“the Memento-Mori Man. It is impossible to imagine a professional murderer hiring himself out to some matchmaking mama.”

To his surprise, Aspasia spoke before Lavinia could respond.

“Marriage is a very serious matter, and young girls have very little say in the arrangements that are made for them.” Her mouth curved coldly. “I can personally testify to that. My papa certainly did not worry overmuch about my happiness when he accepted the offer for my hand.”

The sharp, icy edge on that last statement caught Tobias by surprise. It occurred to him that he had never heard Aspasia discuss her brief marriage.

Lavinia watched her quietly, not speaking. Tobias sensed that she was suddenly keenly interested in what Aspasia had to say.

“Nevertheless,” Aspasia continued, “when it comes to alliances in the polite world, there is nothing unusual about such arrangements.

“I have certainly never heard of anyone committing murder to halt a wedding.”

“As professional private-inquiry agents,” Lavinia said in her most authoritative manner, I can assure you that Mr. March and I have seen cases where murder has been done for far less reason.” She beetled her brows at Tobias. “Is that not true, sir?”

The last thing he wanted to do was get caught in the middle of this little skirmish, he decided. He sought a diplomatic way out.

“There are any number of motives for murder,” he said, keeping his tone as neutral as possible.

Neither woman looked satisfied.

Aspasia frowned at him. “I trust you will not waste time pursuing false leads.”

He inclined his head. “I try to avoid that sort of thing.”

“So do I,” Lavinia said shortly.

Aspasia rose and walked toward the door. “I must be off. Please keep me informed.”

“Of course.” Tobias crossed the parlor to open the door for her.

“Good day, Aspasia.”

She hesitated before moving out into the hall. “I fear we do not have any time to waste, Tobias. You must find this new Memento

“Mori Man, and you must do it quickly. Who knows what he is planning next?”

He gripped the doorknob so tightly it was a wonder it did not come off in his hand. “I am well aware of the urgency involved here.”

Mrs. Chilton was hovering in the hall. She opened the front door for Aspasia, who went swiftly down the steps.

Tobias waited until she was gone. Then he took out his pocket watch and smiled pointedly at Mrs. Chilton. “I believe that you still have time to go out for currants.”

Mrs. Chilton rolled her eyes. “Very well, sir.” She darted a glance into the parlor behind him and lowered her voice. “But you had best be quick about it. Miss Emeline is due back around five. It would not do for her to walk in at an awkward moment.”

“Thank you for the warning, Mrs. Chilton. I assure you it is unnecesssary.”


He went back into the parlor. Lavinia had risen and gone to stand at the window. She stood with her back to him, her attention on the street.

He crossed the room and came to a halt behind her. Resting his hands on her shoulders, he followed her gaze. Together they watched Aspasia vanish around the corner. Lavinia did not turn around.

“You must make allowances for Aspasia,” he said quietly. “She is frightened and very anxious.”


“She has every reason to be worried. Zachary Elland was a coldblooded killer, and whoever seeks to take his place is obviously of the same temperament. And you must admit that she’s right: This notion that there is a connection between three possible murders and three changes of marital plans is not a particularly substantial theory at the moment.”


“Lavinia, I can see that you are disturbed. Did you and Mrs. Dove discuss some other matter that you have not yet mentioned?”

“Joan asked me if I thought that she was betraying her husband’s memory by forming a liaison with Lord Vale. Evidently her daughter is quite distraught about the relationship.”

“I see.” Whatever it was he had been expecting to hear, this was not it. What did you tell her?”

“I reminded her that her husband had loved her very deeply. I told her that I was certain he would have wanted her to be happy again, just as she would have wanted him to find happiness if she had been taken first.”

“Indeed,” he said, for lack of anything more inspired. What the devil was this about? Well, I’m certain that you reassured her. Now, then, Mrs. Chilton mentioned that she is going out to shop for some items that she needs for dinner. What do you say we”


“What is it?” he asked, deeply cautious now.

“If anything were to happen to me and you were left alone, I would want you to find happiness.”

Of their own accord, his hands clamped fiercely around her elegantly curved shoulders. He felt himself turn to stone at the thought of her being snatched from him by death. A crimson haze filled his head. It occurred to him that he would likely go mad if he ever lost her.

“I would want you to find happiness,” she reiterated softly, apparently unaware of the impact her words were having on him. “But not withAspasia Gray.”

For some reason those last words freed him from the terrible spell. He discovered that he could breathe again. He used his hands to turn her around to face him.

“I cannot imagine wanting any other woman the way I want you,”

he said. His voice sounded raw and harsh, even to his own ears.

“Oh, Tobias.” She put her arms around him and pressed her head against his shoulder. “I do love you so.”

“I am delighted to hear that.” He kissed her hair. Her scent filled his head, driving out the last remnants of the red haze. “But, please, if you have any regard for me at all, never, ever talk about being taken from me. I cannot bear the thought.”

Her arms tightened around him. “Just as I cannot bear the thought of losing you.”

He folded her close, letting the sunlight warm them both. After a while, he drew her out of the parlor and up the stairs.

Later he raised himself up on his elbow and glanced at his watch on the bedside table. A quarter past four. Time to get dressed. It was becoming harder and harder to leave her bed, he thought.

Reluctantly, he sat up and swung his feet to the floor.


He turned to look at her. She was lying back against the pillows, her eyes very green in the afternoon light.

“I must go, my love. Emeline will be home in less than forty-five minutes. I am to meet with Anthony at five. With luck he will have some news of the rings.”

“I know.” She folded her arms behind her head. The movement caused one neatly shaped breast to escape the sheet. “Tobias, I gave Joan the right advice, did I not? Don’t you think that Dove would have wanted her to find happiness with someone else after he was gone?”

He did not reply. Instead, he leaned down and kissed her bare breast. Her skin was soft and warm from his lovemaking. He caught a trace of his own scent on her and knew a rush of fierce, unbridled possessiveness. His woman.

She frowned. “You do agree with me, don’t you? About how Fielding Dove would have felt in this situation?”

He looked at her for a long time and then very deliberately he leaned over her, caging her between his arms. He bent his head and brushed his mouth across hers.

“I cannot speak for Fielding Dove,” he said. “But I can promise you this, Lavinia. If you should ever find with another man what we have found together, I would come back from the grave to haunt you.”

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