Out of the corner of her eye, Isabel saw Maria returning to the front area just as Liz hopped up to the counter to distract the female nurse.

"I'll be fine. I just want to stay with Randy," Isabel said, giving the guard the most plaintive, puppy-dog look she could muster.

Max had better hurry up, Isabel thought. There don't appear to be any other emergencies tonight, and I don't know how much longer our distractions can work. Especially when our faces are all over the cable news channels.

Max put up a hand, palm outward, to calm the woman who had just entered the room. "I'm here to help, Ms. Cameron." He hadn't seen a wedding ring on the woman's hand, so he'd guessed that she still shared her younger sister's name.

"Who are you? You don't look like a nurse or a doctor." Shania Cameron's sister looked at him with obvious suspicion. "Give me one good reason not to call security right this second. “

"I'm trying to help your sister. I was… “

"She's in a coma," the woman said sharply. "How exactly were you going to "help' her? “

Max struggled to come up with an explanation, but wasn't sure that he could.

"Lisa?" The voice was tremulous and weak, but Max recognized it as the girl from the church. He looked down and was elated to see she was awake. He also realized he was still holding her hand.

"Shanny! Oh, you're awake!" Relief flooded the woman's features. She moved over to the bed and squeezed her sister's other hand.

"He helped me," Shania said weakly. "He was in my mind, and he helped lead me back out. “

"What do you mean, baby?" Lisa asked. She was still looking at Max with mistrust.

Shania took a deep breath and offered a wobbly smile. "I think he's an angel. “

Max was about to correct her, when he heard Kyle's voice in his head. Do anything you have to do to distract them. We're on the TV news! Shania looked at him questioningly. "What does he mean, you're on the news? “

"What does who mean?" Lisa asked, and then Max saw something register in her eyes. "You're one of them, aren't you? 1 thought you looked familiar. You're one of the guys from the mall. “

"Things aren't always what they seem," Max said. "I can't explain, but whatever or whoever you think I am, you're wrong. I came here to help your sister. “

"You're the reason she's here," Lisa said, sounding defensive. "The car she was in got hit while the police were chasing you. “

Shania grabbed at her sister's arm. "He helped me come back, Lisa. Don't yell at him. “

"So, what, you came in here and healed her somehow?" Lisa asked. "Is that it? Did you help that other woman, too? “

Max just stared at her blankly. Anything I say will only make her angrier. Better to let her jump to her own conclusions. "Please, just let me leave in peace," Max said quietly. "I've helped your sister, and now I have other things to do. “

"What, like running from the law?" Her voice was full of anger. Max assumed most of it was not specifically because of him, but rather a product of all the emotional trauma she had faced during the previous day.

Max gave the girl's hand a squeeze and let it go. "Be good, Shania. Do all the things you planned to do." He paused for a moment, then decided to warn her. "You'll want to be sure they don't examine your palm until it stops glowing. Otherwise, they might put you under the same scrutiny they've put me. “

Shania lifted her hand and saw that its palm was glowing a faint silver. She looked beyond it as Max stepped toward the door. "Thank you," she said simply.

Max stepped out into the corridor, and a moment later Lisa followed him. "I suppose I should thank you too, but this isn't over for us, you know?" she said. "Even if they don't find out whatever this glowing-hand thing is, we're still in trouble. “

"What do you mean? “

"We don't have very good insurance," she said. "We lost the car today, and these hospital bills are going to cripple us. So while you're off running from the cops, think about the problems you've caused for my family. “

"I'm truly sorry," Max said. As he walked away from her, he could feel her gaze burning into his back.

Isabel felt intense relief once she and Kyle finally got out of the building and away from the blather of the cable news channel that had just broadcast their faces all over the country.

Perhaps twenty minutes after having entered the hospital, she and Kyle joined Maria, Liz, and Max in the hospital parking lot.

"Sorry about the delay," Kyle said. "They didn't want to let me out of there without taking all my insurance information first. I told them it was an Antarian policy. “

Isabel snorted. "He did not." Turning to Maria quickly, she said, "Don't tell Michael he said that, even as a joke." She knew how little humor Michael found in all matters alien.

Maria raised an eyebrow, but said nothing.

"Wasn't this supposed to be a busy time in there due to drunk-driver wrecks?" Kyle asked.

"Guess we picked the wrong night," Liz said, frustration in her voice.

"So, how did everything go in there, Max?" Isabel asked.

"Fine. Both of them are healed," Max said gruffly. "I got caught by the younger one's sister, but she got distracted from calling security when Shania woke up from her coma. “

"That's great," Liz said, squeezing his arm.

Isabel could tell that something else was eating at Max. "What's wrong?" she asked quietly.

"Nothing," he said, too quickly. "I'm just exhausted. You know how much healing people drains me. “

"Liz could use her electrical powers to give you a jump-start," Maria said, a smile on her face.

Liz gave her a shocked look, and Kyle snickered.

Maria blushed. "I did not mean that in any kind of a sleazy way. “

"Uh-huh, sure," Kyle said, teasing. "But you just might have given new meaning to the term 'sparking.' “

As they walked back toward the Microbus, Isabel caught her brother's eyes for a moment. What she saw in them wasn't just exhaustion, though that was clearly there, in spades.

He's haunted, she thought. And from the look of things, this is one ghost that even our little Scooby Gang might have trouble getting rid of.

13 Los Angeles International Airport

Very slowly and painfully, Ava swam back to consciousness. Her limbs and head felt heavy, as though encased in something viscous, like honey. When she opened her eyes, bright lights dazzled them.

Where am I? she thought, squinting against the glare.

Ava opened and closed her eyes repeatedly until they adjusted to the brilliance. Feeling marginally stronger, she began moving her limbs experimentally.

She discovered she was sitting in a narrow, padded seat, both of her arms secured by stainless-steel handcuffs to the chairs arms. Identical seats were arranged in rows before her, behind her, and on either side in the otherwise empty cabin. The carpeted floor beneath her feet vibrated, and she could both hear and feel the resonant subwoofer hum of large jet engines.

An airplane. They've loaded us onto an airplane. Ava had never been aboard a plane before. Even when she, Rath and Lonnie had left New York for Roswell immediately after Zan's murder, they had traveled by car. And she had continued traveling exclusively by car… in a series of other people's vehicles, actually… for many months following her lovers death. She had wandered the country then, trying to sort out her ambivalent feelings toward Rath and Lonnie, the two members of the Royal Four who had conspired to throw Zan into the path of a truck back on that horrible day, when her life had spun utterly out of her control…

And I'm every bit as guilty as they are, Ava thought. I didn't even lift a finger to save Zan. I just froze when they killed him, the way I always do whenever things go south. She considered the cuffs that bound her to her seat. I'm probably getting what I deserve. Those government guys will cut me open to see what makes me tick. Maybe after it's all over, I'll see Zan again. And the other Ava, the one from Roswell.

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