Richard noticed Chandalen, not far off, listening intently. "The Mud People have the unique magical ability of the gathering. Each is born with this ability, this magic. That makes them all vulnerable to the chimes.

"Zedd told us, and I also read it in Kolo's journal, that the weak are affected first." Richard's voice softened with sorrow. "What could be weaker than an unborn child?"

Kahlan, touching the stone of her necklace, looked away from his eyes. She dropped her hand to her side, and looked to be trying to veneer her ire with patient logic.

"I can still feel my power-just as always. As you said, if the chimes were loose, they would be causing the failure of magic. We have no proof that's happening. If it were true, don't you think I would know? Do you think me woefully inexperienced in knowing my own power?

"Richard, we can't leap to conclusions. Newborns die all the time. That is no proof magic is failing."

Richard turned to Cara. She was standing not far off, listening as she watched the grasslands, the Mud People hunters, and in particular, the Baka Tau Mana.

"Cara, how long has your Agiel been useless?" he asked.

Cara quailed. She could hardly have looked more startled had he unexpectedly slapped her. She opened her mouth, but no words came.

She lifted her chin, thinking better of admitting such defeat. "Lord Rahl, what makes you think-"

"You pulled Chandalen's knife. I have never before seen you forsake your Agiel in favor of another weapon. No Mord-Sith would. How long, Cara?"

She wet her lips. Her eyes closed in defeat as she turned away.

"In the last few days I have begun to have trouble sensing you. I don't feel any difference, except I have increasing difficulty sensing your location. At first, I thought it was nothing, but apparently the bond grows weaker by the day. The Agiel is powered by the bond to our Lord Rahl."

When the Mord-Sith were within a reasonable distance, they always knew precisely where he was by that bond. He imagined it had to be disorienting to suddenly lose that sense.

Cara cleared her throat as she stared off at the distant storm clouds. Tears glistened in her blue eyes.

"The Agiel is dead in my fingers."

Only a Mord-Sith would anguish over the failure of magic that gave her pain every time she touched it. Such was the nature of these women and their unqualified commitment to duty.

Cara looked back at him, the fire returning to her expression. "But I am still sworn to you and will do what I must to protect you. This changes nothing for the Mord-Sith."

"And the D'Haran army?" Richard whispered as he considered the spreading extent of their troubles. The D'Haran people were charged to purpose through their bond. "Jagang is coming. Without the army…”

The bond was ancient magic he had inherited because he was a gifted Rahl. That bond was created to be protection from the dream walkers. Without it…

Even if Kahlan believed it was the Lurk, and not the chimes, Zedd had told them that, too, would cause magic to fail. Richard knew Zedd would have had to make whatever story he invented relate closely to reality in order to fool them.

Either way, Kahlan would understand the rotting fruits of the dying tree of magic. Her reassuring fingers found his arm.

"The army may not feel their bond like before, Richard, but they are bonded to you in other ways. Most in the Midlands follow the Mother Confessor, and they are not bonded to her by any magic. In the same way, soldiers follow you because they believe in you. You have proven yourself to them, and they to you."

"The Mother Confessor is right," Cara said. "The army will remain loyal because you are their leader. Their true leader. They believe in you-the same as I."

Richard let out a long breath. "I appreciate that, Cara, I really do, but-"

"You are the Lord Rahl. You are the magic against magic. We are the steel against steel. It will remain so."

"That's just it. I can't be the magic against magic. Even if it were the Lurk instead of the chimes, magic won't work."

Cara shrugged. "Then you will figure a way for it to work. You are the Lord Rahl; that is what you do."

"Richard," Kahlan said, "Zedd told us the Sisters of the Dark conjured the Lurk and that's what's causing magic to fail. You have no proof it's really the chimes instead. We have but to do as Zedd has asked of us, and then he will be able to counter the Sisters' magic. As soon as we get to Aydindril, everything will be back to right."

Still, Richard could not bring himself to tell her. "Kahlan, I wish it were as you say, but it isn't," he said simply.

Her veneer of patience began cracking. "Why do you insist it's the chimes when Zedd told us it was the Lurk?"

Richard leaned closer to her. "Think about it. My grandmother-Zedd's wife-apparently told her little girl, my mother, a story about a cat named Lurk. Just that one time she told me about a cat named Lurk, but Zedd wouldn't know she did. It was a small thing my mother told me once when I was little, like a hundred other little words of comfort, or phrases, or stories to bring a smile. I never mentioned it to Zedd.

"For some reason Zedd wanted to hide the truth. 'Lurk, because he once had a cat by that name, was probably just the first thing that came into his head. Admit it, doesn't the name 'Lurk' strike you as a bit… whimsical, once you think about it?"

Kahlan folded her arms across her breasts. She made a reluctant grimace.

"I thought I was the only one who thought so." She mustered her resolve. "But that doesn't really prove it. It could be coincidence."

Richard knew it was the chimes. In much the same way he could sense the chicken that wasn't a chicken, and had wished Kahlan would believe him, he dearly wished she would trust him in this.

"What are these things, these chimes?" Cara asked.

Richard turned away from the others and stared off toward the horizon. He didn't know a lot about them, but what he did know made his hair want to stand on end.

"Those in the Old World wanted to end magic, much as Jagang does today, and probably for the same reason-so they could more easily rule by the sword. Those in the New World wanted magic to live on. In order to prevail, the wizards on both sides created weapons of inconceivable horror, desperately hoping they would bring the war to an end.

"Many of those weapons-the mriswith, for example- were created from people by using Subtractive Magic to remove certain attributes from a person, and Additive Magic to put in some other desired ability or quality. Still others, they simply added some ability they wanted.

"I think dream walkers were such people, people who had a capability added, people who the wizards obviously intended as weapons. Jagang is a descendant of those dream walkers from the great war. Now the weapon is in charge of making war.

"Unlike Jagang, who only wants to end our magic so he can use his against us, during the great war the people in the Old World truly were trying to end magic. All magic. The chimes were intended to do just that-to steal magic away from the world of life. They were conjured forth from the underworld-the Keeper's world of the dead.

"As Zedd explained, such a thing conjured from the underworld, once unleashed, not only may end magic but, in so doing, could very well extinguish life itself."

"He also said he and Ann could take care of it," Kahlan said.

Richard looked back over his shoulder. "Then why did he lie to us? Why didn't he trust us? If he really can take care of it, why not simply tell us the truth?" He shook his head. "Something more is going on."

Du Chaillu, long silent, impatiently folded her arms. "Our blade masters will easily cut down these filthy-"

"Hush!" Richard crossed his finger over her lips. "Don't say another word, Du Chaillu. You don't understand this. You don't know what trouble you might cause."

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