“We cannot go up against them again as we did today,” said Ronsard grimly. “They are too strong, and too well-disciplined.”

“Disciplined!” snorted Myrmior. “They simply fear their warlord more than they fear you. You can only kill them, but he has power over their souls!”

“Is he really so powerful? I have heard of such things in my time,” said Theido.

Myrmior shrugged. “Whether it is true or not, I do not know. But the Ningaal believe it, so it is for them-and for you-the same thing. They will fight to the death rather than surrender. And each foe they kill becomes a step on the long stairway of immortality, or so they believe.”

“Whatever gives them their ferocity, it is indomitable. I do not see how we can stand against such a foe. Though they are but lightly armed and our own men well-protected, they wear us down by sheer crush of their numbers. We have lost near seventy-five brave knights this day.”

“Do not forget that you have only seen but a fraction of the total. Three other warlords with their armies are abroad. When they have joined together once more, nothing will stop them.” As Myrmior uttered this gloomy pronouncement, Wertwin glared under his brows and cursed.

“By Azrael! What would you have us do, you savage! Are we merely to fall upon our swords and be done with it? If you know so much, why do you not give us guidance? Instead you torment us with your lies.”

Myrmior suffered this outburst in silence. His countenance showed nothing but sympathy for the commander’s plight “I have said what I have said in order that you will not build any false hopes of standing against the Ningaal in battle,” he said quietly. They cannot be beaten in that manner. At least not with our numbers.”

He paused, and all was silent in the tent of the commanders. Outside the twilight deepened, the sky blue-black with the coming night. They could hear the clear ring of the hammer on steel and the crackle of a fire nearby. The shadows of men were flung against the walls of the tent, making it seem as if they were surrounded by the shades of their fallen comrades.

“I have not been idle in my long captivity. I have seen much of the ways in which men make war. I have studied those who have fallen against the Ningaal and have observed the things which offer greatest hope of victory, though few enough they are.”

“Tell us, then,” implored Ronsard, “what can we do?”

“Remember, too, that we will have greater numbers before long. The council continues to meet and we may expect help soon, I think,” said Theido hopefully.

“That we must not count on,” said Myrmior. “What I will propose now will serve us for the time we have to wait, little or long.”

“Well said. Begin then. We are ready to hear what you would suggest.”

“Are the soldiers of your country familiar with the bow and arrow?” asked Myrmior.

“Why, of course!” laughed Ronsard. “It is a useful thing, but hardly a weapon to be relied upon in the field. It is highly inaccurate, and it has no chance against the steel of a knight’s hard shell.”

“It is more suited for annoying forest creatures and for striking from a distance in seclusion. It is not a weapon for a knight,” agreed Theido. “The bow cannot be managed from the saddle of a galloping horse.”

Wertwin only harumphed. “Bows and arrows! Hmph!”

“At least you have such weapons,” said Myrmior quickly. “Do not condemn the plan before you have heard it fully.

“I do not propose to take archers onto the field with us, but neither do I propose that we take the field again. I will speak most bluntly. You were lucky today; your gods smiled on you. In all the time I have been with Lord Gurd, he has shown pity to no one and has never left the field if there was the smallest chance of victory.

“What be did today is rare, but not unheard of. He gave you a chance to regroup and ready yourselves for another battle, because more than battle itself he loves a skillful opponent. To him it is no sport to kill a weak and defenseless foe. That is mere slaughter, and there is little immortality to be gained from taking a weak life.

“You stood against him, and he respected you for it. When you retreated he recognized a most resourceful foe, one whose death would bring him much bloodhonor. He wanted you to regroup so that he could savor the satisfaction of your defeat.

“Like the vinemaster who carefully tastes the fruit of his vines, the warlord was testing you and found a match worthy of his art.”

“What does all this have to do with bow and arrow?” asked Wertwin sullenly. His heart was shrunken within him, and a black mood twisted his features.

“They are the means by which we will snatch that savored victory from the warlord’s foul maw.”

“Defeat him with children’s toys? Ha!”

“Hold, sir!” said Theido. “Let him speak! For I begin to see something of his meaning.”

Myrmior bowed to Theido. “You are most astute, Lord Theido. I propose that we do not take the field against the Ningaal-at least not yet, not for a long while. Instead, we will harry them by night, raiding their camp and raining arrows upon them when they move to chase us.

“If we refuse to meet them face to face, Gurd win burn with rage. If we are very fortunate, his rage will consume him.”

“Where is the honor in that?” Wertwin shouted. “To skulk around by night like lowborn thieves, shooting arrows at shadows. It is foolish and absurd, and I will have no part in it!”

“This war will not be won on your honor. Your men died with honor today, and tonight they lie cold in their graves. How can that help you now? Hear me, my lords! Cling to your honor and you will lose your land.”

“Myrmior is right,” said Ronsard slowly, glaring at Wertwin as he spoke. “There is no honor if our land is lost. Even if we die with valor, who will remember? Who will sing our praises in the halls of our fathers?

“We will do well to look first to the cause at hand, and lastly to our good names. I would stay alive to see Mensandor freed of this menace-however it may be done.”

“I agree,” said Theido thoughtfully. “But I am troubled by one thing. What you suggest is well and good for meeting this warlord and his contingent. But what of the others? Do we allow his brothers to roam unchallenged through the countryside?”

Myrmior shook his head slowly. He rubbed his bristly chin with a sallow hand. “This is the most difficult part of the plan, my lords. It would be well if your council would speedily send the troops we need, but as it is I can see nothing for it but to proceed against all the warlords as I have suggested-one at a time. The plan will work, I think, as it does not require a great number of men to carry it out. But we will need archers.”

“Most of our knights are trained to the bow, though few will readily admit it. We can obtain, more archers if we send to Askelon-which we must do to supply ourselves with the bows and arrows.”

“Then let it be done at once. In the meantime we will withdraw and stay just ahead of the Ningaal until we have weapons enough to begin our raids.”

“What? Are we to do nothing to impede the Ningaal? Are we to sit by and allow them to march free over our fields?”

“They have been doing so for weeks now, Lord Wertwin,” said Ronsard. “If we must bear it a little longer to secure our purpose, so be it. We will have to risk that much, at least. Besides,” he added with a mischievous smile, “it may make them wonder what we are up to.”

“Yes,” agreed Myrmior, “it will increase his wrath. What we attempt to do is to worry them so greatly as to make them angry enough to commit a foolish blunder, an error of strategy which we can seize and turn against them. And all the while we will wear away at their numbers bit by bit, like water dripping upon the stone, eroding it over time.”

Theido stood and stretched; it had been a long day. “Your plan is a good one, Myrmior. I will send a courier to Askelon at once. Tomorrow we will begin schooling our knights to this new way of fighting. I only hope we have enough time to make the change.”

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