-       But I have said that it had to be very simple. It originates from Russian folk wisdom. Your friend Vladimir Ivanovich Dal had written it in his remarkable work – “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language”. Here it is: “All are people, but not all are humans”. That is the wisdom of Russian people indicated to the way of combining all people on Earth: “People become humans!” But the problem is in atheism which the mankind can’t understand.

-       What does this mean? Me, for my atheism Alexander had exiled me to Mihaylovskoe under supervision of local priest and my father.

-       Are you indeed an atheist, Alexander Sergeevich? We researched your dialogs with a dean of Svjatogorsky monastery – Iona and with priest Shkoda from Voronichey. Form these dialogs is clear that you are person who believes to God, and they just believed in God.

-       Yes, I remember these disputants very good. Iona was simpler person, he accomplished orders of supervisors with high diligence. And Larion from Voronichey seems not occasionally had nickname “Shkoda”. Don’t put finger in his mouth, he will bite off a whole arm (Russian proverb). He liked to drink. Sometimes, after a glass of rum he told such nonsense thing, that even me accepted this as heresy. And how have you known about these disputes?

-       From Akulina, the daughter of Larion.

-       But she was a little girl, may be about six years old. What could she understand from your disputes, when we by ourselves didn’t understand each other, sometimes?

-       She lived until 1927 and passed away when she was 108 years old. Your father told her about your disputes, when she was already adult. And her very vivid memories gave us a food for thought about character of your atheism. After that your disagreements with church hierarchy became understandable for us. These disagreements were reflected in “The Prophet”, which was written at the house of your uncle Vasiliy Lvovich after that significant meeting with Nikolay Pavlovich on September 8, 1826. I would like to ask you, who or what did motivate you to write “The Prophet”?

-       Our chat with emperor was this motivation. He tried to get an answer to the question: “Why? For what I had written “The Gabrieliad”?” Since his brother exiled me to Mikhailovskoye for the atheism, then I had to explain him, that our church hierarchy was suffered by atheism. I had to take a Greek term – anthropomorphism, which means to give to nonhuman natures the human properties. With this anthropomorphism were obsessed all ancient Greeks. That why their gods in myths live almost like people and susceptible to lusts as people on the earth. But how do think all church hierarchy? The same as ancient Greeks. They look at the emperor, see his ministers, assistants and naive to believe that in the Kingdom of God everything is established in the same manner. That why I tried to explain to emperor, that in “The Gabrieliad” I just ridiculed the anthropomorphism of church hierarchy. And moreover, I had indicated to vicissitudes of Bible by words “with Moses’s story I will not agree…” But church hierarchy blamed me for atheism and demanded a punishment for me.

-       And emperor, had he understood you?

-       It seemed to me that first thing he had understood, but the viability of second thing he had not understood and had considered that as irresponsible hooliganism, which was a characteristic for everyone in teenager ages. At these ages people search themselves and violate world laws of really adult persons. As for me, I had fillings, that for discussing second thing our society was not ready. And what about first thing he asked me to write for this public something, that could convince the members of Synod in my sinlessness and non-involvement to atheism. However, as it was seen in his eyes, that he was shocked with my story and many times tried to interrupt me. But something held him.

-       May be, the desire to learn, what he could not learn from anybody.

-       Probably, he did not want that somebody else would know this, besides both us. That why he asked me in case Synod would call me, to not tell anything what he had heard to members of Synod.  And what is the situation with religion in Russia in modern time?

-       The same as it was written in your “A House in Kolomna”. In the beginning the role of cook-woman implemented Thecla, then she was replaced by Mavra.

-       And what is the matter with Thecla and Mavra?

-       Thecla was a closest associate of the Apostle Paul, whom perverted the doctrine of Jesus. And Marx, (by the way, you contemporary) when he was young, sighted his letters by alias Mavr. It is obviously, that the difference between doctrine of Christ and historically formed Christianity is very huge, because there is no any Christ’s word in the Nicene Creed. We call such Christianity an idealistic atheism.

-       What is the essence of that?

-       The idealistic atheists say that God exists, but they mix the faith to God with the faith in God. And thus, they fence themselves off God with help of church cult and various kinds of ritual. And materialistic atheists claim, that God is not exists, but there are nature laws, which they adore. That is, in fact they adore the nature, which is God’s creature. By researching “A House in Kolomna” we have found, that you somehow predicted and demonstrated in your literature works, that instead of the idealistic atheism (in our understanding Pauline Christianity) in Russia will come Marx theory – Marxism, to be more precisely – materialistic atheism.

-       No, this I could not know.

-       Then why in “A House in Kolomna” there are these words: “Ah, if nobody in funny crowd would not recognize me under light mask”. Who was for you a “funny crowd”?

-       Well, you are telling about this? Of course, my first readers, the nearest neighborhood.

-       And what did you want to hide from them?

-       They in common could not understand what I am writing about in this poem. That why I wanted to publish it anonymously.

-       We know that Alexander I exiled you in Mikhaylovskoye under local priest for atheism. And for which atheism, - materialistic or idealistic? For emperor and his officials this was not known. You had at first time in “A House in Kolomna”, by using definite number of symbols, demonstrated idealistic atheism of Pauline Christianity, as cook-woman Thecla, which was “kind old woman with long standing reduced sense and hearing”. Then, after you, about this wrote count Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy. For that he was even separated from Church. In addition, you had problems after «The Gabrieliad” with Synod, which had called you to interrogation in Kronstadt in autumn, 1828.

-       You even know about this?

-       And not only about this. We have found a letter – an answer of Nikolay Pavlovich to Synod during its attack relatively of your authorship of “The Gabrieliad”. The emperor asked you to not tell anything to Synod about your conversation with him?

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