Stepping cautiously forward into this peculiar, frozen forest, Cait moved silently from tree to tree, pausing at each trunk to look and listen before moving on again-fearful of being discovered, yet desiring above all else to be allowed to stay and observe.

Closer, she caught a whiff of incense-a cloying sweet vapour that filled her head with the essence of lavender. She felt her empty stomach squirm at the heavy scent, and paused to swallow before moving on.

The singing stopped, and so Cait halted, too. She heard someone speaking, but was too far away to make out the words. Presently the address finished, and there followed a lengthy silence which was broken at last by the ringing of a bell. The nuns began singing again and, flitting from one column to the next, Cait crept carefully, cautiously nearer.

When the music ceased, Cait peered discreetly from her hiding place behind the last rank of pillars, now but a few paces from the first of three low, wide steps which rose from the level floor to make a platform on which the Grey Marys had assembled before an altar adorned with a great golden cross with two lamps burning on either side; in their gently wavering light the ornately patterned gold of the cross seemed to melt and move.

Abbess Annora stood motionless before the altar with hands raised shoulder-high, palms upward, as if expecting to receive a gift. On the floor between the abbess and the waiting sisters, two richly embroidered lengths of cloth were spread; on each a young woman knelt in an attitude of prayer. Dressed in the same drab grey robes as the others, they were set apart only by the long crimson hoods that covered their heads. Both supplicants were bent over their clasped hands, and both were trembling slightly. Although she could not see their faces, Cait easily recognized the slender, willowy form of her sister, Alethea.

At long last… Alethea! Cait's heart leapt in her breast, and she pressed the back of her hand to her mouth to keep from crying out. Closing her eyes, she slumped against the pillar and felt the cool stone bear her up as relief rolled over her in waves.

'I believe, O God of all gods,

that Thou art the eternal Father of Light.'

The voice was that of Abbess Annora, and she was immediately joined by a chorus of sisters who repeated the phrase three times with but slight variation.

'I believe, O God of all gods,

that Thou art the eternal Father of Life.

I believe, O God of all gods,

that Thou art the eternal Father of All Creation.'

The ceremony was in Gaelic. Although the inflection was odd, and some of the words seemed curiously old-fashioned, Cait understood it readily enough, for the chant had the same qualities she had heard since she was old enough to sit upright in church and listen to Abbot Emlyn's bold, handsome voice declaring the high holiness of the God of Love and Light and his Conquering Son.

Oh, Thea, she thought, that you, of all people, should strike such a bargain. She wondered what her father would make of it, and then remembered that he was dead and would never know. Well, better this, she supposed, than an unsuitable marriage. And where Alethea was concerned that had always been a live possibility; the young woman's gift for making the most ludicrous and improper alliances had long been a worry to almost all who knew her-save Duncan alone. Now, it appeared that his long-suffering faith was about to be repaid.

When she had better control of herself, Cait once again edged from behind the column. After the recitation, there followed another song, which afforded Cait the opportunity to steal to another pillar for a better view. When the song finished two of the sisters approached the kneeling figures with long, tapering unlit candles. Addressing the novices, the abbess spoke in a low voice to each in turn and was answered, whereupon the candle was offered. The two women rose and approached the altar to light their tapers from the lamps burning there.

Returning to their places, both young women knelt once more, set the lit candles in golden sconces which had been provided, and then stretched themselves full-length face down on the embroidered rugs and extended their arms to either side in emulation of the cross.

The abbess took her place before them, her hands outspread above their heads, and she began to pray. When she finished, the two novices rose and, resuming their kneeling posture, began to pray aloud, saying:

'Thanks to Thee, Great of Light,

that I have risen today,

to the rising of my life;

May it be to Thy glory,

All-Wise Creator,

and to the glory of my own dear soul.

O Great King, aid Thou my soul,

with the aiding of Thy mercy,

with the aiding of Thy love,

with the aiding of Thy compassion;

Even as I clothe my body with this wool,

cover Thou my soul with Thy Swift Sure Hand.

Help me to avoid every sin,

and the source of every sin forsake;

As the mist scatters on the face of the mountains,

may each ill thought and deed vanish from my heart.'

There were more prayers, and when these finished the novices rose and one of the sisters came forward bearing a jar of consecrated oil with which she anointed them, dipping her finger and signing them with the cross on their foreheads. Then each of the novices pledged her life to the service of the community, taking a holy vow which the abbess administered with solemn approval.

After the vows, the nuns began singing again. This time, as they sang, they arranged themselves in two concentric rings around the altar holding their candles before them. Cait took advantage of the movement and edged closer for a better look. From behind her pillar she now viewed the hooded figures from the side; Alethea was nearest her, though Cait could not see her face.

Returning to the altar, the abbess picked up a small wooden cross on a leather loop. Stepping before Alethea, the older woman held out the cross for the younger to kiss. Alethea leaned forward slightly, reached out, took hold of the cross and brought it to her lips. As she did so, Cait felt a pang of yearning pierce her heart. This took her by surprise. She had not thought to be moved by the ceremony in this way. What did it mean?

She had little time to wonder about this, however, for Abbess Annora nodded, and Alethea reached up, pulled back the hood and lowered it to rest on her shoulders. It was then Cait saw that her sister's head was completely shaved. The sight made Cait's breath catch in her throat – all that lovely long dark hair… gone. Strangely, the sight of her sister this way, on her knees, denuded head bent in prayer, awakened Cait to the solemn seriousness of her sister's decision. Oh, Thea, she thought, dear, dear Thea, for once in your life I hope you know what you are doing.

The abbess moved to the other young woman and repeated the conferral of the cross. Then one of the sisters stepped forward, holding two lengths of dove-grey cloth across her outstretched palms. Taking one of the cloths, the abbess draped it around Alethea's shoulders like a shawl; leaning close she kissed the younger woman lightly on the forehead, then raised her to her feet. The procedure was repeated for the second novice, whereupon the two newest members of the abbey were embraced by the abbess and each of the other sisters in turn; thus were they welcomed into the intimate fellowship of the Order.

Cait thought the ceremony would end now, and the Grey Marys would leave, but as soon as the new sisters had received their welcome, the nuns reformed their circle. The abbess turned once more to the altar. Crossing her hands over her breast, she bent her head, and called out, 'In the meeting of our hearts and minds: Thou. In the calling of our souls, dear lord: Thou. In the weaving of life below with life above: Thou, saviour lord, and Thou only.'

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