Tuck suggested, "and you can hear this from her own lips."

Garran was already shaking his head. "You're not going anywhere near her," he said. "Merian is home now-back among her family where she belongs. You will no longer twist her to your treason."

"Twist her?" wondered Tuck. "She has been more than willing. Merian is a leader among the forest folk. She is-"

"Whatever she was to you," sneered Garran, "she is no more. Be gone!"

"Please, you must-"

"Must? Know you, Baron Neufmarche is my liege lord, as William is his. We are loyal to the crown in this house. If you persist in speaking of this, I will report you for treason against the throne of England-as is my sworn duty."

"I beg you, Sire, do not-"

"Daffyd! Awstin!" the king shouted, calling for his men, who appeared on the run from the stables. Thrusting a finger at the friar, he said, "Throw him out and bar the gate behind him. If he does not leave, whip him, and drag him to the border of Eiwas-for I will not suffer him to remain in my sight or on my land another moment."

"I will go, and gladly," Tuck said. "But let me speak to Merian-"

Garran's face clenched like a fist. "Mention her name again and, priest or no, I will cut out your tongue." He gave a nod to the two stablehands, who stepped forward and roughly took hold of Tuck.

The friar was hauled from the yard and pushed out through the gate. "Sorry, Friar," said one as he closed the gate.

"Bless you, friend," replied Tuck with a sigh, "I do not hold it against you." He took a moment to shake the dust from his feet, and then started the long walk back to where Bran and Scarlet were waiting for a better word than he had to give them.

Nor was Bran any better pleased than Tuck imagined he would be. He listened to all that Tuck had to say about what had taken place up at the caer, and then walked a few paces apart and stood looking at the fortress mound in the near distance. He stood there so long that Scarlet eventually approached him and said, "My lord? What is your pleasure?"

When Bran failed to respond, he said, "If we hurry, we can be back in Cel Craidd before dark."

Without turning, Bran replied, "I am not leaving until I have spoken to Merian."

"How?" wondered Tuck. "He will hardly allow any of us inside the caer again."

Bran turned and flashed his crooked smile. "Tuck, old friend, I have been in and out of that fortress without anyone the wiser more times than you've et hot soup." He looked around for a soft spot in the shade. "It's going to be a long night; I suggest we rest until it gets dark."

They tethered the horses so that they might graze among the trees, and then settled back to nap and wait for night and the cover of darkness. The day passed quietly, and night came on. When Bran reckoned that all in the fortress would be in bed asleep, he roused the other two. Tuck rose, yawned, shook out his robe, and clambered back into the saddle, thinking that he would be heartily glad when all this to-ing and fro-ing was over and peace reigned in the land once more. They rode in silence around the base of the hill on which the fortress sat, Bran picking his way with practiced assurance along a path none of the others could see in the darkness. They came to a place below the wall where a small ditch or ravine caused the wall to dip slightly. Here, Bran halted and dismounted. "We are behind the kitchen," he explained. "Merian's chamber used to be just the other side of the wall. Pray it is so now."

"And is this why Lord Cadwgan took such umbrage against you?" wondered Scarlet.

"Now that you mention it," Bran allowed, his grin a white glint in the dark, "that could have had something to do with it-not that any other reason was needed." He started up the steep hillside. "Let's be at it."

Quick and silent as a shadow, Bran was up the slope and over the wall, leaving Scarlet and Tuck to struggle over as best they could. By the time Tuck eased himself over the rough timber palisade and into the yard, Bran was already clinging onto the sill below a small glass window-one of only three in the entire fortress. Bran lightly tapped twice on the small round panes… paused, and tapped three more times.

When nothing happened, he repeated the same series of raps.

"D'you think she's there?" asked Scarlet.

Bran hissed him to silence and repeated his signal yet again. This time there was a tap from the other side, and a moment later the window swung inward on its hinges and Merian's face appeared where the glass had been. "Bran! Saints and angels, it is you!"

"Merian, are you well?"

"I thought you would never get here," she said. "I have been praying you would come-and listening for you each night."

"Are you well, Merian?"

"I am very well-for all I am made prisoner in my own house," she said tartly. "But I am not mistreated. They think you took me hostage-"

"I did."

"-and held me against my will. They seem to think that if I am given a little time I will come to see how I was tricked into siding with you against the Ffreinc. Until I repent of my folly, I am to remain locked in this room."

"We'll have you out of there soon enough," said Bran. He glanced across to the shuttered window of the kitchen. "Give me a moment and I'll come through there. Is there likely to be anyone awake in the kitchen?"

"Bran, no-wait," said Merian. "Listen to me-I've been thinking. I should stay here a little longer."

"But, you just said-"

"I know, but I think I can persuade Garran to send men to aid us."

"Tuck tried to ask him already. He asked to see you, too, and Garran refused. He wouldn't hear anything we had to say."

"You talked to him? When?"

"Today. Tuck came up, but Garran had him thrown out of the caer. It's no use; your brother will not go against Baron Neufmarche in any case."

"He has good reason," Merian said. "He's married to the baron's daughter."


"Lady Sybil Neufmarche-they were wed in the spring." She explained about her father's death and funeral, and the match the baron had proposed. "They are living here-Lady Agnes and Sybil, I mean."

Bran dropped lightly to the ground. "They won't let you go. And no matter what you say, you'll never persuade them to join us." He gestured behind him. "Scarlet, Tuck, come here."

"What are you going to do?"

"Free you."

"Please, Bran, not like this. If I stay here I might yet be able to convince them to join us. If I leave now, it will enrage them-and then you will have Garran and his men against you, too. We cannot risk making enemies of those who should be our friends."

"Come with me, Merian. I need you."

"Bran, I pray you, think what this means."

Bran paused and looked up at her. "I remember once, not so long ago, when I stood where I'm standing now and asked you to come with me," he said. "Do you remember?"

"I remember," she said.

"You refused to come with me then too."

"Oh, Bran." Her voice became plaintive. "This is not like that. I will come-as soon as I can. Until then, I will work to bring Garran around to our side. I can do this; you'll see."

Bran started away, fading into the night-shadowed darkness.

"It is for the best," Merian insisted. "You will see."

"Farewell, Merian." Bran called over his shoulder. "Come," he said to Scarlet and Tuck, "we are finished. There is nothing for us here."

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