Louis grimaced. “No. And he took the superconductor cloth and wire when he fled his world. He didn’t have time to make it. He must have known where it was, in storage. Like the other things he brought, the stepping discs: it must have been readily available.” And he knew instantly that something was wrong, but it took him a moment to know what it was.

The translator had stopped speaking too soon.

Then it spoke with a very different voice. “Louis, is it wise to, tell her these things?”

“She guessed part of it,” Louis said. “She was about to blame me for the Fall of the Cities. Give me back my translator.”

“Can I allow you this ugly suspicion? Why would my people perform so malicious an act?”

“Suspicion? You son of a bitch.” Vala knelt watching him with big eyes, listening to him talk to himself in gibberish. She couldn’t hear the Hindmost’s voice in his earphones. Louis said, “They kicked you out as Hindmost and you ran. You grabbed what you could and ran. Stepping discs and superconductor cloth and wire and a ship. Discs were easy. You must make them by the million. But where would you find superconductor cloth just waiting for you? And you knew it wouldn’t rot on the Ringworld!”

“Louis, why would we do such a thing?”

“Trade advantage. Give me back my translator!”

Valavirgillin got up. She pulled the pot a little out from the fire, stirred it, tasted. She disappeared toward the vehicle and returned with two wooden bowls, which she filled with a dipper.

Louis waited uneasily. The Hindmost could leave him stranded, with no translator. Louis wasn’t good with languages …

“All right, Louis. It wasn’t planned this way, and it happened before my time. We were searching for a way to expand our territory with minimal risk. The Outsiders sold us the location of the Ringworld.”

The Outsiders were cold, fragile beings who roamed throughout the galaxy in slower-than-light craft. They traded in knowledge. They might well have known of the Ringworld, and sold the information to puppeteers, but … “Wait a minute. Puppeteers are afraid of spaceflight.”

“I overcame that fear. If the Ringworld had proved suitable, then one spaceflight in an individual’s lifetime is no great risk. We would have flown in stasis, of course. From what the Outsiders told us, and from what we learned via telescopes and automatic probes, the Ringworld seemed ideal. We had to investigate.”

“An Experimentalist faction?”

“Of course. Still, we hesitated to contact so powerful a civilization. But we analyzed Ringworld superconductors through laser spectroscopy. We made a bacterium that could feed on it. Probes seeded the superconductor plague across the Ringworld. You guessed as much?”

“That much, yah.”

“We were to follow with trading ships. Our traders would come opportunely to the rescue. They would learn all we needed to know, and gain allies too.” Clear and musical, the puppeteer’s voice held no trace of guilt, nor even embarrassment.

Vala set the bowls down and knelt across from him. Her face was in shadow. From her viewpoint the translation could not have ended at a worse moment.

Louis said, “Then the Conservatives won an election, I take it.”

“Inevitable. A probe found attitude jets. We knew of the Ringworld’s instability, of course, but we hoped for some more sophisticated means of dealing with it. When the pictures were made public, the government fell. We have had no chance to return to the Ringworld until—”

“When? When did you spread the plague?”

“Eleven hundred and forty years ago by Earth time. The Conservatives ruled for six hundred years. Then the threat of the kzinti put Experimentalists back in power. When the time seemed opportune, I sent Nessus and his team to the Ringworld. If the structure had survived for eleven hundred years after the fall of the culture that kept it in repair, it would have been worth investigating. I could have sent a trade and rescue team. Unfortunately—”

Valavirgillin had the flashlight-laser in her lap, pointed at Louis Wu.

“—unfortunately the structure was damaged. You found meteor holes and landscape eroded down to the scrith. It now seems—”

“This is an emergency. This is an emergency.” Louis held his voice steady. How had she done that? He’d watched her kneel with a steaming bowl of stew in each hand. Could the thing have been taped to her back? Skip it. At least she hadn’t fired yet.

“I hear you,” said the Hindmost.

“Can you turn off the flashlight-lasers by remote control?”

“I can do better than that. I can explode it, killing him who holds it.”

“Can’t you just turn it off?”


“Then give me back my translator function tanj quick. Testing—”

The box spoke Machine People speech. Vala answered immediately. “Whom or what were you talking to?”

“To the Hindmost, the being who brought me here. May I assume that I have not yet been attacked?”

She hesitated before answering. “Yes.”

“Then our agreements are still in force, and I’m still gathering data with intent to save the world. Do you have reason to doubt that?” The night was warm, but Louis felt very naked.

The dead eye of the flashlight-laser remained dead. Vala asked, “Did the Hindmost’s race cause the Fall of the Cities?”


“Break off negotiation,” Vala ordered.

“He’s got most of our data-gathering instruments.”

Vala thought it through, and Louis remained still. Two pairs of eyes glowed close behind her in the dark. Louis wondered how much the ghouls heard with those goblin ears, and how much they understood.

“Use them, then. But I want to hear what he says,” said Vala. “I have not even heard his voice. He may be only your imagination.”

“Hindmost, you heard?”

“I did.” Louis’s earplugs were speaking Interworld, but the box at his throat spoke Valavirgillin’s own tongue. Well and good. “I heard your promise to the woman. If you can find a way to stabilize this structure, do so.”

“Sure, your people could use the room.”

“If you should stabilize the Ringworld with help from my equipment, I want credit. I may want to ask a reward.”

Valavirgillin snarled and choked off a reply. Louis said quickly, “You’ll get the credit you deserve.”

“It was my government, under my leadership, that tried to bring aid to the Ringworld eleven hundred years after the damage was done. You will vouch for that.”

“I will, with reservations.” Louis was speaking for Vala’s benefit. He told her, “By our agreements, you regard what you’re holding as my property.”

She flipped him the flashlight-laser. He set it aside, and felt himself sagging with relief, or fatigue, or hunger. No time. “Hindmost, tell us about the attitude jets.”

“Bussard ramjets mounted on brackets on the rim wall, regularly spaced, three million miles apart. We should find two hundred mountings on each rim wall. In operation each would collect the solar wind over a four– to five-thousand-mile radius, compress it electromagnetically until it undergoes fusion, and blast it back in rocket fashion, in braking mode.”

“We can see some of them firing. Vala says there are … twenty-one operating?” Vala nodded. “That’s 95 percent of them missing. Futz.”

“It seems likely. I have holos of forty mountings since we last spoke, and all were empty. Shall I compute the thrust delivered with all jets firing?”


“I expect there are not enough jets mounted to save the structure.”


“Would the Ringworld engineers have installed an independently operating stabilizing system?”

Pak protectors didn’t think that way, did they? They tended to have too much confidence in their ability to improvise. “Not likely, but we’ll keep looking. Hindmost, I’m hungry and sleepy.”

“Is there more that must be said?”

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