The turn onto the boulevard would be tricky, a near180-degree maneuver. Anakin eased to the right so he would be able to make the turn.

Hekula kept going straight. When the turn appeared, Anakin took it easily, but Hekula had to struggle to keep his Podracer on course.

Engines screaming, they raced up the hill. Speeders accelerated to get out of their way, and pedestrians scattered. Anakin's hands began to shake, and he realized that his controls were vibrating. His warning light suddenly flashed red.

The steering mechanism was failing.

Chapter Twenty

Obi-Wan had run off the edge of the platform and made a midair leap into the box of surprised VIP spectators. Then he dashed out into the stadium hall and was met by Siri.

"Not much excitement at the bowcaster skill event, so I thought I'd see how you were doing," she said. "I didn't realize you'd be competing."

Obi-Wan made the call to Anakin warning him about the steering mechanism.

"We have to get down there."

"Where?" Siri pointed out. "We don't know where the Podracers will emerge from the caves. Nobody knows the track."

"Maxo Vista does."

They raced down to the exiting area, where Maxo Vista was hurrying off in disgrace. When he saw the Jedi he tried to flee, but Siri took three strides forward and pinned him to a wall.

"Not so fast," she said. "We have some questions for you."

"I don't have anything to say." Maxo Vista's eyes burned with hatred for Obi-Wan.

Siri reached into Vista's tunic pocket. "We'll let your datapad do the talking."

She tossed the datapad to Obi-Wan and he quickly accessed Vista's files. Obi-Wan felt the urgency as he called up holofile after holofile, but his hands were steady and his eyes never stopped moving.

"Here," he said. "Here is the route. The steering mechanism will fail after the hill."

"Does it say which Podracer will be affected?" Siri asked.

"No." Even as he was speaking, he was contacting Anakin. "After the steep hill," he said quickly into his comlink, "the steering mech — "

"I know!" Anakin shouted. "It's mine! I can't — " Anakin's words were drowned out by a loud crash and the comlink went dead.

Maxo Vista smiled. "It appears you were too late."

The crash occurred between Gargano and Zanales, who had been closely tailing Anakin and Hekula. Anakin did not look back to make sure that no one was hurt. He was too busy trying to bypass the steering mechanism. He guessed that it had been wired to blow through the nay computer.

He was controlling the Podracer through the engines now, just managing to keep it on course. Hekula had zoomed ahead.

A crowd of spectators stood on a corner ahead, right after a sharp curve. Anakin saw clearly that he could not control the Podracer on that turn. There was only one thing to do.

He shut off the nay computer to send the energy to the engines. He would have to rely on the Force.

Immediately the steering hummed with power again. He pushed the engines and in a burst of speed made the turn and cut Hekula off. He was in the lead again.

Slowing his speed just a fraction, he glanced in his rearview mirror.

Hekula was going to attempt to pass him. Anakin would allow him to do so.

He'd need to follow Hekula now. He had to let Hekula guide him to the finish line, then find a way to get ahead. His first objective was to protect the spectators, but Anakin had not forgotten for a moment that he meant to win.

Now he did not have to worry about injuring anyone. He had solved the problem of the steering. He just had to follow the course. His comlink activated again, but it was on the floor of the Podracer. He could not bend down to retrieve it. He would lose precious seconds. Now Anakin was focused on only one thing: the need to win.

"I'm sure he is all right, but you might as well go to the finish line," Siri said when Anakin didn't answer. "I'll stay with Vista."

"Bring him to the Ruling Power," Obi-Wan said. He knew Anakin was all right. He had to believe he would feel it if it weren't so. "I'll contact you after Anakin finishes the race."

Maxo Vista smirked as Siri led him away. "Good luck!" he called cheerily to Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan hurried out of the stadium. He would have to get to the finish line on a swoop or speeder. It would be the fastest way to travel.

Astri was waiting outside, her eyes searching the crowd anxiously. She waved at Obi-Wan and pointed to a speeder by her side.

"Is everything all right? Is Maxo Vista involved?" she asked.

"I'm afraid so. Siri is taking him to the Ruling Power," Obi-Wan said.

Astri handed him a small viewscreen. Obi-Wan could see the three Podracers roaring through the streets of Eusebus.

"They are selling these on the streets," she said. "Anakin seemed to have trouble, but he's in second place now."

Obi-Wan nodded, taking the viewscreen and jumping into the speeder.

She put her hand on the speeder for a moment. "Vista used Bog. Bog admired him."

Obi-Wan nodded. "Bog will be all right. He just needs to tell the truth."

Biting her lip, she nodded.

Obi-Wan took off. His comlink signaled, and he answered it.

"I have information for you on those Senators," Jocasta Nu said. "They aren't on a committee together. But they have all taken the same position on the same issue. The Commerce Guild is proposing legislation that would give them control of banking practices in the Core Worlds. It is an enormously profitable contract."

"Do the Senators oppose it?"

"Of course. It's a terrible idea to consolidate power that way,"

Jocasta Nu answered. "Rumor has it that many have been bribed to support it. The vote will be close. But the list of Senators you gave me have sworn to block it."

"Are the Ruling Power of Euceron involved?"

"No. But don't you want to know who is a member of the Commerce Guild?

" "Maxo Vista?"

"Indeed," Jocasta Nu said, sounding disappointed that Obi-Wan had guessed. "He was recently invited to join. Do you know who proposed his candidacy?"

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