Two hours after she’d begun, Rachel had combed decks G through D, making a pass around each circle corridor and checking every single public room, and she was getting frustrated. Where on earth can she have gotten to? she asked herself. Leaving a message on Wednesday’s voice mail didn’t seem to have gotten anywhere. It was getting to the point where she had half a mind to raise things with Steffi, see if the crew couldn’t do the job more efficiently: if only she could eliminate all the crew from the suspects list -

The luminous ceiling tiles flickered briefly, and the world filled with multicolored static. A vast silence went off inside her head. Rachel felt herself fatting and tried to raise her arms to protect herself. Vertigo! She hit the deck bruisingly hard and rolled sideways, her vision flickering. The static was slow to clear, leaving a line of bleeding ghost trails across her retinas. Rachel caught her breath, dizzy with fright, then realized that it wasn’t her eyesight: her intraocular displays had crashed and were rebooting. “Shit!” She glanced around. The skinny guy sitting in the leather sofa next to the upright piano in the Gold Lounge was frowning, rolling his rings around his fingers as if puzzled by something. Rings — Rachel twisted her own master ring, spun through diagnostic menus until she came to the critical one. EMP burst, said her event log. Kilovolts and microamps per meter: someone had just dumped a huge electromagnetic pulse through the walls. There was a faint tang of ozone in the air. The fast fuses in her MilSpec implants had saved them, but the other passengers -

“Oh shit!” She picked herself up and lurched drunkenly into the corridor. “Get me Martin.” Service unavailable. “Hell and damnation.” No surprise there. Why no sirens? She glanced around hastily, looking for an emergency locker — they’d be tastefully concealed aboard a liner, but they’d still be there — Why no partitions? The fail-safe doors ought to be descending if something bad had happened. A chilly claw of fear tugged at her. “Shit, time to get moving…”

The small boy in one corner of the lounge was walking toward her. “Hey, ma’am? My gamescape just flaked on me—”

She cast the kid a sickly smile. “Not now,” she said, then did a double take: “Why don’t you go to your room and tell your folks about it? They’ll be able to help you.” EMP / crashed implants and amusements / assassin traveling incognito / teen from Moscow being hunted / Eschaton involved / war crimes — she had a nagging sense that a shoe had just dropped hard, an enormous boot with a heel stuffed with plutonium or weaponized anthrax or gray goo or something equally apocalyptic, and she’d misinterpreted it as the sound of one hand clapping. Something like that. She broke into a trot, heading for the next radial. Got to find the damage-control point, she told herself, find out what’s going on—

She dodged a couple of confused passengers who seemed to be looking for someone. She sported an anonymous gray side door into crew country and tried to open it. It refused to recognize her until she got tired of waiting and twisted the black-and-yellow emergency handle: from beyond it she could hear distant, muted sirens. The auxiliary lighting circuit had tripped, and the walls shed a lurid shadowless glow. “Send to Martin, off-line by best emergency mesh routing,” she subvocalized to her personal assist, mumbling at her rings. “Martin, if you get this message, we’re in deep shit. Something—” she turned a corner, followed signs for the G deck ops center — “big is going down, and I think we’re sitting on the target.” The ops center door was open ahead, a couple of crew just visible in the gloom inside doing something. One of them glanced at her, then stepped forward. “I think—”

She stopped dead, eyes wide, as the public address system came on: “We regret to inform you that there has been a minor problem with the propulsion and engineering control center…”

The man blocking the doorway was pointing an autonomous rifle at her. Rachel froze as it tracked her, snuffling slightly, its barrel pointing right at her face. “Who are you and what are you doing here?” he demanded.

“I, uh—” She stopped, heart hammering. “I was looking for a steward?” she asked, her voice rising in an involuntary squeak. She began to take a step back, then froze as the man tensed. He had blond hair, brown eyes, and pale skin: he was built with the sparse, muscular grace of a dancer or martial artist — or special forces, she realized. Even a cursory glance told her she wouldn’t stand a chance if he decided to shoot her; the gun was some kind of smart shotgun/grenade launcher hybrid, probably able to fire around corners and see through walls. “My rings stopped working — What’s this about help?” she asked, doing her best to look confused. It wasn’t hard.

“There has been a minor accident,” the goon said, sounding very calm but clipping his words: “Return to your cabin. Everything is under control.” He stopped and stared at her coolly.

“Uh, yeah, under control, I can see that,” Rachel muttered, backing away from him. He made no move to follow her, but simply stood in the doorway watching as she turned and walked back toward passenger country. Her skin crawled as if she could feel the gun watching the small of her back, eager to discharge. When she was far enough away she gave in to the impulse to run — he’d probably expect no less of a frightened passenger. Just as long as he didn’t realize how good her night vision was. Good enough to have seen the woman slumped over the workstation in the gloom behind him. Good enough to have seen the other woman working on her back with something that looked disturbingly like a mobile neurosurgery toolkit.

Under control. “Shit,” she mumbled, fumbling with the door and noticing for the first time that her hands were shaking. Bad guys in G deck damage-control center, infoweapons in passenger country, what else do I need? The door banged shut behind her. She shook her head. Hijackers—

She turned toward the central atrium, meaning to take the old-fashioned staircase back up to her room in search of Martin. She took a single step forward, and the dark-haired girl ran into her.

The air in the flight deck stank of blood, ozone, and feces. The desks and equipment racks around the room looked as if someone had run them through a scrap metal press; anything that wasn’t bolted down had fallen over and shattered, hard, including the bridge officers unlucky enough to be in the room when the gadget had gone off. Bodies bent at strange angles lay beneath broken chairs or lay splayed across the floor, leaking.

Portia wrinkled her nose in distaste. “This really won’t do,” she insisted. “I want this mess cleared up as soon as we’ve got the surveillance net locked down. I want it to look like we’ve been in charge all along, not as if we just butchered the flight crew.”

“Boss.” Jamil nodded. He glanced at the front wall-screen, which had ripped away from the bulkhead and slumped into a thin sheet across the floor. “What about operational capacity?”

“That’s a lower priority. We’ve got the auxiliary bridge, we’ll run things from there for now.” She pulled a face. “On second thoughts, before you tidy up get someone to reclaim anything they can get out of these.” She stared at an officer who lay on the floor, her neck twisted and skull flattened. “Obviously, I don’t expect total uploads.”

“Thirty gees for a hundred milliseconds is about the same as falling off a fifteen-story building,” Marx volunteered.

“So she didn’t have a head for heights.” Hoechst’s cheek twitched. “Get going.”

“Yes, boss.” He hurried off to find someone with a neural spike.

As he left, Portia’s phone rang. She raised the archaic rubbery box to her head. “Control, sitrep. Ah … yes, that’s good. Is he all right? Fully programmed? Excellent, get him in front of a screen as soon as you get into the liaison router, we need to reassure the passengers there’s a real officer in charge … What’s the structural load-out like? How high did the surge … all right. Right. Good, I’m glad you told me. Yes, tell Maria to detain any other members of the crew who reach D-con on decks G through C … Yes, that’s what I meant. I want any line officers who survived identified and segregated immediately. Stash them in the C deck D-con center for now and report back when you’ve got them all accounted for. Be discreet, but in event of resistance shoot first: the unborn god will know his own … Yeah, you, too. Over.” She turned and nodded to Franz. “Right. Now it’s your turn. I take it the girl isn’t in her cabin?”

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