Julius stood still for a moment, then nodded. “If what I’ve been told is even half true, then I would be honored to have you there”

Rachel said, “I’m going as well.”

Julius looked Rachel over, admiration apparent on his face, “I wouldn’t dream of trying to stop you.”

Rachel nodded.

A small smile tracked across Sinunu’s face, though Rachel noticed it didn’t touch her pink eyes. She turned to Rachel. “If the son is anything like the father,” she said. “I see why you place value in him.” Then she turned and walked back over to the wall, where she sat down heavily.

Julius said, “When we’ve had a chance to recuperate a bit, we’ll try again. Assuming they’ve thrown everything they’ve got at us, I think we learned enough tonight to break them.” He started to walk away.

Rachel stopped him with a hand on his arm. ‘There’s one more thing,” she said. “De Vries. It’s almost dawn.”

Sinunu’s voice drifted over their shoulders. “I think it would be in your best interest to stop treating de Vries like a prisoner. He’s one of the most honorable men I’ve ever met. and he tried harder than any of us to get your son back to you. Besides, if he decides to leave, I really don’t think you could stop him.”

Rachel watched Julius stiffen at Sinunu’s tone, but he simply nodded.

“Come,” Julius said. He put his arm around Rachel’s shoulders and began to walk over toward the Mobmaster, where his men were watching de Vries. “I need to talk to the vampire anyway. He might be able to shed some light on what happened tonight. Even though my experience with vampires is somewhat singular, I was surprised by what I saw.”

Rachel nodded. “I know. Not all vampires are mindless beasts that suck blood. In fact, according to Martin, the vampires we encountered at the compound were acting strange The coordinated attacks, the lack of self-preservation, it isn’t usual.”

Again Julius smiled down at her. “Well, we know some things, and hopefully, de Vries can fill in the rest. All vamp bodies we brought back with us had similar headwear. And all of them had reprogrammable psychotropic chips. They could be under the influence of the chip: some early experiments with war troops tried that with humans. And it works to great effect, but it treats the individuals like game pieces. To be used up and tossed away when they’re no longer needed.”

Rachel shuddered. It wasn’t that she felt any sympathy for those vampires, but she suddenly realized for the first time that they had once been people.

De Vries stood as they approached.

“Are you all right?” Rachel asked.

He nodded. “Yes.” Then he turned his attention to Julius. “Have you confirmed the information about your brother?”

Julius nodded gravely. “It looks like you were right. I knew Marco was a vampire, but he has been so for many years and it didn’t seem to affect his control of Fratellanza. Recently, he underwent an experimental procedure that left him crippled.” Julius grimaced. “I believe it also drove him insane.”

De Vries gave Julius a melancholy smile, “Derek was even more insane than his father. When I learned of his creation, I immediately devoted all my resources to learning the secret behind it. I am not ashamed of killing your nephew.”

Julius sighed. “I am sure you’re not,” he said. “And I know you did the right thing. Derek’s soul was dead long before you got to him. He was killed by his own father.”

“And now Marco is trying to do the same thing to Warren,” de Vries said, “and eventually will try to do the same to you.” Julius merely nodded.

“You can break the cycle,” de Vries said. “You can help me bring down the facility in Hell’s Kitchen.”

At just that moment, Rachel heard the beeping of a wrist-phone, and Biggs answered it.

Julius turned to look at the man, who had gone white. “What is it, Biggs?”

Biggs disconnected and turned to face Julius. “That was Marco,” he said. The words hung in the air, as the warehouse went silent.

“Well, man, don’t keep us in suspense. What did he have to say?”

Biggs shook his head. “You’ve been removed from the board of Fratellanza, and if I see you I’m supposed to place you under house arrest.”

Julius laughed, a low, hollow sound that rang through the warehouse.

“There’s more.”

“I thought there might be,” said Julius. “What else?”

Biggs’ face turned into a grimace. “He says he’s arranged for the release of Warren, and that as soon as your son appears, we’ll be taking orders directly from him. Warren’s in charge of the entire corporation until Marco reappears.”

“Now is the moment of truth,” de Vries said. “You have the loyalty of the troops, I have seen that. You…”

Julius interrupted. “I have already started proceedings for a hostile takeover based on the fact that Marco is no longer mentally competent. That’s in the corporate constitution. I’ve given the go-ahead to the lawyers, and by tomorrow afternoon Marco will be out of the picture, provided I haven’t underestimated him again.”


Some vampires revel in their role as hunters and killers. Such individuals have a strong sadistic streak and seek out unwilling victims. Initially, the vampire draws sustenance from the victims terror. Then, if the early attacks have not killed the victim, the vampire will enjoy taking the now-addicted subject’s final life essence. Such individuals may have been psychopaths before their transition to vampirism, or it may be the shock of their death and rebirth as a “hunting creature” that pushes them over the edge.


from Dictionary of Parabiology, by Professor Charles Spencer, third edition, MIT amp;T Press, Cambridge, 2053

Julius rode next to Biggs in the back of the midnight-black stretch Toyota Elite winding up Magnolia Bluff. As they passed the first checkpoint, he could see the early morning sunlight refracting off Elliott Bay.

Julius looked at his watch, a Dulcola-Fra that accented his charcoal Armante suit. It was just short of eight in the morning, and they were making good time, despite the heavy morning traffic.

Julius glanced over at Biggs, who had also changed from battle gear into a business suit, though the double-breasted garment didn’t hang as well as the designer had intended on the big ork’s bulky frame. The deep circles under Biggs’ eyes told the tale of how exhausting the previous night had been. Neither of them had slept, going straight from battle into the planning meeting that had hatched the course of action they were about to put into play.

“You should have stayed behind with the others,” said Julius. “You need the rest.”

Biggs looked over and flashed a grin that melted the weariness from his face for a moment. “You gotta be slotting me, sir. I wouldn’t miss this little whammy for the world.”

Julius smiled. “I appreciate that, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t glad you’re here.”

Biggs said, “Besides, what kind of second would I be if I didn’t have your back when you needed it most?”

Julius nodded and gazed out the window again.

They both felt the limo slow to a crawl as it approached the mansion’s gate. Then it accelerated as the guards waved it through.

Biggs looked over at Julius and smiled again. “You ready to do this?”

Julius thought about his brother, and for just a moment, he felt a flash of shame. From a very young age all he’d ever heard was that family was everything and that to betray family was to betray oneself. Then he thought of Marco’s face last night-which felt like a million years ago-on the telecom. Trying to convince him that Warren was somewhere else.

You betrayed me and mine first, big brother. Now it’s pay-back. He nodded to Biggs. “Let’s get this over with.”

Both men got out of the limo, and without a signal, the big car pulled forward, toward the garage.

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