[19]     That is, not about the historical process as such, but about the reflection of this process in culture and in the psyche of people.

[20]     Over the string: seem. — The footnote in the quoted source, explaining the structure of the manuscript text of V.O. Klyuchevsky (our explanation when citing).

[21]     Just so was setting the goal of historical research by V.O. Klyuchevsky, although he was using different terminology:

         "HISTORICAL PROCESS. In scientific language, the word history is employed in twofold sense: 1) as movement in time, the process, and 2) as the cognition of the process. Therefore, everything that occurs in time has its history. The content of history as the separate science, the special branch of scientific knowledge, is the historical process, i.e. the course, the conditions and success of human community or the life of the humanity in its development and results. The human community  — the same fact of world being, as the life of the surrounding us nature, and scientific cognition of this fact — the same unremovable need of the human mind, as the study of the life of this nature. The human community is expressed in a diverse human unions, which can be called historical bodies and which arise, grow and multiply, pass one into another and finally collapse, — in a word, are born, live and die like organic bodies of nature. Arising, growth and change of these unions with all the conditions and consequences of their lives, is what we call historical process" (V.O. Klyuchevsky, "The course of Russian history", lecture one, cited from publication on the CD "ITF", IDDK Moscow).

[22]     Look the work of IP USSR "The Judah's sin of the XX congress".

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