She dug in her heels. "No. I'm fine. But thank you. I soiled my dress, and had to go change, that's all. That's why it's not the same one. But I'm fine."

She glanced at his sword as he pulled back. He had seen her looking at a lot of swords since she returned to the gathering hall.

"You look as if something is-"

"No," she insisted. "I hit my head, that's why I look so shaken. I'm fine. Really. It simply shook my confidence."

"I understand," Dalton said sympathetically. "Things like that make one realize how short life can be. Make you realize how"-he snapped his fingers-"you could go at any time."

Her lip trembled. She had to swallow before she could speak. "Yes. I see what you mean. But I feel much better, now. My balance is back."

"Is it now? I'm not so sure."

Teresa pushed at him. "Dalton, can't you see the poor woman is shaken?" She gave him another push. "Go on and talk your business while I see to poor Claudine."

Dalton bowed and moved off to allow Teresa some privacy to find out what she would. He was pleased with the two Haken boys. It looked as if they had put the fear of the Keeper into her. By the unsteady way she walked, they had obviously delivered the message in the way he had wanted it delivered. Violence always helped people understand instructions.

He was gratified to know he had judged Fitch correctly. The way the boy stared at Dalton's sword, he knew. Claudine's eyes reflected fear when she looked at his sword; Fitch's eyes held lust. The boy had ambition. Morley was useful, too, but mostly as muscle. His head, too, was not much more than muscle. Fitch understood instructions better and, as eager as he was, would be of more use. At that age they had no clue how much they didn't know.

Dalton shook hands with a man who rushed up to pay him a compliment about his new position. He presented a civil face, but didn't remember the man's name, or really hear the effusive praise; Dalton's attention was elsewhere.

Director Linscott was just finishing speaking with a stocky man about taxes on the wheat stored in the man's warehouses. No trifling matter, considering the vast stores of grain Anderith held. Dalton politely, distantly, extracted himself from the nameless man and sidled closer to Linscott.

When the Director turned, Dalton smiled warmly at him and clasped his hand before he had a chance to withdraw it. He had a powerful grip. His hands still bore the calluses of his life's work.

"I am so glad you could make it to the feast, Director Linscott. I pray you are enjoying the evening, so far. We yet have much the Minister would like to discuss."

Director Linscott, a tall wiry fellow with a sun-rumpled face invariably looking as if he were plagued by an everlasting toothache, didn't return the smile. The four oldest Directors were guild masters. One was from the important clothmaking guild, one from the associated papermaking guild, another a master armorer, and Linscott. Linscott was a master mason. Most of the remaining Directors were respected moneylenders or merchants, along with a solicitor and several barristers.

Director Linscott's surcoat was an outdated cut, but finely kept nonetheless, and the warm brown went well with the man's thin gray hair. His sword, too, was old, but the leather scabbard's exquisite brassware at the throat and tip was in gleaming condition. The silver emblem-the mason's dividers-stood out hi bright silhouette against the dark leather. The sword's blade, undoubtedly, would be just as well maintained as everything else about the man.

Linscott didn't deliberately try to intimidate people, it just seemed to come naturally to him, the way a surly disposition came naturally to a mother brown bear with cubs. Linscott considered the Anderith people, those working fields, or hauling nets, or at employment in a trade through a guildhall, his cubs.

"Yes," Linscott said, "I hear rumors the Minister has grand plans. I hear he has thoughts of disregarding the strong advice of the Mother Confessor, and breaking with the Midlands."

Dalton spread his hands. "I'm sure I don't speak out of turn when I tell you from my knowledge of the situation that Minister Chanboor intends to seek the best terms for our people. Nothing more, nothing less.

"You, for instance. What if we were to surrender to the new Lord Rahl and join the D'Haran Empire? This Lord Rahl has decreed all lands must surrender their sovereignty-unlike our alliance with the Midlands. That would mean, I suppose, he would no longer have need for Directors of Cultural Amity."

Linscott's tanned face turned ruddy with heat. "This isn't about me, Campbell. It's about the freedom of the people of the Midlands. About their future. About not being swallowed up and having our land brutalized by a rampaging Imperial Order army bent on the conquest of the Midlands. "The Anderith ambassador has relayed Lord Rahl's word that while all lands must surrender to him and be brought under one rule and one command, each land will be allowed to retain its culture, so long as we do not break laws common to all. He has promised that if we accept his entreaty while the invitation is still open to all, we will be party to creating those common laws. The Mother Confessor has put her word to his."

Dalton respectfully bowed his head to the man. "You misunderstand Minister Chanboor's position, I'm afraid. He will propose to the Sovereign we go with the Mother Confessor's advice, if he sincerely believes it to be in the best interest of our people. Our very culture is at stake, after all. He has' no wish to choose sides prematurely. The Imperial Order may offer our best prospects for peace. The Minister wants only peace."

The Director's dark scowl seemed to chill the air. "Slaves have peace."

Dalton affected an innocent, helpless look. "I am no match for your quick wit, Director."

"You seem ready to sell your own culture, Campbell, for the empty promises of an invading horde obsessed with conquest. Ask yourself, why else have they come, uninvited? How can you so smoothly proclaim you are considering thrusting a knife into the heart of the Midlands? What kind of man are you, Campbell, after all they have done for us, to turn your back on the advice and urging of our Mother Confessor?"

"Director, I think you-"

Linscott shook his fist. "Our ancestors who fought so futilely against the Haken horde no doubt shiver in their eternal rest to hear you so smoothly consider bargaining away their sacrifice and our heritage."

Dalton paused, letting Linscott hear his own words fill the silence and echo between the two of them. It was for this harvest Dalton had sowed his seeds of words.

"I know you are sincere, Director, in your fierce love of our people, and in your unflinching desire to protect them. I am sorry you find my wish for the same insincere." Dalton bowed politely. "I pray you enjoy the rest of the evening."

To graciously accept such an insult was the pinnacle of courtesy. But more than that, it revealed the one who would inflict such wounds as beneath the ancient ideals of Ander honor.

Only Hakens were said to be so cruelly demeaning to Anders.

With the utmost respect for the one who had insulted him, Dalton turned away as if he had been asked to leave, as if he had been driven off. As if he had been humiliated by a Haken overlord.

The Director called his name. Dalton paused and looked back over a shoulder.

Director Linscott screwed up his mouth, as if loosening it to test rarely used courtesy. "You know, Dalton, I remember you when you were with the magistrate in Fairfield. I always believed you were a moral man. I don't now believe differently."

Dalton cautiously turned around, presenting himself, as if he were prepared to accept another insult should the man wish to deliver one.

"Thank you, Director Linscott. Coming from a man as respected as you, that is quite gratifying."

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