As if reading his thoughts, the seneschal said, “This night there will be wild celebration, for it is Hegnrutha-the Night of Animal Spirits.”

“You speak our language well, sir,” said Quentin cautiously.

A sly look came into the dark eyes. “I speak eleven languages very well.”

“What did you say in there?” asked Quentin as his former guards hurried up to take them away.

The warlord’s personal servant smiled, revealing a row of fine white teeth that seemed to glow in the fading light. “I told him that it was an honor you would gladly repay in kind. He was flattered.”

“Why should you protect us?” asked Toli as the guards retied their hands. “What is it to you if we live or die?”

“There is no time to explain. I will come to you tonight when the chaos is at its peak.” The emissary spun on his heel and went back into the tent. Quentin and Toli were marched away to the wagons once more, but this time Quentin felt as if they moved in an aura of increased respect. The looks they received from the soldiers they passed were frankly awed to the point of reverence. He guessed that most who were summoned to the tent did not walk out, but they had.


DURWIN REMAINED long enough with the guests to ease their fears over the King’s odd behavior. He had walked about and greeted all, as if he were king himself, and his presence seemed to calm any feelings of disquiet created by the King’s speech. The music trilled and eddied, a rippling river to carry away the concerns of the moment.

The minstrel master called a cotillion, and the couples began choosing the leaders from among the best dancers present. Durwin chose this time to sneak quietly away, as neither Eskevar nor Alinea had returned. He was vaguely worried that something more serious might have transpired.

He hurried up the stone steps and fled into the castle’s gallery entrance; the wide wooden doors were thrown open and rows of bright torches illuminated the broad corridor. A few curious guests strolled the gallery to marvel at the interior of Castle Askelon. Without appearing to be in haste, Durwin nevertheless hurried along to the King’s apartment He had little doubt he would find Eskevar there.

Oswald was at the door when Durwin came bustling along. “Oswald, is ail well?”

Oswald ducked his head in a shallow bow and said, “Aye, m’lord. The King is inside and the Queen with him. He has a messenger.’’

Durwin’s eyebrows arched. “Who?”

“I know not. I did not see him arrive. The warder brought him hither at once.”

“Very well. Let us see, then, what is afoot.”

Oswald opened the door and went in. As Durwin made to follow the old chamberlain, he felt a light touch on his arm.

“Bria, I thought you were in the garden.”

“I followed you.” Her smooth brow furrowed with worry. “What is it?”

“A messenger has come, that is all. Wait here but a little, and I will come and tell you all I can.”

“No, I would go with you.” So saying, she stepped through the doorway and pulled Durwin with her.

“Ah, Durwin! I was about to send for you.” Eskevar sat in a great carved chair; Alinea stood beside him with her hand on his shoulder. Both were looking intently at the knight, bedraggled and exhausted, his clothing and light armor grimed over with the dust of the road. The soldier stood swaying with fatigue before them.

“It is Martran,” Eskevar indicated with an open hand, “one of Ronsard’s knights. He was just about to tell us his message.”

The knight bowed and said, his voice rough from the dust he had swallowed, “Lord Ronsard says, ‘We are continuing on our mission and are sorry for the delay in returning to Askelon. We will come hence as soon as we are satisfied that we have obtained that which we seek, or have some better report to bring.’“

“Is that all, sir knight? You may speak freely.”

“That is all, Sire. That is my message.”

Eskevar, his eyes displaying sad concern, stroked his chin with his hand.

“Why did he send you with such a message, brave knight?”

“I believe that he was worried that his long absence would cause you alarm. Theido it was suggested a message be carried back that they might continue their errand.”

“Why was that-had you seen nothing to render an account?”

“No, Sire. We saw nothing out of the ordinary. But-” He hesitated as if unsure of his place to speak further.

“But what, good fellow?” asked Durwin drawing closer. “Have no fear. There is nothing you can say that will incur your King’s displeasure. Withholding your thoughts, however, could be a mistake. Please speak and allow us to judge.”

“Yes, sir.” The knight bowed to Durwin. “It is this. I sensed that something was bothering my lords. They were looking for something and finding it not. This upset Theido greatly. He pushed a furious pace; he wanted to ride all night on occasion. But Ronsard would not let him. They often had words with one another over it.

“But I saw something which puzzled me on the way back. I think that if Theido had seen it, he would have been even more adamant in his ways.”

“And what did you see?” Eskevar asked softly. His eyes were eagle’s eyes as he watched the messenger.

“One of the villages we had passed through only a day or so before was empty when I rode back through. I thought it strange that I did not see anyone, though I did not stop to look further into the matter.”


“Yes, Sire. It was completely abandoned.”

“Anything else? Anything to indicate why that should be so?”

“Not at all. It seemed as if it had been deserted very quickly, though no cause could I see. But, like I say, I did not stop to wonder at it. I came on.”

“I see. Very well, Martran; you may go to your bed. You have well earned your rest.

“Oswald, take Sir Martran to the kitchen and feed him, and then find him a bed in the castle where he will not be disturbed.” To the knight he added, “Stay close about; I may wish to question you further. Now go and take your ease.”

Oswald led the knight away; the man reeled on his feet. “Just one more thing, sir,” said Durwin as Oswald swung open the door. “You did not say that you met Quentin and Toli on the road. Yet you must have passed them at some point. They left here in search of your party a fortnight ago.”

The knight shook his head. “I passed no one at all. And I thought that strange as well, for until I reached Hinsenby the roads were mine alone.”

“Thank you, Martran. Sleep well.”

Durwin fixed a wondering look at the King. “His tale is queer indeed. I do not know what to make of it.”

“It is as I have said-there are strange happenings in the land. An evil grows, but we see it not.”

“But what has happened to Quentin?” Bria was suddenly concerned.

“We do not know, my Lady,” answered Durwin. “But the land is great. They may have traveled by another route.” His tone was not as reassuring as he would have liked.

“At any rate we will soon know,” Eskevar offered. “I propose to go myself in search of them.” The Dragon King was on his feet, striding forth as if he would leave at once.

“Say not so, my Lord!” pleaded Alinea. “You have not yet recovered enough strength to abide the saddle.”

“Go if you would, Sire. It is your pleasure. But in going you risk missing the return of your envoy. And where would you begin searching for them?”

Eskevar threw a wounded look at the hermit. “What am I to do? I cannot remain here forever, waiting while the enemy grows stronger.”

“No one has seen an enemy,” pointed out the Queen. Eskevar turned on her with a growl. “You think he does not exist? He does!” He thumped his chest. “I can feel him here. He is coming-I can feel it.”

“All the more reason to wait. Gain your strength. The action you seek will come soon enough if you are right.”

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