Richard twisted the knife from her grip. "Now, you listen to me. You don't know the first thing about this woman."

"I know-"

"You know nothing! Listen to me! You are fighting the last war. This is not Nadine. This is nothing like Nadine!"

His quiescent fury had at last erupted. With a cry of unleashed rage, Richard heaved the knife at the ground. The force drove it beneath the grass mat, burying it completely into the soil of the plains.

Kahlan laid her hand on the back of his shoulder.

"Richard, calm down. What's this about? What's going on?"

Richard raked his fingers back through his hair. Clenching his jaw, he glanced about and saw the men still on their knees.

"Jiaan-the rest of you-get off your knees! Get up!"

The men rose up at once. Du Chaillu waited passively, patiently. Chandalen and his men backed off. The Mud People had named him Richard with the Temper and, while not surprised, looked to think it best to give ground.

Chandalen and his men had no idea his anger was for what had killed one of them-had most likely, he realized, killed two of them-and would surely kill more.

Kahlan regarded him with a look of concern. "Richard, calm down and get a hold of yourself. Who are these people?"

He couldn't seem to slow his breathing. Or his heart. Or unclench his fists. Or stop his racing thoughts. Everything seemed to be reeling out of control. Fears laid to rest seemed to have unshackled themselves and suddenly sprung up to snare him. He should have seen it before. He cursed himself for missing it.

But there had to be a way to stop it. He had to think. He had to stop fearing things that had not yet happened, and think of a way to prevent them from coming to be.

He realized it had already happened. He now had to think of the solution.

Kahlan lifted his chin to look into his eyes. "Richard, answer me. Who are these people?"

He pressed a hand to his forehead in frustrated rage. "The Baka Ban Mana. It means 'those without masters. »

"We now have a Caharin; we are no longer the Baka Ban Mana," Du Chaillu said from not far away. "We are now the Baka Tau Mana."

Not really comprehending Du Chaillu's explanation, Kahlan turned her attention once more to Richard. This time her voice had a razor's edge to it. "Why is she saying you are her husband?"

His mind had already galloped so far off down another road he had to concentrate for a moment to understand what Kahlan was asking. She didn't realize the implications. To Richard, Kahlan's question seemed insignificant past history in the face of the future looming before them.

He impatiently tried to wave away her concern. "Kahlan, it's not what you think."

She licked her lips and took a breath. "Fine." Her green eyes fixed on him. "So, why don't you just explain it to me, then."

It was not a question. Richard instead asked his own. "Don't you see?" Overwhelmed by impatience, he pointed at Du Chaillu. "It's the old law! By the old law, she is my wife. At least she thinks she is."

Richard pressed his fingertips to his temples. His head was throbbing.

"We are in a great deal of trouble," he muttered.

"You are, anyway," Cara said.

"Cara," Kahlan said through her teeth, "that's enough." She turned back to him. "Richard, what are you talking about? What's going on?"

Accounts from Kolo's journal echoed through his mind.

He couldn't seem to order his thoughts enough to put all the tumbling elements into words. The world was shredding apart, and she was asking him yesterday's questions. Since he saw it so clearly looming before them, he couldn't comprehend why Kahlan wouldn't comprehend the danger, too.

"Don't you see?"

Richard's mind picked madly through the shadowy possibilities as he tried to decide what to do next. Time was slipping away. He didn't even know how much they had.

"I see you got her pregnant," Cara said.

Richard turned a glare on the Mord-Sith. "After all we have been through, Cara, do you think no more of me?"

Looking galled, Cara folded her arms and didn't answer.

"Do the math," Kahlan told Cara. "Richard would have been a prisoner of the Mord-Sith, far off at the People's Palace in D'Hara, back when this woman got pregnant."

Unlike the Agiel Richard wore out of respect for the two women who had died protecting them, Kahlan wore the Agiel of Denna, the Mord-Sith who had, at the behest of Darken Rahl, captured Richard and tortured him nearly to death. Denna had decided to take Richard as her mate, but she had never once implied it was marriage. To Denna, it was just another way to torture and humiliate him.

In the end, Richard forgave Denna for what she had done to him. Denna, knowing he was going to kill her in order to escape, gave him her Agiel and asked him to remember her as having been more in life than simply Mord-Sith. She had asked him to share her last breath of life. It had been through Denna that Richard had come to understand and empathize with these women, and by so doing he had been the only one ever to have escaped a Mord-Sith.

Richard was surprised at Kahlan already having done "the math." He would not have expected her to doubt him. He was wrong. She seemed to read his thoughts in his eyes.

"It's just something you do without thinking," she whispered. "All right? Richard, please, tell me what's going on?" "You're a Confessor. You know how different arrangements can constitute marriage to different peoples. Except for you, Confessors always picked their mates for reasons of their own, reasons other than love, and then took them with their power before wedding them. The man had no say."

The man a Confessor singled out to be her husband was selected for little more reason than his value as breeding stock. Since her power would destroy the man she picked, love, despite what she might wish, had never been an option for a Confessor. A Confessor chose a man for the qualities he would contribute to her daughter.

"Where I came from," Richard went on, "parents often chose who their children would wed. A father would one day tell his child, 'This will be your husband' or 'This will be your wife. Different people have different ways and different laws."

Kahlan cast a furtive glance at Du Chaillu. Her gaze pausing twice, once on Du Chaillu's face, and once on her belly. When Kahlan's gaze returned to him, her eyes had turned brutally cold. "So tell me about her laws."

Richard didn't think Kahlan was aware that she was stroking the dark stone on the delicate gold necklace Shota had given her. The witch woman had appeared unexpectedly at their wedding, and Richard remembered well her words to them.

"This is my gift to you both. I do this out of love for you both, and for everyone else. As long as you wear it, you will bear no children. Celebrate your union and your love. You_ have each other, now, as you always wanted.

"Mark my words well-never take this off when you are together. I will not allow a male child of this union to live. I do not make a threat. I deliver you a promise. Disregard my request, and suffer the consequences of my vow."

The witch woman had then looked into Richard's eyes, and said, "Better you battle the Keeper of the underworld himself, than me."

Shota's elaborate throne was covered with the hide of an experienced wizard who had crossed her. Richard knew little of his birthright of the gift. He didn't necessarily believe Shota's claim that their child would be a fiend unleashed upon the world, but for now he and Kahlan had decided to heed the witch woman's warning. They had little choice.

Kahlan's fingers on his cheek drew his gaze to hers and reminded him she wanted an answer.

Richard made an effort to slow his words. "Du Chaillu is from the Old World, on the other side of the Valley of the Lost. I helped her when Sister Verna took me across to the Old World.

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