The latter is expressed in that, even if with the help of the first two you will modify the people's myth in a desirable for politicians direction, — in the fourth component will stay both the memory of the real historical past, that happened before the change of the myth, and the memory of who and how, using the first and second components, was breaking the third one.

Thoroughly about this see the work of IP USSR «"The garden" is growing by itself?..», where on the example of Europe and USA had been shown, that it is impossible to destroy the fourth component, and to neutralize its impact for a historically long time, — it is necessary to destroy the people — its carrier.

In the life of Russia this is expressed, in particular, in that those people who enjoy reading and re-reading historically unreliable works of A. Dumas about the three musketeers, do not read or after the first reading forget the novel by A.K. Tolstoy "The Silver Knight", dedicated to the events of the epoch of Ivan the Terrible, written in good literature language and in general corresponding to the views of the official historical science, established to the time of it's writing. The reason for this difference in attitude to the literary works is that the history of France and the unreliability of its representation in the works of A. Dumas — are no concerns of a Russian reader; but historical unreliability of "The Silver Knight" is something, that affects some of the depths of the psyche of a Russian reader, they reject this unreliability and, as a result, — the novel does not excite the desire to read it again and forgotten.

Therefore, the "de-Stalinization" by the recipe of the "truly Russian patriot" M.S. Solonin is impossible, because it does not suppose impact on the fourth component; and in case of an attempt of neutralization of the fourth component, should be understood "de-Stalinization" = genocide against a huge share of the population of the RF (typical results of the viewers voting in the TV shows "Court of time": 94% — for Stalin, 6% against).

In addition, even within the three components the recipes of "typical Russian patriot" M.S. Solonin — are not leading to the achievement of guaranteed result. Mark Semenovich does not understand this because of weak-mindedness, due to which he is not aware, how pseudo-historical ostensibly scientific knowledge (i.e. official, not the people's historical myth) is different from the scientific knowledge of History.

History in its entirety and minuteness — the aggregate of biographies of all the people that have ever lived on Earth from the moment of appearance in its biosphere of the species "Homo sapiens".

That is, history as the aggregate of biographies of all the people — lots of facts and their interconnections, since the perception of life by humans is discrete by its nature. It is clear that such historical science in the modern civilization is impossible. Objective reality is such, that possible for humanity and any human society history — some subset of history in the whole its entirety and minuteness in the above-specified meaning: i.e. really possible historical science — is a selection of facts and their interconnections out of all their full set.

V.O. Klyuchevsky on this occasion wrote:

"The subject of history — the past that does not pass as a legacy, a lesson, an unfinished process, as the eternal law. By studying grandfathers, we are learning about grandchildren, i.e., studying ancestors, we are learning about ourselves. Without knowledge of history we must recognize[20] ourselves as fortuities, who not knowing how and why we came into the world, how and what for we live in it, and towards what we should strive to achieve, as mechanical dolls that are not born, but are made, are not die according to the laws of nature, of life, but break by someone's childish whim" (V.O. Klyuchevsky. Works in 9 volumes. — Moscow, "Thought", 1990, v. 9, p. 375).

"What all these phenomena mean? What is the meaning of this chaos? This is the task of histor[ical] studying. We can't go by touch in the dark. We m[ust] know the force that guides our private and people's life. (…)» (V.O. Klyuchevsky, cited publication, v. 9, p. 433).

These statements relates to the history in its whole entirety and minuteness, but they also determine the requirements to selection of facts and their interconnections, which represents versions of history, generated by different schools of historical science: one and the same algorithmic of development, objectively present in life, must be recognizable in the adequate to life conceptions of the historical past, and its fame should be the basis for predictability of the future in its possible multivariability.

The historical facts in so doing — just illustrations of the manifestation of the algorithmic itself. That is, the algorithmic can be one and the same (both in one and the same society, and in societies being compared with each other), but the illustrative facts may be different in the works of different historians; in addition, detailing of description of the algorithmic can also be different — depending on the tasks the historian is solving. But the algorithmic of the real life in any case must be recognizable. But this requires personality orientation of the researcher on the perception of history not in aspect of identifying and registering plenty of heterogeneous facts, but in the aspect of identifying algorithmic of development / degradation as such through facts[21], which become known from the entire set of the available to the researcher sources.

And enough one single fact that is "not fit" into the constructed by historians conception of the historical past in order to recognize this conception historically deceitful.

And into the conception of "history", which the "truly Russian patriot" M.S. Solonin expressed in words: "Without reservations, without equivoques ("on the one hand", "on the other hand") the unconditional recognition of Stalin as the creator and leader of the anti-people totalitarian dictatorship. The criminal dictatorship, committed countless and terrible in their cruelty mass crimes against the Russian people, against other peoples of the USSR, committed equally cruel crimes against the people of other countries of the world. These indisputable, from the historical science point of view, facts, must be, finally, recognized at the state level"— a lot of things does not fit.

So, to Mark Semenovich, the advice can be given: Before pronounce the sentence to J.V. Stalin and stalinism,understand for a start the world history of at least the last three millennia and the role in it of your tribesmen (even if not in flesh, than in spirit) and their masters… — Then also the history of the era of "stalinism" will appear in a different light[22].

For the present, we can say that the scientific and methodological basis of the "de-Stalinization" is inadequate to Life and that's why "de-Stalinization" in the form, intentioned by M.A. Fedotov, M.S. Solonin and so on and so forth, — will not take place; and even attempts of its implementation will provoke consequences, — not only unpredictable for the regime of the "great combinator" with manners of the "grand inquisitor", but unpleasant for him.

Internal Predictor of the USSR

16 Dec 2010 — 7 Jan 2011

[1]       Formulation of the task in such a way – THIS is the path to the predictable failure of the regime, in part because that "public consciousness" is one of the marxism's fictions, non-existent in nature, because consciousness is always individual.

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