Flint stood, wincing slightly at the jarring of his shoulder. "Tas, Tanis," he called, "Selana is leaving." Tanis turned and waited nearby at the shore.

Tasslehoff skipped up to where they stood, his expression sad. "Must you go so soon? We haven't had a chance to do much but kill monsters and escape death."

Selana smiled at the kender.

"Of course she must go, you doorknob. Her brother- the whole Dargonesti kingdom-is waiting for her," said the dwarf, his sadness making him even gruffer than usual.

"Say, maybe I could go with you!" said Tas, his face suddenly lighting up. "I could drink another potion!"

"I don't think so, Tas," said Selana. "I have a long, tiring trip ahead of me, and you could never keep up. Besides, it's a turbulent time in our kingdom." She saw the kender's wrinkled face fall.

"The world is a very small place sometimes, Tas," she said gently. "If anyone could just drop by for a visit, I have a hunch it would be you."

Tasslehoff beamed at the presumed compliment.

"Let's get you on your way," said the dwarf, taking her arm in a fatherly grip and leading her to where Tanis waited.

Half-elven and sea-elven eyes met. In the unspoken way of all elves, Tanis told her of his newfound admiration and asked her forgiveness of his earlier intolerance. Selana thanked him for helping her to see the error of her willfulness.

Impulsively she reached up and stroked his cheek. "So beautiful." Blushing profusely, Tanis took her hand in his and smiled.

Selana swallowed the lump in her throat, and, without looking back, stepped into the tepid water of the Newsea. She walked until the orange-and pink-stained water lapped over her head.

"Look!" cried Tas a few moments later. Flint and Tanis followed Tas's finger to a point near the horizon.

There, a dolphin arced high above the water.

The three newly met friends watched in silence until the dolphin disappeared, then one by one they turned away.

"Well, now where shall we go?" asked Tas abruptly, hands jammed into the pockets of his leggings. His fingers met with something cold and hard. Pulling it out, he held up a two-faced coin to the light of the setting sun.

"Where do you suppose this came from?" he muttered to himself.

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