"Wonderful!" said Amaryl weakly. "Wonderful! You see how I've chosen the right time to die? There's nothing left for me to do."

"Don't say that, Yugo."

"Don't make such a fuss over it, Hari. I'm too tired to do anything. Thank you-thank you-for telling me"-his voice was weakening-"about the revolution. It makes me-happy-happy-hap-"

And those were Yugo Amaryl's last words.

Seldon bent over the bed. Tears stung his eyes and rolled down his cheeks.

Another old friend gone. Demerzel, Cleon, Dors, now Yugo… leaving him emptier and lonelier as he grew old.

And the revolution that had allowed Amaryl to die happy might never come to pass. Could he manage to make use of the Galactic Library? Could he find more people like Wanda? Most of all, how long would it take?

Seldon was sixty-six. If only he could have started this revolution at thirty-two when he first came to Trantor…

Now it might be too late.


Gennaro Mummery was making him wait. It was a studied discourtesy, even insolence, but Hari Seldon remained calm.

After all, Seldon needed Mummery badly and for him to become angry with the Librarian would only hurt himself. Mummery would, in fact, be delighted with an angry Seldon.

So Seldon kept his temper and waited and eventually Mummery did walk in. Seldon had seen him before-but only at a distance. This was the first time they would be together alone.

Mummery was short and plump, with a round face and a dark little beard. He wore a smile on his face, but Seldon suspected that smile of being a meaningless fixture. It revealed yellowish teeth and Mummery's inevitable hat was of a similar shade of yellow with a brown line snaking around it.

Seldon felt a touch of nausea. It seemed to him that he would dislike Mummery, even if he had no reason to do so.

Mummery said, without any preliminaries, "Well, Professor, what can I do for you?" He looked at the time-strip on the wall but made no apology for being late.

Seldon said, "I would like to ask you, sir, to put an end to your opposition to my remaining here at the Library."

Mummery spread his hands. "You've been here for two years. What opposition are you speaking of?"

"So far, that portion of the Board represented by you and those who believe as you do have been unable to outvote the Chief Librarian, but there will be another meeting next month and Las Zenow tells me he is uncertain of the result."

Mummery shrugged. "So am I uncertain. Your lease-if we can call it that-may well be renewed."

"But I need more than that, Librarian Mummery. I wish to bring in some colleagues. The project in which I am engaged-the establishment of what is needed in the way of the eventual preparation of a very special Encyclopedia-is not one I can do alone."

"Surely your colleagues can work wherever they please. Trantor is a large world."

"We must work in the Library. I am an old man, sir, and I am in a hurry."

"Who can stay the advance of time? I don't think the Board will allow you to bring in colleagues. The thin edge of the wedge, Professor?"

(Yes, indeed, thought Seldon, but he said nothing.)

Mummery said, "I have not been able to keep you out, Professor. Not so far. But I think I can continue to keep out your colleagues."

Seldon realized that he was getting nowhere. He opened the touch of frankness a notch. He said, "Librarian Mummery, surely your animosity toward me is not personal. Surely you understand the importance of the work I am doing."

"You mean, your psychohistory. Come, you have been working on it for over thirty years. What has come of it?"

"That's the point. Something may come of it now."

"Then let something come of it at Streeling University. Why must it be at the Galactic Library?"

"Librarian Mummery. Listen to me. What you want is to close the Library to the public. You wish to smash a long tradition. Have you the heart to do that?"

"It's not heart we need. It's funding. Surely the Chief Librarian has wept on your shoulder in telling you our woes. Appropriations are down, salaries are cut, needed maintenance is absent. What are we to do? We've got to cut services and we certainly can't afford to support you and your colleagues with offices and equipment."

"Has this situation been put to the Emperor?"

"Come, Professor, you're dreaming. Isn't it true that your psychohistory tells you that the Empire is deteriorating? I've heard you referred to as Raven Seldon, something that, I believe, refers to a fabled bird of ill omen."

"It's true that we are entering bad times."

"And do you believe the Library is immune to those bad times? Professor, the Library is my life and I want it to continue, but it won't continue unless we can find ways of making our dwindling appropriations do. And you come here expecting an open Library, with yourself as beneficiary. It won't do, Professor. It just won't do."

Seldon said desperately, "What if I find the credits for you?"

"Indeed. How?"

