'That is exactly what happened,' said Cait, much impressed. 'How did you know?'

'Because that is the way of these brigands. They attack at dusk and make off with whatever they can carry, trusting darkness to cover their path. They ride through the night so that when dawn comes they are far ahead of any pursuit.'

'Just so,' said Rognvald. 'We would not have come this far, only one of the servants-a Syrian fellow named Abu-had followed Lady Alethea. He marked out the way for us.'

'But then the markers stopped,' Cait said. 'We made our camp in the place where we saw the last marker. That was five days ago. We have been searching for the trail ever since.'

'You will not find it,' Hasan told her. 'How many bandits did you say made the attack?'

Cait glanced at Rognvald, who said, 'I make it at least twelve -but there may have been more.'

'Then, unless I am mistaken, it was Ali Waqqar,' said the prince; his tone suggested both familiarity and contempt. 'Yu'allah! He is the worst. He and his rabble of outcasts have been a scourge of thievery and murder for far too long.'

'You know them?' wondered Cait, hope quickening inside her once more.

'Alas, I do know them-and wish to Heaven that I did not,' replied Hasan, his voice thick with animosity. 'Once Ali Waqqar was a fine warrior and leader of men. He led the army of Sultan al-Farama in his wars to recover Saragossa. When the sultan was finally defeated, the army dispersed and Ali Waqqar has lived as a bandit and cut-throat ever since.'

'If you know them,' suggested Rognvald, 'perhaps you also know where to find them.'

'They know the mountains well and they have many places to hide. Such is the fear they inspire, the people look the other way when they pass. Thus, they are not easy to find.' The prince paused and shook his head sadly. 'I am sorry, my friends. That this has happened is unfortunate; that this has happened within the boundary of my realm is unforgivable. From this moment,' he said, his tone growing more adamant, 'I will make it my sole concern to find Ali Waqqar and his brigands, and bring them to justice.' Drawing himself up he placed his right hand over his heart and said, 'Prince Hasan Al-Nizar makes this solemn vow, and I will not cease until you are joyfully reunited with your beloved sister, and your valorous servant.'

'I pray you swift success,' Cait told him. 'Achieve your aim and you shall win a loyal and loving friend.'

'Praise Allah the Magnificent! I could ask for nothing finer.'

So caught up were they in pledging their fealty to one another, neither saw Rognvald's tight, slightly scornful grimace as he lifted his cup to his mouth. 'Do you have a wife, Lord Hasan?' he asked abruptly.

The prince regarded him with mild surprise. 'I have been married, yes-once, when I was a very young man,' he said.

'Only once? I thought Muhammedans kept wives the same way herders keep cattle.'

Cait, incensed at the knight's bad manners, glared furiously at him in an effort to make him desist. He took no notice.

'Some may take more than one wife. It is permitted,' Hasan forced a thin smile, 'although not advised. As the great Qadi Tukhmin has said, "A house with many wives is like a ship with many oars, but no rudder." And you, my friend, have you ever been married?'

'No,' replied Rognvald, returning to his cup. 'One day, perhaps -God willing. But not yet.'

Hasan nodded sympathetically. 'God wills all good things for his children. I am sure you will find the very woman one day, and then qismah – your fate will be well and truly sealed.'

From somewhere outside of the hall, there came the sound of a gong. Instantly, Danji and her handmaidens rose and, bowing to the prince and his guests, they departed. The knights, sorry to see the women go, looked to their host for an explanation. 'It is the Hour of Covering the Fire,' Hasan told them. 'From ancient times, my people have observed this practice. You see, we were once a desert people and each night the signal was given to cover the fire so that all would know when it was time to sleep.' He smiled. 'But, please, you are guests in this house; you must not interrupt your revelry on account of this quaint custom.'

Seeing a chance to establish some small authority of his own in this strange place, Rognvald said, 'We will observe your custom, Lord Hasan. For we, too, must sleep if we are to renew our search in the morning.' He stood. 'I thank you for your kind consideration. Certainly, it was the best meal we have had in a very long time. Now, if you please, we will leave you in peace.' To Cait, he said, 'I bid you good night, my lady.'

The other knights, recognizing the signal, rose-albeit somewhat more reluctantly-and, following the example of their lord, took their leave. They walked from the banqueting room, leaving Cait and the prince alone.

'I cannot remember a more lavish and delightful feast, Prince Hasan,' Cait said. 'Your kindness and generosity have made this a night I will never forget.'

The prince smiled and inclined his head. 'Your praise is more than my small effort deserves.' He paused, regarding Cait with a pensive expression. 'Alas, I do not think your Lord Rognvald approved. He is a cold one, to be sure, but I had hoped the festivity would have warmed him a little.'

'Please, I pray you, do not take a moment's thought for him. He is a frozen Norwegian who cannot accept kindness when it is offered.' Cait spoke with more vehemence than she felt, but did so for Hasan's sake. 'Proud men often disdain the benevolence of others.'

'Ah, you are as wise as you are lovely,' sighed the prince. 'It is rare in my experience to find those two qualities united in one woman. For, as the poet says, "What can be bought with wisdom's coin, that beauty does not own?" But you, Ketmia, possess both in abundance.'

No one had ever called her beautiful before, and Caitriona did not know how to reply. She tried to think of something to say, growing more and more uncomfortable as the prince, blissfully silent, regarded her with delight akin to rapture, until at last, she said, 'It has been a most enjoyable night, and I thank you – not least for undertaking to help us find my sister.' She rose slowly. 'I must sleep now if I am to be ready to ride in the morning. So, I will bid you God's rest, my lord.'

'To be sure,' said the prince, rising slowly. 'I will have Jubayar escort you to the women's quarter.'

Taking her arm, he led her to the anteroom where a very tall, very fat man was standing beside the large brass gong. He wore a pale blue turban and long, unbelted mantle. His face was beardless, revealing a livid scar running from the point of his chin to his collarbone. He regarded Cait with a sleepy haughtiness, his large, fleshy features impassive as she came before him.

'This,' said the prince, 'is Jubayar. He is one of my most trusted servants. He is a eunuch, and therefore has charge of the women's house. You will be entirely safe in his protection.'

The big man bowed, but said nothing when Cait attempted to greet him.

'Jubayar!' the prince shouted, and then, as an afterthought explained to Cait: 'He is also very deaf. But he can be made to understand if you speak loudly-although he knows no Latin.' Turning once more to the large eunuch, he spoke a rapid burst of Arabic, whereupon the servant bowed and, with a last glance at Cait, began leading the way down the corridor. Cait thanked the prince once more, bade him a good night, and then hurried after her surly escort.

Mahdi and Pila'i were asleep when Cait entered the room; both young women slept on thin pallets at the foot of her bed. They roused themselves as she entered, and helped her undress, folding the numerous items of clothing and carefully stowing them away in the wooden chest. They brought out a loose-fitting silk gown which she put on and, as Pila'i prepared her cushions, Mahdi brushed her hair and then skilfully braided it so that it would not grow tangled in the night.

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