"Give me Bennis, and I'll consider that".

"Bennis is not mine to give".

She sighed. "I would as lief not have to kill you".

"I would as lief not die".

"Then give me Bennis. We'll cut his nose off and hand him back, and that will be the end of that".

"It won't, though", Dunk said. "There's still the dam to deal with, and the fire. Will you give us the men who set it?"

"There were lantern bugs in that wood", she said. "It may be they set the fire off, with their little lanterns".

"No more teasing now, m'lady", Dunk warned her. "This is no time for it. Tear down the dam, and let Ser Eustace have the water to make up for the wood. That's fair, is it not?"

"It might be, if I had burned the wood. Which I did not. I was at Coldmoat, safe abed". She looked down at the water. "What is there to prevent us from riding right across the stream? Have you scattered caltrops amongst the rocks? Hidden archers in the ashes? Tell me what you think is going to stop us".

"Me". He pulled one gauntlet off. "In Flea Bottom I was always bigger and stronger than the other boys, so I used to beat them bloody and steal from them. The old man taught me not to do that. It was wrong, he said, and besides, sometimes little boys have great big brothers. Here, have a look at this". Dunk twisted the ring off his finger and held it out to her. She had to let loose of her braid to take it.

"Gold?" she said, when she felt the weight of it. "What is this, ser?" She turned it over in her hand. "A signet. Gold and onyx". Her green eyes narrowed as she studied the seal. "Where did you find this, ser?"

"In a boot. Wrapped in rags and stuffed up in the toe".

Lady Rohanne's fingers closed around it. She glanced at Egg and old Ser Eustace. "You took a great risk in showing me this ring, ser. But how does it avail us? If I should command my men to cross.. ".

"Well", said Dunk, "that would mean I'd have to fight".

"And die".

"Most like", he said, "and then Egg would go back where he comes from, and tell what happened here".

"Not if he died as well".

"I don't think you'd kill a boy of ten", he said, hoping he was right. "Not this boy of ten, you wouldn't. You've got three-and-thirty men there, like you said. Men talk. That fat one there especially. No matter how deep you dug the graves, the tale would out. And then, well… might be a spotted spider's bite can kill a lion, but a dragon is a different sort of beast".

"I would sooner be the dragon's friend". She tried the ring on her finger. It was too big even for her thumb. "Dragon or no, I must have Bennis of the Brown Shield".


"You are seven feet of stubborn".

"Less an inch".

She gave him back the ring. "I cannot return to Coldmoat empty-handed. They will say the Red Widow has lost her bite, that she was too weak to do justice, that she could not protect her smallfolk. You do not understand, ser".

"I might". Better than you know. "I remember once some little lord in the stormlands took Ser Arlan into service, to help him fight some other little lord. When I asked the old man what they were fighting over, he said, ‘Nothing, lad. It's just some pissing contest.' "

Lady Rohanne gave him a shocked look, but could sustain it no more than half a heartbeat before it turned into a grin. "I have heard a thousand empty courtesies in my time, but you are the first knight who ever said pissing in my presence". Her freckled face went somber. "Those pissing contests are how lords judge one another's strength, and woe to any man who shows his weakness. A woman must needs piss twice as hard, if she hopes to rule. And if that woman should happen to be small … Lord Stackhouse covets my Horseshoe Hills, Ser Clifford Conklyn has an old claim to Leafy Lake, those dismal Durwells live by stealing cattle… and beneath mine own roof I have the Longinch. Every day I wake wondering if this might be the day he marries me by force". Her hand curled tight around her braid, as hard as if it were a rope, and she was dangling over a precipice. "He wants to, I know. He holds back for fear of my wroth, just as Conklyn and Stackhouse and the Durwells tread carefully where the Red Widow is concerned. If any of them thought for a moment that I had turned weak and soft.. ".

Dunk put the ring back on his finger, and drew his dagger.

The widow's eyes went wide at the sight of naked steel. "What are you doing?" she said. "Have you lost your wits ? There are a dozen crossbows trained on you".

"You wanted blood for blood". He laid the dagger against his cheek. "They told you wrong. It wasn't Bennis cut that digger, it was me". He pressed the edge of the steel into his face, slashed downward. When he shook the blood off the blade, some spattered on her face. More freckles, he thought. "There, the Red Widow has her due. A cheek for a cheek".

"You are quite mad". The smoke had filled her eyes with tears. "If you were better born, I'd marry you".

"Aye, m'lady. And if pigs had wings and scales and breathed flame, they'd be as good as dragons". Dunk slid the knife back in its sheath. His face had begun to throb. The blood ran down his cheek and dripped onto his gorget. The smell made Thunder snort, and paw the water. "Give me the men who burned the wood".

"No one burned the wood", she said, "but if some man of mine had done so, it must have been to please me. How could I give such a man to you?" She glanced back at her escort. "It would be best if Ser Eustace were just to withdraw his accusation".

"Those pigs will be breathing fire first, m'lady".

"In that case, I must assert my innocence before the eyes of gods and men. Tell Ser Eustace that I demand an apology… or a trial. The choice is his". She wheeled her horse about to ride back to her men.

The stream would be their battleground.

Septon Sefton waddled out and said a prayer, beseeching the Father Above to look down on these two men and judge them justly, asking the Warrior to lend his strength to the man whose cause was just and true, begging the Mother's mercy for the liar, that he might be forgiven for his sins. When the praying was over and done with, he turned to Ser Eustace Osgrey one last time. "Ser", he said, "I beg you once again, withdraw your accusation".

"I will not", the old man said, his mustache trembling.

The fat septon turned to Lady Rohanne. "Good-sister, if you did this thing, confess your guilt, and offer good Ser Eustace some restitution for his wood. Elsewise blood must flow".

"My champion will prove my innocence before the eyes of gods and men".

"Trial by battle is not the only way", said the septon, waist-deep in the water. "Let us go to Goldengrove, I implore you both, and place the matter before Lord Rowan for his judgment".

"Never", said Ser Eustace. The Red Widow shook her head.

Ser Lucas Inchfield looked at Lady Rohanne, his face dark with fury. "You will marry me when this mummer's farce is done. As your lord father wished".

"My lord father never knew you as I do", she gave back.

Dunk went to one knee beside Egg, and put the signet back in the boy's hand; four three-headed dragons, two and two, the arms of Maekar, Prince of Summerhall. "Back in the boot", he said, "but if it happens that I die, go to the nearest of your father's friends and have him take you back to Summerhall. Don't try to cross the whole Reach on your own. See you don't forget, or my ghost will come and clout you in the ear".

"Yes, ser", said Egg, "but I'd sooner you didn't die".

"It's too hot to die". Dunk donned his helm, and Egg helped him fasten it tightly to his gorget. The blood was sticky on his face, though Ser Eustace had torn a piece off his cloak to help stop the gash from bleeding. He rose and went to Thunder. Most of the smoke had blown away, he saw as he swung up onto the saddle, but the sky was still dark. Clouds, he thought, dark clouds. It had been so long. Maybe it's an omen. But is it his omen, or mine? Dunk was no good with omens.

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