"What if I talk to the Emperor? I was once First Minister. He'll see me and he'll listen to me."

"And you'll get funding from him?" Mummery laughed.

"If I do, if I increase your appropriations, may I bring in my colleagues?"

"Bring in the credits first," said Mummery, "and we'll see. But I don't think you will succeed."

He seemed very sure of himself and Seldon wondered how often and how uselessly the Galactic Library had already appealed to the Emperor.

And whether his own appeal would get anywhere at all.


The Emperor Agis XIV had no real right to the name. He had adopted it upon succeeding to the throne with the deliberate purpose of connecting himself with the Agises who had ruled two thousand years ago, most of them quite ably-particularly Agis VI, who had ruled for forty-two years and who had kept order in a prosperous Empire with a firm but nontyrannical hand.

Agis XIV did not look like any of the old Agises-if the holographic records had any value. But, then again, truth be told, Agis XIV did not look much like the official holograph that was distributed to the public.

As a matter of fact, Hari Seldon thought, with a twinge of nostalgia, that Emperor Cleon, for all his flaws and weaknesses, had certainly looked Imperial.

Agis XIV did not. Seldon had never seen him at close quarters and the few holographs he had seen were outrageously inaccurate. The Imperial holographer knew his job and did it well, thought Seldon wryly.

Agis XIV was short, with an unattractive face and slightly bulging eyes that did not seem alight with intelligence. His only qualification for the throne was that he was a collateral relative of Cleon.

To do him credit, however, he did not try to play the role of the mighty Emperor. It was understood that he rather liked to be called the "Citizen Emperor" and that only Imperial protocol and the outraged outcry of the Imperial Guard prevented him from exiting the dome and wandering the walkways of Trantor. Apparently, the story went, he wished to shake hands with the citizens and hear their complaints in person.

(Score one for him, thought Seldon, even if it could never come to pass.)

With a murmur and a bow, Seldon said, "I thank you, Sire, for consenting to see me."

Agis XIV had a clear and rather attractive voice, quite out of keeping with his appearance. He said, "An ex-First Minister must surely have his privileges, although I must give myself credit for amazing courage in agreeing to see you."

There was humor in his words and Seldon found himself suddenly realizing that a man might not look intelligent and yet might be intelligent just the same.

"Courage, Sire?"

"Why, of course. Don't they call you Raven Seldon?"

"I heard the expression, Sire, the other day for the first time."

"Apparently the reference is to your psychohistory, which seems to predict the Fall of the Empire."

"It points out the possibility only, Sire-"

"So that you are coupled with a mythic bird of ill omen. Except that I think you yourself are the bird of ill omen."

"I hope not, Sire."

"Come, come. The record is clear. Eto Demerzel, Cleon's old First Minister, was impressed with your work and look what happened-he was forced out of his position and into exile. The Emperor Cleon himself was impressed with your work and look what happened-he was assassinated. The military junta was impressed with your work and look what happened-they were swept away. Even the Joranumites, it is said, were impressed with your work and, behold, they were destroyed. And now, O Raven Seldon, you come to see me. What may I expect?"

"Why, nothing evil, Sire."

"I imagine not, because unlike all these others I have mentioned, I am not impressed with your work. Now tell me why you are here."

He listened carefully and without interruption while Seldon explained the importance of setting up a Project designed to prepare an encyclopedia that would preserve human learning if the worst happened.

"Yes yes," said Agis XIV finally, "so you are, indeed, convinced the Empire will fall."

"It is a strong possibility, Sire, and it would not be prudent to refuse to take that possibility into account. In a way, I wish to prevent it if I can-or ameliorate the effects if I can't."

"Raven Seldon if you continue to poke your nose into matters, I am convinced that the Empire will fall and that nothing can help it."

"Not so, Sire. I ask only permission to work."

"Oh, you have that, but I fail to see what it is you wish of me. Why have you told me all this about an encyclopedia?"

"Because I wish to work in the Galactic Library, Sire, or, more accurately, I wish others to work there with me."

"I assure you that I won't stand in your way."

"That is not enough, Sire. I want you to help."

"In what way, ex-First Minister?"

"With funding. The Library must have appropriations or it will close its doors to the public and evict me."

"Credits!'" A note of astonishment came into the Emperor's voice. "You came to me for credits?"

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