the light grew I became aware of a range of hills on the horizon and I tried to find them on the map. It was broad daylight before I had our position pinned down. Y

“Right!” I said, climbing down and smiling at my damp troops. “I know that you will all be pleased to hear that the pilot of our craft made an error in our favor. We are over hallway to our objective:” A ragged cheer followed and I held up the map.

“A close reading of this map also indicates that the rest of the troops that are now on their way to occupy the city of Bellegarrique have a very long way to go. Made longer by certain errors in navigation. If you will look after their disappearing ranks you will see that they are going in the opposite direction to the one they need.”

There was enthusiasm in their cheering now. Nothing builds the morale better than seeing someone else in the

’ cagal. And the rain seemed to be lessening, changing to a sort of soupy mist. The rising sun touched this with red and revealed a distant white object above the trees. I climbed onto the hood to make sure. It was.

“All right, men. We are moving out. If you look in that direction you will see the dam which is our objective. The command car will follow. I shall lead you on foot as a good commander should.


Chapter 16

Some celestial switch was thrown, just after sunrise, and the rain stopped. A light breeze blew away the clouds as we strolled on through the steaming landscape. We had been cutting across country, but came now to a paved road that appeared to lead toward the not-too-distant dam. I sent out scouts, who reported no enemy activity—or no enemy at all for that matter. We followed the road which meandered down a gentle hillside planted with trees on both sides.

“Report from one of the scouts,” Sergeant called out.

• “He is in that orchard and says that the trees are covered with ripe aval-gwlanek.”

“Sounds repulsive. What are they?”

“A land of fruit they grow in Zemlija. Delicious.”

“Tell him to bring a sample for analysis and evaluation.” The scout quickly appeared with his helmet full of ripe peaches, or at least that is what we called awal-gwlanek on Bit O’Heaven. I picked one up and smelled it, then looked at the scout’s streaked face.

“Well, private, I see that you have already done an analysis and evaluation. How was it?”

“Yummy, captain!”

I took a bite and nodded in agreement as the sweet juice washed the lingering taste of the last hotpup from my teeth. “Fall out the troops, sergeant, take cover in that orchard, ten minute break.”

When we marched on the rumble of contented borbo-

rygmus sounded loud above the tramping boots. The dam grew closer, as did the generating plant and grouped buildings at its base. Water gushed from great pipes, while pylons and wires marched away toward the distant city. It looked peaceful and productive and there was no one in sight. I signaled a halt and sent for the NCOs, “I will now outline our plan of attack. But before I do we will have a weapons ipspection. Starting with you, First Sergeant.”

His face was expressionless as he passed me his gun. I pressed the magazine release, saw that it was empty, looked into the equally empty chamber and passed it back. I did this with the others and was quite pleased with myself until I reached the hulking form of Corporal Aspya. Instead of handing me his gun he held it across his chest. “I can save you looking, captain. It’s loaded.”

“That was done despite my direct order, ex-corporal. Private, you will now hand me your weapon.”

“A soldier is not a soldier when he is unarmed, sir,” he said grimly, unmoving.

“That is true,” I said, going on to the next noncom. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him look around as though seeking aid. As soon as his eyes were off me I lashed back with my extended hand and caught him on the neck with the edge. It was a cruel blow: he had a loaded gun. He fell unconscious on the ground and I pulled the weapon from his limp hands, ejecting the cartridges one by one into the mud.

“Sergeant Blogh. I want this man in the command car, under guard and under arrest.”

“Is the guard to be armed, sir?”

“Guard to be armed, weapon to be loaded. Lieutenant Hesk will perform guard duty. Now, this is our plan of attack.”

They listened in silence, impressed by my quick violence. I was ashamed of striking the cowardly blow—but I wouldn’t let them know that. Better one sore neck than guns going off and people getting killed. I could trust Morton not to pull any triggers—and felt much better with him out of the way for the present. I assigned targets to every squad, but saved the main building for myself.

“So there it is. Get your men into position, then report back to me. When everything is covered I will enter and capture the control room. Now—move out,” My bold little army dispersed, attacking by the book. Rushing forward a few at a time, covering each other. After a few minutes the noncoms began radioing in. Objectives reached, no opposition, no one seen yet. Now it was up to me. Followed by the first sergeant and his squad I marched resolutely up the steps of the generating station and threw open the door. It opened directly into the turbine room. The turbines spun, the generators turned, there was no one in sight.

“Fully automated,” the sergeant said. “Looks that way. Let’s find the control room.” Tension grew as we scuttled down the hallway. I was very glad that mine was the only loaded weapon. I kept the pistol in my hand—but the safety was on since I had no intention of pulling the trigger: it was a prop to cheer the troops.

“Someone is in there, captain. See!”

The soldier was pointing at a frosted-glass door. A man’s silhouette moved across it then vanished. “Right, this is it, here we go, follow me!”

I took a deep breath—then threw the door open. Jumped inside and heard the squad move in after me. The grayhaired man stood in front of the control panel, tapping a dial.

“Ne faru nenion!” I shouted. “Vi estas kaptito. Manoj en la aeron!”

“How very interesting,” he said turning about and smiling. “Strangers speaking a strange tongue. Welcome, strangers, welcome to Bellegarrique Generating Plant Number Onp ”

“I can understand you!” I said. “You are speaking a dialect of Low Ingliss, that we speak on Bit O’Heaven.”

“Can’t say that I have heard of the place. Your accent is strange, but it certainly is the same language.”

“What ‘is he saying?” the first sergeant asked. “You speak his lingo?”

“I do. Learnt it in school.” Which was true enough. “He is welcoming us here.”

“Anyone else around?”

“Good question. I’ll put it to him.”

“There are more staff, gf course, but they’ll be asleep. Shift workers. You must tell me more about yourself and your friends. My name is Stirner. Might I ask yours?” I started to answer, then drew myself up. This was no way to run a war. “My name is not important, I am here to tell you that this planet is now controlled by the armed forces of Nevenkebia. If you cooperate you will not be harmed.”

I translated this into Esperanto so my soldiers would know what was happening. And told the sergeant to pass the word about the shift workers. Stirner politely waited until I was finished before he spoke.

“This is all very exciting, sir! Armed forces you say? That would mean weapons. Are those weapons that you are carrying?”

“They are. And be warned—we will defend ourselves if attacked.”

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