"We've got to rebuild, and quickly," Jahet was saying, her words drumming an annoying rhythm in his brain.

"What do you think I've been doing since those damned knights attacked me? The remaining troops are in the process of rebuilding the tower-again. Salah Khan has spent time recruiting humans to the north to replace those lost in the slaughter. Any minute now I'm expecting two regiments of these new draconians Neraka keeps yammering about. If

they're any good, I'll call in the promise of more soon after."

"But we need more dragons now," said Jahet.

'That's your job," snarled Maldeev, folding his arms. He sank deeper into his big chair. "I've done mine."

Jahet closed her eyes to silence an equally angry retort.

The tension between Jahet and Maldeev had become pal shy;pable since the battle, almost a living, breathing thing. But, out of respect, they had stopped just short of accusations, not asked the obvious questions that burned in both their throats.

"How do you propose I go about that?" Jahet asked, her tone snide. "Shall I put up posters in pubs, like Khan is doing to recruit human mercenaries?"

"How would I know? You're so fond of pointing out that I don't understand black dragons," said Maldeev. "How did the others come to join the wing?"

"Word of mouth," said Jahet. 'The news will get out to the surrounding swamps that we're looking for recruits."

"We can't wait for that."

Jahet sighed in agreement. "I'll think of something."

"You'd better," the highlord spat, jumping to his feet to pace around on the reed-covered floor. "The decimation of the Black Wing-by our own forces!-was the last thing my reputation needed now." He snorted angrily. "I'll wager all the other highlords are laughing at me even as we speak!"

Jahet tried to think of something comforting to tell her soul mate, but nothing came to mind. The betrayal of his own forces-before the war had even started-was an enormous black mark on Maldeev's record. On hers as well. All Jahet could manage was a weak, "We'll restore order and come back even stronger."

Maldeev was forming a response when they both became aware that the dim natural light inside the hall had been abruptly cut off. Looking toward the courtyard, they saw, to their utter amazement, the dragon Khisanth. She looked to be seeking an audience. Maldeev's first thought was to grab his highlord mask, since it was rare, if ever, that a highlord's troops should see his face. Something stayed his hand from the mask that hung from a knob on the back of the ornate chair.

Curiosity made Maldeev wave the other black dragon into the vast chamber. Now doubly surprised, Jahet spoke first.

"This is a grave violation of protocol, Khisanth."

Like a dog, Khisanth shook the rain water from her scales before stepping inside and answering, "True enough. But what I have to say affects the entire wing, more specifically its highlord and most trusted dragon. I thought it efficient to address you both at once."

Khisanth glanced up at last and saw their skeptical, annoyed looks. "If you're more concerned with protocol than rebuilding this wing as swiftly as possible, then perhaps I've overestimated you both." The dragon turned to leave.

"Give me cause to listen," Maldeev challenged. "Quickly."

Khisanth turned back halfway and laughed ironically. "I'd say it was already worth your while, since I'm one of the only two dragons you still have on your side."

"Thanks to you, that's true enough." Maldeev blinked in disbelief at the dragon's gall.

Khisanth didn't flinch from his reproach. "Once I learned of the betrayal, I did what I thought best to minimize the damage." Her eyes narrowed as she added, "If their human riders had been the least bit perceptive or intelligent, the dragons couldn't have plotted without their knowledge."

It was Jahef s turn to flinch. Khisanth had unwittingly laid bare the unspoken crux of the tension between Jahet and Maldeev. Why hadn't his commanders known? Why hadn't she known, as the leader of the dragons? It didn't help that Khisanth had obviously avoided implying the latter about her friend. The question was obvious.

The conversation's turn made Maldeev uncomfortable as well. "Clearly, their human commanders were inferior. As you well know, they've paid the price."

Khisanth did know. She and Jahet had been given the honor, for the amusement of the remaining troops, of tearing apart second-in-command Wakar and the other two officers, including Dimitras, in a dragon tug-of-war on the drill field.

Maldeev arched one brow at Khisanth. "Surely, you don't risk my wrath-twice-simply to point out my faults." Jahet

knew his calm tone of voice meant Maldeev was far angrier than if he'd shouted.

"No," Khisanth agreed, nodding once. "I've come to tell you both that I've decided to comply with your request to take a rider."

The announcement hung in the air between all three of them for several moments. Finally, Maldeev turned away and busied himself stirring the fire. "Fine," he said. "I've selected several for you to choose from. I'll arrange for you to interview them immediately."

"I will not."

Maldeev looked up.

"My compliance with your ultimatum has two conditions. First, I will choose my rider entirely on my own, and in my own time. Second, you'll guarantee my position as second-in-command to Jahet from this moment on."

"Thaf s extortion," fumed Maldeev.

Khisanth's expression was mild. "That's a narrow way of viewing it. As I see it, my proposal allows each of us to get what he wants."

"What would prevent you from delaying the decision for shy;ever, once you're handed the position you've long coveted?" Maldeev demanded.

"It is not in my interest to do so," was Khisanth's unnerv-ingly calm response.

Maldeev was about to argue further when Jahet leaned down to whisper in his ear. "I've said before that self-interest is a black dragon's only motivation. Go ahead and agree. Once we replace the other dragons, we can always renege if we need to."

Maldeev clenched and unclenched his fists. He didn't like being squeezed into making any decision. Yet he was intelli shy;gent enough to see the value in this-and even to add wit and pluck to Khisanth's long list of attributes.

"All right," the highlord growled at last. "You shall have this your way." He squinted up at her. "See that I'm not dis shy;appointed."

Just then, Maldeev's new second-in-command cleared his throat loudly just outside the door. "Sir," he called, without stepping in to intrude, "the wall sentries have spotted the draconians approaching from the northwest."

"Excellent, Salah Khan." Maldeev nearly smiled, but man shy;aged only a joyous scowl. Initially, the highlord had dreaded the arrival of these odd and grotesque mutations of Good dragon eggs. He was of the old military school. They'd had no magic, dragons, or any of the other oddities of modern warfare. Combat then was between men on foot or horse shy;back, with swords and clubs. But now, with his troop num shy;bers so low, he welcomed the injection of strength. Draconians were rumored to be exceptionally strong.

The highlord snatched up his trademark mask from the back of the enormous throne and pulled it down low over his face, to end at his collar. Rubbing his hands together, Mal shy;deev strode eagerly toward the courtyard, his hobnailed boots pounding across the floorboards. Without turning his head, he called back to the dragons, as if he'd just remem shy;bered them, "Come along and review my new troops."

The two dragons looked at each other before following at some distance. "You've certainly had a change of heart," said Jahet. Her conversational tone sounded tight, forced. "Did your mysterious disappearance from the battlefield have anything to do with this metamorphosis?"

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