“You and your handler have been at great pains to disguise from House Vayawand the actual effect of all these radical suggestions.” Bat’tam paused and sipped wine. “But this recent act has violated our most basic and immutable law. What makes you think the family will allow this?”

“Fear. And greed. They want to rule Takis.”

Durg lifted his head like a coon hound testing the wind. The boat was sliding into a dock. He held out a hand to Kelly. “Come, it is almost time for you to play your part.”

The central star-shaped plaza of Vaya was awash with Tarhiji. It had taken a tremendous investment of time and men, but every building overlooking the speaker’s platform had been searched and sealed by Blaise’s Morakh guard. If trouble began, the populace were trapped and could be shot like… Durg paused. A human phrase seemed most applicable. “Fish in a barrel.”

Blaise, the bride, and Kelly, together with a phalanx of Morakh, were on the platform. Knowing the hair-trigger nature of his charge, Durg elected to wait until after Blaise made his speech before informing the young man of the growing danger from Bat’tam. This had to be the speech of his life. Nothing should be allowed to distract him. A final glance about the plaza. Holocams were in place. The Tarhiji were excited and attentive. All seemed ready. Durg returned to the dais and nodded to Blaise.

The young man uncoiled from his chair and moved to the podium. His height, the heavily muscled body, the shocking choice of color for his clothing, all combined to make him an arresting figure. Blaise lifted his arms, and the crowd, so well trained, fell silent.

“Look at me. I’m an abomination. And I rule House Vayawand!” He paused and allowed his eyes to scan the absolutely silent crowd. “I’m going to marry this Tarhiji lady and breed an abomination. And he will rule Takis!

“We’ll do it, my people, but it will take all of us – Tarhiji and Zal’hma at’ Irg – working together. Together we can build a Takis where there are no masters and slaves, only Takisians, and the rest of the galaxy will look on us in wonder.

“I call you my people because I know your secret hopes, your hidden dreams. For generations you have served the psi lords, and in return they have given you peace and plenty. But it’s not enough. Not anymore. It’s time you shared in those powers that made them your masters, and I’m going to give them to you. From this day forward the laws regarding interbreeding are repealed. Each noble of House Vayawand shall be required to marry not only a woman of his class, but a member of the Tarhiji.”

An avalanche of sound rolled over the speaker’s podium. Blaise was right, thought Durg, for a thousand generations they have been envious. The cheering lasted a full five minutes. When they at last quieted, Blaise continued.

“You’ll share more than the powers. You’ll share the longevity of the Zal’hma at’ Irg. They’ve shared with you a fraction of the medical advances that have bestowed upon them lives many times longer than yours. You have lived three, four hundred years. Now you’ll live a thousand. Beginning tomorrow members of the Tarhiji need only present themselves at the gates of House Vayawand, and they will receive the injection reserved, until now, to the Most Bred.”

Durg felt a jolt through his gut. This had not been part of the prepared and rehearsed speech. The crowd began to cheer. It was certainly playing well.

“You may wonder why House Vayawand has joined with me in this great endeavor. Aren’t they part of the class structure? Aren’t they part of the problem?” Blaise paused for dramatic effect. “Yes, they were, but they have listened, learned, and understood that stagnation is death. We will shake this culture to its foundations and rebuild a just society, a workers’ paradise.

“There will be those who will resist us. We will fight the oppressors and offer to their mind blind the same rights given to you. They will join us, and their Houses will become ours. One House in particular has been too proud and too evil to see and accept the right in what we do.”

It was Kelly’s cue. He continued to stare blankly off into space, and Durg wondered if he’d been right to place the man in such a permanent alcoholic haze. A thumb jabbed hard into a shoulder blade brought Kelly back to the present. He scrambled from his chair and walked forward to join Blaise.

“They too will fall,” called the bogus Tisianne. “People of Takis, House Ilkazam, hear me. The old ways are dead. A new society dawns before us. I went first to my clan, my House, and offered them the chance to lead this revolution. They rejected and vilified me. Fleeing for my life, I went in search of men of greatness, men brave enough to lead us into that new society. I have broken all custom, all tradition – I have abandoned my House and given allegiance to another. Because I found that brave man.” Kelly laid a hand on Blaise’s shoulder.

Durg could see the hesitation, the minute shrinking away from contact with Blaise. The Tarhiji would miss it. With luck most Zal’hma at’ Irg would as well.

Blaise resumed. “Today I have issued an ultimatum to House Rodaleh. They have until tomorrow to merge with Vayawand. If they refuse, we will carry the revolution to them. Are you with me?” Blaise thrust a fist high into the air, and the assent was deafening. “Then go to the registration centers. Join the House army. Prepare for the fight. All of Takis is the prize. May the Ideal guide and bless us.”

Blaise spread his arms in a final embrace to the crowd, stepped back to Durg’s side. His face was flushed with excitement, his dark eyes glowing. Durg dropped a cloak over the boy’s shoulders.

“Very well played, my lord, but was it wise to raise the longevity point?”

“Hey, it worked great.”

“Yes, but there is no magic serum. The Most Bred live longer because they are bred to live longer.”

“By the time the sheep figure out we’ve lied to them, we’ll rule Takis. That should mollify them. If not, we can kill them.”

Durg bowed his head in assent. “As you wish.” They started down the steps of the platform. “There is another matter. Bat’tam brant Sandiqy sek Buad sek Jul grows too close to the false prince.”

Kelly hesitated at the top of the stairs. Analyzed the remarkable effects of alcohol. It made you both dumb and brave because here he was standing five feet from Blaise trying to read Blaise’s mind.

There were a lot of minds in the plaza of Vaya, but Kelly had gotten better at this telepathy shit. The pressure of minds no longer hurt like dagger pricks against the surface of his brain. They were just irritating, like a chorus of a thousand of cicadas in the bodark trees back home. He had to sift through them all to find Blaise even though Blaise was terrifyingly close to hand.

Kelly had discovered that visualization helped, so he pictured his grandmother bent over the scarred wooden table in the kitchen of the Oklahoma farmhouse, squeezing the trigger of a battered old flour sifter while brains popped through the narrow screen.

Once located, Blaise’s mind was unmistakable. It had a buzz-saw quality. It was primal force with no grace or elegance. It just was. The deeper thoughts were hidden beneath opaque shields, but the surface thought was too strong to be hidden. Blaise was thinking about killing. Killing Bat’tam.

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