"Well, obviously, Julia, I'd do anything in my power to ensure that Event Horizon wins. We really can't afford to have you fall behind on this one."


"The nation, Julia. As you know, the New Conservatives have always supported you. Event Horizon is an inspiration and example to industrialists everywhere. You epitomize our policies and the success to be gained by following them. We want to make sure that continues."

"Mr. Minister?"

"Yes, Julia?"

"Would you mind leaving out the BQ and get to the point."

Michael Harcourt frowned. "BQ?"

"Bullshit quota."

That's my girl; always keep politicians in their place. And that place is down.

Either contribute constructively, or be quiet, Grandpa.

"Ah, yes, well, to be perfectly blunt, then, Julia, I'd like to offer my services as a negotiator between Event Horizon and Clifford Jepson. I might not have much weight in corporate circles, but for what it's worth, I'd like you to consider it at your disposal."

It wasn't what Julia had been expecting. She took a sip of tea to cover her lapse, and embarrassment. Betrayed by her own cynicism. Of course all politicians were self-advancing autocrats.

"That's a very kind offer, Michael," she said. "Have you spoken to Clifford Jepson about it?"

"Certainly, I wouldn't wish to waste your time on impractical solutions."

"How did you see the deal working?" she asked.

"I would act as a strictly unofficial conduit. Clifford Jepson has indicated he will allow me to see the other bids as they come in. I make a simple phone call, and you would be in a position to put in the highest bid. Their best offer plus whatever percentage you think would clinch it."

"That sounds… workable," she admitted. And if all else failed, she really did have to obtain that generator data from Clifford. Strange that Michael Harcourt hadn't mentioned Mutizen, though.

"I'm delighted to hear it. It's always gratifying to know one can be of service."


"And of course, the government will be keen to back you up once you establish a partnership with Globecast. My department has a long tradition of encouraging new technologies, and a strong relationship in that respect with Event Horizon. I would want that to continue."

"Indeed? Exactly how did you foresee this happy union progressing?" This sounds like it's turning into favour trading. Run an immediate check on him for me, find what his angle is.

Gotcha, Juliet. And I told you so. A smug ghost's chuckle.

Michael Harcourt never showed the slightest awareness of her irony. "Obviously, we will offer a zero-tax start-up incentive for the new factories which will produce this technology."

"You and every other national government."

"I have it in my brief to extend the time defined as "start up" to a period we both find mutually satisfactory; it could even be measured in decades. There would also be considerable financial assistance in the form of R&D contracts for both civil and military projects."

"You have thought this out well, I'm impressed."

"It could even help us solve our current unfortunate siting problems."

"Which are those?"

"Your new cyber-precincts."

"Ah." She experienced a feeling which was almost contentment.

"Absolutely," Michael Harcourt continued eagerly. "Wales could receive both of those precincts now. Beneficial all round, we feel."

"I don't quite see how that should be…" She affected a small puzzled frown.

"The Welsh would have the precincts, providing a great deal of badly-needed employment, and enhancing their local economy, more than they currently expect, while England receives the atomic structuring factories, which are surely the larger prize."

"I thought the New Conservatives were hesitant about seeing the cyber-precincts going to Wales?"

"Not if it were our policy to site them there, and our efforts which finalized the deal."

"But it would be dependent on Wales remaining within the union?"

"That is the best solution for everyone, don't you think? These secessionists are so short-sighted. The larger the country, the greater its prospects and security, the more attractive it is for organizations like Event Horizon to base themselves here. Welsh independence would be a disaster for both the English and the Welsh."

"North and South Italy both seem to have prospered since the split; and Germany is certainly doing well enough from devolving power to the regional governments. There are all three Californias as well. I could go on."

"Yes, but it's a question of scale, Julia; both the Italies are large entities. We no longer have Scotland and Northern Ireland; if Westminster was to lose control of Wales, where would it end? Would Cornwall declare independence, Cambridgeshire perhaps? We cannot allow any further reduction, it is simply inconceivable. Besides, these ridiculous micro-nations may not pursue the kind of market policies we in the New Conservative party believe in so strongly. Can you afford to entertain that possibility?"

Lord, this is all I need right now. Those bloody Welsh.

Smart of him to tie his go-between offer in with Wales, her grandfather said. And we do need him to find out what the other bids are. You'll not split his offer package, Juliet. He's not that stupid, this is his shot at the top slot; if it fails he won't get another.

I'm not going to be rushed or bullied into making the Welsh decision now.

You may be running out of time on that particular issue, NN core one said. I believe I've tracked down the reason for Michael Harcourt's sudden outbreak of apparent altruism.

Go on.

It's rather mundane, really. The largest single employer in his West Kent constituency is Globecast. Their European network hub is sited there. And it was Harcourt himself who was briefed on atomic structuring by Clifford Jepson, he had an appointment at eight o'clock this morning; I pulled that from the Ministry 'ware.

The bugger is Clifford Jepson's cyborg, her grandfather said bitterly.

And of course, securing Event Horizon the atomic structuring partnership with Globecast, as well as enlisting your help over the Welsh question, will effectively guarantee him the leadership of the New Conservative party, NN core two said.

Plus Clifford makes sure Event Horizon pays through the nose, Julia added. He would be in a position where he could virtually dictate whatever price he wants for the generator data.

Neat, Philip Evans conceded. Clifford's really pulling out the stops on this one. He gets you dancing to his tune, and his man in Number Ten.

The worst thing is, I don't blame him, Julia said. I'd do exactly the same. She couldn't help the cool bleakness that her world view had been correct in the final analysis. Michael Harcourt wasn't any different to the rest. Nobody acted honourably any more, everybody had to have an angle.

Why do I bother? she mused.

Somebody's got to, Juliet.

But why me?

My heritage, girl, Event Horizon gives you the power.

So it's your fault, then, Grandpa?

If you like. You could always sell it—turn it over to someone else.

To people like Michael Harcourt and Clifford Jepson, you mean? No thank you, the world is in bad enough shape already.

That's your answer then, girl.


She gave Michael Harcourt her ice maiden smile, enjoying the way he shrank back. Even over the phone people feared her. Stupid, but occasionally useful. "Very well, Minister, I'd be obliged if you would proceed with your unofficial liaison for me. I'll ask Peter Cavendish to contact you for the details, when to submit the bid and so on."

"Excellent, so we can expect a statement from Event Horizon on the cyber-precincts; that they will only be sited in Wales if it remains part of England?"

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