I took the guard officer outside. "What's that we put on him?" he asked.

"Something to muffle the screams," I said.

"Oh," he said. "It's about time!"

"Now listen," I said. "What base personnel has been disciplined for molesting small Turkish boys?"

"Half a dozen," he said.

"The worst one," I said.

"Oh, he's doing ninety days right this minute. Cell thirteen."

We went to cell thirteen. The fellow sat up groggily when we put the glowplates on. He was a huge, hulking monster, with muscles like balloons.

"You do exactly what I tell you," I told him, "and your sentence is finished."

"What is it?"

"Sex," I said.

"I won't have nothing to do with girls," he said.

"Not girls," I said. "Is it agreed?"

"Okay," he said. "You want to do it here, right now?"

I almost slapped him. I hate homos. But I had more important things to do.

"Keep him right here," I said to the guard officer.

I went back to Too-Too's cell. I put the recorded strip in the helmet slot. I took a stick I had brought and standing well away from any field from it, I turned the helmet on.

Too-Too stopped threshing about.

I took the stick and turned the helmet off.

I undid his chains.

I removed the helmet from his head. I took out a Colt Cobra. I marched him out into the corridor.

From my pocket I took two bandages. I told the guard officer to blind their eyes. He did.

At a pistol point I made them walk up the tunnel, through my secret room, through my bedroom, across the patio and into the prepared spare room.

"Sit down on the pillows," I said. "Don't take those bandages off. I'll be right back."

I went outside. The taxi driver was there with Fatima Hanim. I told the driver to wait in his cab.

Fatima Hanim was mostly quivering flesh and stink. I said, "You do exactly what I tell you and you get paid five hundred lira."

"On the grass here?" she said.

I shut her up. I told her what she was supposed to do. She was a bit puzzled but nodded.

I took her in the spare room.

I had trouble. The big brute had slipped his bandage and was trying to get the clothes off Too-Too.

At gun point, I made the huge bird stand back. And it took a lot of gun pointing!

"Now, Too-Too," I said, bending over and whispering in his ear, for he only spoke Voltarian, "you get your reward for being such a good messenger."

I stood back and motioned to Fatima.

I went outside and pushed the remote button that started the camera.

From behind the closed door, I heard Fatima begin to croon a soothing lullaby:

Poor little baby,

Hungry as a cat.

Come to mama, darling,

So she can fix that.

Put your little fingers

In hair as fine as silk.

Mmm, mmm, mmm,

Mmm, mmm, mm!

Inhale mama's milk!

There was a sudden screech from Too-Too!

A curse came from the big bird, an order to lie still.

I curled my lip in disgust as Too-Too began to moan.

The lullaby started up again. It went on and on.

Then there was an explosive curse from the big bird.

Too-Too screeched in ecstasy.

Then I heard a scramble and a loud kiss!

"Oh!" came Too-Too's voice in Voltarian. "You are ever so much better than Endow!"

Instantly, I shut off the camera-recorder.

I opened the door.

Too-Too was standing there with his arms around the big brute.

Too-Too looked stunned. "Why did I say that?" he said. "It isn't true. You're not better than Endow!"

I smiled thinly. He had said that because he had been told to on the hypnostrip.

"Time's up," I said.

"What language is he speaking?" said Fatima.

"Baby talk," I said.

"Oh," she said. Then, "Isn't anybody going to take me?'

I got her out of there. I gave the taxi driver a thousand lira to pay himself and her.

I went back.

The brute was pawing Too-Too again, who wasn't complaining. I kicked them apart. I hate homos.

Punching them with the Colt Cobra, I got their clothes and the bandages on them. I marched them back through and down to the hangar and the detention cells in the passage to the right.

"Go okay?" said the guard officer.

"Just fine," I said.

We started to put Too-Too back in his cell.

I said to the hulking brute, "You can go now. You're free."

"Can't I do another ninety days with him?" said the brute, trying to get past us.

I made the guard captain take him away to the barracks.

I set Too-Too down on the ledge. He was still drooling.

"You've had your fun," I said.

"Oh, yes," he said, rolling his eyes.

"Now there's a price."

He went wary. "You said it was a reward."

"The reward was the woman. You haven't paid for the man. Now listen carefully."

I took three objects out of my pocket, chosen from my routine Apparatus kit. "You often serve the office staff their hot jolt and a sweetbun in the morning. Here in my palm you see three capsules. Each of these contains a concentric molecular powder. The core is a molecule of a deadly poison."

He quivered and his eyes shot wide in horror. Psychology is right. What you say to them right after intercourse is itself hypnotic.

"This molecule of poison," I continued, "is enclosed in a molecule of copper which shields it. The molecule of copper is enclosed in a molecule of sugar. When these arrive in a person's stomach, it takes two hours for the stomach acid to eat away the copper. Then the person dies. Do you understand?"

He did. But just to spite me, he fainted. There was a water can in the cell. I threw some in his face and brought him around.

He moaned, "Give them to me. You are going to order something terrible. I will take all three at once!"

"No," I said patiently. "The poison produces one of the most painful and agonizing deaths ever devised. It took Apparatus chemists years to develop something this painful. So you would never be able to survive taking them."

He was beginning to cry so I slapped his face to get him back on the subject.

"Now pay heed," I said. "You know the two forgers in Section 451."

He groaned.

"You are to serve their snack. You are to empty one of these capsules into each of their sweetbuns and cover it so it just looks like more sugar."

"Oh," he moaned. "You are proposing murder!"

"Stop quibbling," I said. "When you have served the two forgers, you are then to serve Bawtch. You are to put the third capsule in Bawtch's..."

"BAWTCH?" he cried and fainted.

I threw more water on him. I got him around eventually.

"Now," I said, "if you do not do this, I will not give Oh Dear your magic mail card when he comes in three months. The Commander of the Knife Section on Mistin will get an order. And that will be the end of your mother."

He fainted again. There was no more water so I kicked him back to life.

"One more thing," I said. "I have written some orders to Lombar but I want to make sure. You are to make very certain, using all your influence with Endow, that two people come with Odur next trip—without fail. They are to arrive here, straight up, happy and intact. The first of these persons is the Countess Krak. The second of these persons is Doctor Crobe."

He was crying and wailing and threshing about, beating his fists on the ledge. I knew this would be his effort to refuse. I was ready for it.

I took a small viewer from my pocket. I set it up. I held his head so he would have to look at it.

The whole sex scene ran off. It ended with the kiss and the classic remark he had been made to make by post-hypnotic suggestion. "Oh, you are ever so much better than Endow!" We psychologists know our business.

"Endow will kill me! He'll imprison me for life! With maniacs!"

"Precisely," I said. Yes, indeed, we psychologists know our business. "And if those three people on Voltar aren't dead and if the two named do not arrive with Odur, these strips go straight to Endow! Understood?"

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