The palsied Grand Council clerk they had dug up was lagging in his transcript. Heller was keeping his own notes in his engineering log. He now leaned over to Mortiiy and whispered. "Oh, yes!" said Mortiiy. And then in a louder voice, "We must now go about the business of choosing a new Grand Council." A general said, "Don't use the ones we had. Those Lords became a bunch of drug addicts." An admiral said, "Before you can guarantee the new one won't succumb, I make a motion that we prohibit drugs" Mortiiy said, "Do any of you know anything about drugs?" The admiral in charge of medicine said, "We never used them in the Confederacy. We used various gases for surgery and such. From what I've seen of drugs, they're poison." "We don't have or grow or manufacture them on Voltar," said the admiral in charge of contraband and space patrols. "The idea of drugs here originated with Lombar Hisst. We have an order not to stop any such cargos. It originated with Lombar Hisst." "Well, where did they come from?" said Mortiiy. "The consoles on the table are working now," said Bis. "I'm punching in the Fleet Intelligence analysis of it and also data on the use of drugs from the Apparatus files." The separate consoles in front of the seats were flickering and the huge one which occupied the center of the immense conference table lit up. Mortiiy, from the higher level, stared down at it. He read it. "That's impossible!" he said. "A whole planet going crazy with drugs?" "That's the analysis, Your Majesty," said Bis. "They take them morning, noon and night. They feed them to the schoolchildren, the workmen and the aged. They even fight their wars with soldiers drugged to the hilt." "That's Blito-P3 again!" said Mortiiy. "It was Hisst's secret weapon against Voltar," said Bawtch, crawling out from under the table. "That was why he was mounting that premature invasion of Earth. To get more drugs so he could cave the Confederacy population in." "It ought to be invaded," snarled Mortiiy. "But not to get more drugs." Heller punched a series of buttons under the edge of the table. The display changed. "Your Majesty," he said, "there is already a Grand Council order criminalizing drug production on Voltar. I thought I better check. Here it is." "Then that's done," said Mortiiy. "No, Your Majesty. That's the trouble. It gave Hisst a monopoly. These laws prohibiting drugs exist also on Blito-P3. They are there to protect the real purveyors from competition and thus the governments help them to get wealthy. The answer is to decriminalize and to ignore drugs: they don't profit people then and nobody is interested." "You seem to know something about this," said Mortiiy. "Well, a little bit," said Heller. "Drugs are a rotten business. But when you pass a law against them they become a profitable business." "You mean Blito-P3 has laws against drugs and is loaded with them?" "That's the way they work it," said Heller. "The outlaw Heller," said Madison into the commentator mike, "is being careful to protect his drug associates." "That planet is crazy," said Mortiiy. "This law here, Your Majesty, was proposed and passed by Hisst." That was enough. They wiped it from the books. "Let's get back to where we started," said Mortiiy. "We were trying to get a new Grand Council." Some notable at the back of the hall yelled, "The Lords may have been on drugs, but several had sons. Why not appoint the sons." There was a mutter of approval in the hall. Bis leaned over to his admiral senior and that worthy said, "Gentlemen, Your Majesty, I have bad news for you there. Without a single exception, the sons of Lords here have become catamites." "WHAT?" said Mortiiy. "Where did that come from?''' "Your Majesty," said the admiral, "we regret to tell you they were suborned by a very corrupt and perverted young girl who arrived here a few months ago and who, without doubt, should be executed for actually teaching sexual irregularities. I understand they are common on her home planet. She is an Earth girl. She comes from Blito-P3." "THAT planet again!" said Mortiiy. "First freaks, then corrupting governments with intelligence, then drugs and now catamites!" A notable was waving his arms from the back of the crowd. "Your Majesty!" The man was making such a fuss that Mortiiy impatiently signalled for him to come forward to the table. Heller had to rap several times to quiet the crowd so that the man could be heard. "Your Majesty!" the fellow said, "I am Noble Arthrite Stuffy, the publisher of the Daily Speaker. I am here at the behest of dozens of publishers. You just mentioned freaks. I've been trying to get your attention ever since the name of Crobe came up. He is evidently a condemned criminal from Voltar that went away and returned with some false sciences called psychology and psychiatry. I came as soon as we knew there would be an Officers' Conference. We want a law passed instantly to forbid the promulgation or use of these two subjects." "Why?" said Mortiiy. "Your Majesty, those two subjects claim that sex is the basis for all motivation." "That's nonsense," said Mortiiy. "But it's just some crackpot idea." "No, it isn't, Your Majesty," said Noble Arthrite Stuffy. "Those subjects are a pack of falsities and lies that are used to undermine the population, corrupt them and hold in power vicious governments run by insane men! Psychiatry and psychology played their role in bringing about the chaos we have just been through. Abolish them quick!" "That's quite a charge," said Mortiiy. "I've never heard of these subjects. Where did they come from?" "Blito-P3!" said Noble Arthrite Stuffy. "The planet Earth." "WHAT? That planet again?" roared Mortiiy. "Yes, Your Majesty. The governments there use these subjects all the time. That's why their population is so caved in. These were the subjects that began pushing drugs there." "Can you give me some example of how they helped overthrow the government here?" said Mortiiy. "I'd rather not tell you in public, Your Majesty. It's something very personal that we publishers have found out. If you don't want more drugs, please pass this law!" The Countess Krak had entered the hall from a rear door. She had walked up the steps behind the dais and whispered in Mortiiy's ear, "You told me to report if your father showed any change. He told me to wish you luck and then went peacefully to sleep with a smile on his face. He seems very happy." "Thank you," Mortiiy whispered back. Then, as a sudden afterthought, he said, "You were on Earth for a while. Do you know anything about subjects called psychology and psychiatry?" "Oh, yes, Your Majesty," Krak whispered back. "They're awful. The governments there use them to maim and kill and drive people insane when they don't like somebody. They teach all the schoolchildren they're only animals so they'll act like animals." "That's good enough for me," Mortiiy whispered back. "Sit down back of your man there. You'll be interested in this." Then more loudly he said, "I move that we proclaim psychology and psychiatry, in teaching and in practice, against the law." There was a growl of assent and it was done. "Let's get out of here," said Flick to Madison. "They can't legislate apinst the truth that men are just rotten animals. Don't worry. I've got this under control. I'll have them hunting Heller again before you know it." He gave a signal to the director to get a close shot of Krak. He said into the commentator mike, "I hope you noticed, folks, that the gun moll of the outlaw Heller is working her wiles on the Emperor. Is there scandal in the wind? Or is this just a ploy by Heller to prepare the way to kidnap Mortiiy? Time will tell. Watch your Home-view and stay tuned!" Little did Madison know that he. was about to precipitate the wipeout of the planet Earth!


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